People’s Leasing & Finance PLC

Annual Report 2019/20

Ten year summary

2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13 2011/12 2010/11
Financial capital
Operating results
Income (Rs. million) 33,599 32,736 28,603 23,859 19,186 20,542 20,628 18,205 12,912 9,212
Interest income (Rs. million) 31,459 30,836 26,705 22,041 17,876 19,248 19,534 17,245 12,002 8,263
Interest expenses (Rs. million) 15,787 15,646 14,500 11,830 7,941 9,248 11,266 10,140 6,302 3,542
Net interest income (Rs. million) 15,672 15,190 12,204 10,212 9,935 10,000 8,268 7,105 5,700 4,721
Non-interest income (Rs. million) 2,140 1,899 1,898 1,818 1,310 1,294 1,094 960 910 949
Impairment charges for loans and receivables and other losses (Rs. million) 4,752 1,955 1,430 216 258 1,645 1,218 698 308 18
Other operating expenses (Rs. million) [Note 2] 8,509 8,549 6,903 6,338 4,844 4,274 3,757 3,232 2,522 1,931
Profit before tax (PBT) (Rs. million) 4,552 6,585 5,770 5,476 6,143 5,375 4,387 4,135 3,781 3,721
Income tax expense (Rs. million) 1,609 2,169 1,460 1,467 1,796 1,622 1,263 1,285 1,206 1,142
Profit after tax (PAT) (Rs. million) 2,943 4,416 4,309 4,009 4,347 3,753 3,124 2,850 2,575 2,580
Return on assets (ROA) (%) 2.64 3.95 3.71 3.99 5.19 4.75 4.15 4.70 5.62 8.59
Cost to income ratio (%) 36.53 37.81 39.73 45.01 37.24 34.63 37.01 36.54 32.58 27.49
Financial position
Cash, balances with banks and reverse repo (Rs. million) 10,372 6,699 8,783 7,681 4,054 3,465 14,783 4,705 1,730 1,529
Loans and receivables (Rs. million) 147,748 151,708 140,165 134,055 109,872 98,411 90,218 88,404 71,289 49,385
Investments in subsidiaries (Rs. million) 3,214 3,214 3,214 2,075 1,875 1,875 1,475 1,475 3,118 1,805
Investments in Government Treasury Bills and Bonds (Rs. million) 4,107 8,003 4,890 2,968 4,930 5,266 4,747 540
Total assets (Rs. million) 171,660 172,541 160,694 150,457 124,336 112,323 113,776 97,437 78,658 55,849
Borrowings (Rs. million) 26,417 48,549 55,705 74,258 60,819 49,848 48,605 56,232 58,740 39,930
Deposits from customers (Rs. million) [Note 3] 106,701 88,369 69,763 44,723 33,836 34,094 40,921 18,847
Total equity (Rs. million) 30,247 28,603 27,030 24,697 22,772 21,136 19,196 18,023 16,809 8,442
Total liabilities and shareholders’ funds (Rs. million) 171,660 172,541 160,694 150,457 124,336 112,323 113,776 97,437 78,658 55,849
Financial cash inflows/(outflows)
Operating activities (Rs. million) 32,409 15,944 27,691 (998) (8,533) (7,351) 17,218 6,819 (4,956) (19,535)
Investing activities (Rs. million) (106) 302 (802) (159) (397) (231) (170) (89) (1,507) (88)
Financing activities (Rs. million) (28,104) (16,452) (28,716) 2,926 9,156 (738) (8,927) (4,007) 6,031 18,977
Net cash flows (Rs. million) 4,199 (206) (1,827) 1,769 227 (8,320) 8,121 2,723 (432) (646)
Human capital
Employees (Numbers) 2,401 2,329 2,085 2,085 1,834 1,666 1,575 1,184 1,050 855
PBT per employee (Rs. million) 1.92 2.98 2.77 2.79 3.51 3.32 3.38 3.70 3.97 5.16
Employees’ salaries and benefits (Rs. million) 3,701 3,438 2,974 2,556 1,807 1,565 1,338 1,026 763 593
Natural capital
Investment (Rs. million) 3.32 1.94 2.19 3.37 3.36 1.17 0.52 7.10 0.67 0.45
Trees planted (Nos.) 4,517 6,114 6,637 5,780 10,395 430 1,130 925 125 117
Carbon footprint (tCo2eq) (Note 4) 7,956 6,114 7,011 7,206 3,059 2,770
Social and relationship capital
Shareholders (Numbers) 8,644 8961 8,801 9,176 9,407 8,880 10,054 9,488 10,113 8
Number of ordinary shares (Nos. million) 1,628 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,560 1,560 50
Earnings per share (EPS) (Company) (Rs.) 1.83 2.80 2.73 2.54 2.75 2.38 1.98 1.83 1.65 51.60
Net assets per share (NAPS) (Rs.) 18.58 18.10 17.11 15.63 14.41 13.38 12.15 11.55 10.78 168.84
Market price per share (Rs.) [Note 5]
Highest 18.30 17.30 19.20 20.10 26.50 28.00 15.70 16.70 18.30
Lowest 12.00 12.90 15.50 15.30 15.40 14.20 13.00 10.30 11.00
Closing 12.20 13.40 15.80 15.60 16.00 22.10 14.30 13.10 11.60
Market capitalisation (Rs. million) 19,858 21,170 24,962 24,646 25,278 34,915 22,592 20,436 18,096
Price earnings ratio (PE) (Times) 6.67 4.79 5.79 6.14 5.82 9.29 7.22 7.16 7.03
Dividend per share (DPS) (Rs.) 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.55 1.50
Dividend paid (Rs. million) 1,929 1,975 1,975 1,975 1,975 1,975 1,975 1,950 855 75
Dividend yield (%) 9.84 9.33 7.91 8.01 7.81 5.66 8.74 9.54 8.62
Dividend cover (Times) 1.53 2.24 2.18 2.03 2.20 1.90 1.58 1.46 3.01 34.40
Dividend payout (%) 65.57 44.72 45.83 49.26 45.43 52.62 63.22 68.42 33.20 2.91
Return on equity (ROE) (%) 10.00 15.88 16.66 16.89 19.80 18.61 16.79 16.36 20.40 35.17
Return on capital employed (ROCE) (%) 12.37 13.98 13.69 12.04 11.99 13.92 14.40 15.33 16.27 15.02
Debt to equity (excluding deposits) (Times) 0.87 1.70 2.06 3.01 2.67 2.36 2.53 3.12 3.49 4.73
Debt to equity with contingent liabilities and commitments (Times) 1.13 1.97 2.34 3.25 2.77 2.57 2.80 3.39 3.51 5.12
Current ratio (Times) 0.83 0.82 0.80 0.84 0.85 0.93 0.88 0.85 0.58 0.71
Interest cover (Times) 1.29 1.42 1.40 1.46 1.77 1.58 1.39 1.41 1.60 2.05
Taxes paid to Government (Rs. million) 5,735 2,942 2,109 2,828 2,915 1,793 581 848 1,703 1,098
Taxes collected on behalf of Government (Rs. million) 1,137 1,434 1,151 1,048 1,313 1,250 1,411 908 706 539
Investment on CSR (Rs. million) 55.53 120.29 103.78 187.64 76.25 71.68 55.48 32.90 25.33 21.55
CCCSL – Ten Best Corporate Citizen Award One of the Ten One of the Ten One of the Ten Second runner–up Winner Winner Winner Winner
Capital adequacy ratios
Tier 1 capital/Core capital ratio [Note 6] 15.12 14.36 18.38 17.56 19.56 20.22 19.12 21.15 25.50
Required minimum Tier 1 Capital/Core capital ratio (%) [Note 6] 7.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Total capital ratio/Total risk weighted capital ratio (%) [Note 6] 15.99 15.20 16.46 16.37 18.14 19.04 18.05 20.06 25.50
Required minimum total capital ratio/Total risk weighted capital ratio (%) [Note 6] 11.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Manufactured and intellectual capital
Branches (Nos.) 103 103 103 103 92 89 85 33 34 30
Credit ratings and key accolades
Fitch Ratings Lanka A+(lka) AA-(lka) AA-(lka) AA-(lka) AA-(lka) AA-(lka) AA-(lka) AA-(lka) A+(lka) A(lka)
Fitch Ratings International (Note 7) B– B– B B B B+ B+ B+
Standard and Poor’s Discontinued Discontinued B+/B B+/B B+/B B+/B B+/B B+/B
Business today – Top 30 Listed Corporate Entities 13th Position 13th Position 15th Position 14th Position 17th Position 14th Position 18th Position


[1] Prior to 2012, all figures are as per Sri Lanka Accounting Standards (SLASs) prevailed at that time.

[2] Figures include total operating expenses and tax on financial services (excluding impairment charges for loans and receivables and other losses).

[3] After receiving the finance license in 2012, the Company started accepting fixed and savings deposits.

[4] The Company initiated evaluation of carbon emissions from 2014.

[5] The Company’s ordinary shares were quoted on the CSE on 24 November 2011.

[6] Central Bank of Sri Lanka introduced Finance Business Act Direction No. 3 of 2018 Capital Adequacy Requirements with effect from 1 July 2018.

[7] Discontinued with effect from 30 April 2020.
