People’s Leasing & Finance PLC

Annual Report 2019/20

Business model

Statement of capital position

(Value creation as manifested by outcomes on capitals)

Capital Indicator For the year ended/
as at 31 March 2020
For the year ended/
as at 31 March 2019

Gross income (Rs. million) 33,599.31 32,735.64 2.64%
Profit after tax (Rs. million) 2,942.51 4,416.12 (33.37%)
Total assets (Rs. million) 171,660.19 172,541.28 (0.51%)
Return on assets (%) 2.64 3.95 (1.31)
Return on equity (%) 10.00 15.88 (5.88)
Net assets per share (Rs.) 18.58 18.10 2.65%
Tier 1 capital ratio (%) 15.12 14.36 0.76
Total capital ratio (%) 15.99 15.20 0.79
Market capitalisation (Rs. million) 19,857.98 21,170.16 (6.18%)
Price to book value (times) 0.66 0.74 (10.81%)

Manufactured capital
Property, plant and equipment (PPE) (Rs. million) 1,143.93 1,098.29 4.16%
Investment in PPE during the year (Rs. million) 213.93 147.67 44.87%
Branch network 103 103
Gold loan units 14 6 8

Brand value (Rs. million) 8,786 8,719 0.77%
Intangible assets (Rs. million) 257.58 324.91 (20.72%)
New products introduced (No.) 1 6 (5.00)
Expenditure in cybersecurity and expenditure on obtaining certifications (Rs. million) 1.39 0.55 152.73%
Cumulative service of employees (years) Over 15,000 Over 13,000 Over 2000
Per employee average experience Over 6 years Over 5 years One year
Credit rating A+(lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited B- Fitch Rating International* AA-(lka) from Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited B- Fitch Rating International

Social and
relationship capital
Customer Total number of customers 339,798 311,135 9.21%
– Lending customers 126,715 121,129 4.61%
– Deposit customers 282,944 248,587 13.82%
Number of new customers 29,537 32,848 (10.08%)
Percentage of repeat customers (%) 44.22 43.47 0.75%
Loans and receivable portfolio (Rs. million) 147,747.51 151,707.90 (2.61%)
Market share in deposits (%) 14.10 12.33 1.77
Market share in total assets (%) 11.98 12.05 (0.07)
Savings to total deposits (%) 6.35 6.04 0.31
Business partner Number of vehicle suppliers 32,406 28,661 13.07%
Total value of vehicle supplies procured (Rs. million) 60,616.17 66,800.57
Community Investment in local communities (Rs. million) 55.53 120.29 (64.76%)
Number of entrepreneurs trained/educated 101 1,710 (94.09%)
Total investment on entrepreneurship development (Rs. million) 3.05 8.15 (62.58%)

Human capital
Number of employees 2,401 2,329 3.09%
Training hours per employee (hours) 8.73 17.90 (9.17)
Training cost (Rs. million) 3.38 12.93 (73.86%)
Profit (PAT) per employee (Rs. million) 1.24 2.00 (38.00%)
Employee retention rate (%) 90.82 88.90 2.16

Natural capital
Investment in environmental initiatives (Rs. million) 3.32 1.94 71.13%
Carbon footprint (tCO2eq) 7,955.83 6,113.66 30.13%
Energy consumption (kWh) 14.5x10 6 4.5x106 9.95x106
Green facilities (Rs. billion) 1.87 5.48 (65.88%)

*Withdrew Fitch International rating from 30 April 2020 onwards.
