People’s Leasing & Finance PLC

Annual Report 2019/20

Statement of Profit or Loss

Company Group
For the year ended 31 March Note Page No. 2020
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Gross income 5 164 33,599,314 32,735,639 2.64 40,054,830 38,356,205 4.43
Interest income 6.1 165 31,459,108 30,836,300 2.02 33,282,879 32,234,340 3.25
Less: interest expense 6.2 165 15,786,586 15,646,099 0.90 16,110,935 15,891,298 1.38
Net interest income 6 164 15,672,522 15,190,201 3.18 17,171,944 16,343,042 5.07
Net earned premium 7 166 5,202,030 4,728,573 10.01
Fee and commission income 8 167 1,694,014 1,508,952 12.26 1,165,632 1,004,297 16.06
Net gains/(losses) on financial assets – fvtpl 9 168 11,017 (27,887) 139.51 19,586 (44,351) 144.16
Other operating income 10 168 435,175 418,274 4.04 384,703 433,346 (11.22)
Total operating income 17,812,728 17,089,540 4.23 23,943,895 22,464,907 6.58
Less: impairment charges and other losses for loans and receivables 11 169 4,646,683 1,586,506 192.89 4,901,902 1,708,203 186.96
impairment charges for investment in associate 30 216 348,794 (100.00) 152,572 (100.00)
impairment charges for right-of-use assets 34 227 36,965 100.00 36,965 100.00
impairment charges for goodwill 33 225 68,145 19,580 248.03 68,145 19,580 248.03
Net operating income 13,060,935 15,134,660 (13.70) 18,936,883 20,584,552 (8.00)
Less: expenses
Personnel expenses 12 172 3,701,385 3,438,167 7.66 4,561,026 4,166,618 9.47
Depreciation and amortisation 13 172 717,021 179,607 299.22 635,998 302,360 110.34
Benefits, claims and underwriting expenditure 14 173 3,441,937 3,328,705 3.40
Other operating expenses 15 174 2,088,244 2,844,419 (26.58) 2,565,073 3,048,420 (15.86)
Total operating expenses 6,506,650 6,462,193 0.69 11,204,034 10,846,103 3.30
Operating profit before taxes on financial services 6,554,285 8,672,467 (24.42) 7,732,849 9,738,449 (20.59)
Less: taxes on financial services 16 175 2,002,460 2,087,210 (4.06) 2,030,532 2,117,910 (4.13)
Operating profit after taxes on financial services 4,551,825 6,585,257 (30.88) 5,702,317 7,620,539 (25.17)
Share of profit/(loss) of an associate (net of tax) 30.1 217 (33,234) 100.00
Profit before income tax expense 4,551,825 6,585,257 (30.88) 5,702,317 7,587,305 (24.84)
Less: income tax expense 17 175 1,609,317 2,169,136 (25.81) 2,110,568 2,576,037 (18.07)
Profit for the year 2,942,508 4,416,121 (33.37) 3,591,749 5,011,268 (28.33)
Profit attributable to –
Equity holders of the Company 2,942,508 4,416,121 (33.37) 3,408,670 4,813,578 (29.19)
Non-controlling interest 49 249 183,079 197,690 (7.39)
Profit for the year 2,942,508 4,416,121 (33.37) 3,591,749 5,011,268 (28.33)
Basic/diluted earnings per ordinary share (Rs.) 18 179 1.83 2.80 (34.64) 2.11 3.05 (30.82)
Dividend per ordinary share (Rs.) 19 179 1.20 1.25 (4.00)

The Notes appearing on pages 155 to 288 form an integral part of the Financial Statements.

