People’s Leasing & Finance PLC

Annual Report 2019/20


2019/20 2018/19
Financial capital
Net interest income (Rs. billion) 15.67 15.19
Profit after tax (Rs. billion) 2.94 4.42
Impairment charges for loans and other losses (Rs. billion) 4.75 1.95
Total assets (Rs. billion) 171.66 172.54
Shareholders’ funds (Rs. billion) 30.25 28.60
Deposits (Rs. billion) 106.70 88.37
Loans and receivables portfolio (Rs. billion) 147.75 151.71
Market capitalisation (Rs. billion) 19.86 21.17
Net assets per share (Rs.) 18.58 18.10
Last traded share price (Rs.) 12.20 13.40
Dividend payout ratio (%) 65.57 44.72
Manufactured capital
Branches (Number) 103 103
Service centres (Number) 101 101
Intellectual capital
Brand value (Rs. billion) 8.79 8.72
Intangible assets (Rs. million) 257.58 324.91
Cumulative service of employees (years) Over 15,000 Over 13,000
Human capital
Total number of employees (Nos.) 2,401 2,329
Retention ratio (%) 90.82 88.90
New recruits (Nos.) 334 492
Social and relationship capital
Lending customers (Nos.) 126,715 121,129
Deposit customers (Nos.) 282,944 248,587
Repeat clients (%) 44.22 43.47
Number of vehicle suppliers (Nos.) 32,406 28,661
Total value of vehicle supplies procured (Rs. billion) 60.62 66.80
Investment in local communities (Rs. million) 55.53 120.29
Outreach of CSR initiatives (Nos.) 79 155
Natural capital
New staff trained 334 492
Carbon footprint (tCO2eq) 7,955.83 6,113.66
Volume of green lending (Rs. billion) 1.87 5.48
Environmental initiatives (Nos.) 12 31
Investment on natural environment (Rs. million) 3.32 1.94

