People’s Leasing & Finance PLC

Annual Report 2019/20

Statement of Financial Position

Company Group
As at 31 March Note Page No. 2020
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Cash and cash equivalents 22 189 7,164,139 3,294,055 117.49 7,693,032 4,310,595 78.47
Balances with banks and financial institutions 23 190 3,207,440 3,404,533 (5.79) 6,661,407 7,375,423 (9.68)
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss 24 190 1,031,719 23,190 4,348.98 1,198,592 72,386 1,555.83
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost 25 193 147,747,511 151,707,902 (2.61) 154,134,934 156,955,837 (1.80)
Insurance and reinsurance receivables 26 210 1,194,933 885,395 34.96
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income 27 212 324,381 125,651 158.16 1,455,702 125,651 1,058.53
Debt instruments – Amortised cost 28 214 4,106,963 8,002,625 (48.68) 4,813,439 9,091,945 (47.06)
Investments in subsidiaries 29 214 3,213,788 3,213,788
Investment in associate 30 216 237,633 (100.00) 237,633 (100.00)
Investment property 31 218 1,131,652 1,131,596 0.00
Property, plant and equipment 32 220 1,143,929 1,098,286 4.16 3,998,370 4,017,301 (0.47)
Goodwill and intangible assets 33 225 257,581 324,905 (20.72) 368,574 432,340 (14.75)
Right-of-use assets 34 227 1,939,450 84,065 2,207.08 1,639,482 84,065 1,850.26
Deferred tax assets 43 240 376,291 100.00 471,841 47,584 891.60
Other assets 35 228 1,147,001 1,024,644 11.94 1,235,329 1,164,884 6.05
Total assets 171,660,193 172,541,277 (0.51) 185,997,287 185,932,635 0.03
Due to banks 36 229 7,938,185 27,273,933 (70.89) 10,978,046 30,475,326 (63.98)
Due to customers 37 231 106,701,027 88,368,656 20.75 107,685,592 88,923,196 21.10
Debt securities issued 38 232 18,479,260 21,275,031 (13.14) 18,338,039 21,134,040 (13.23)
Other financial liabilities 39 235 3,014,117 2,480,377 21.52 2,829,708 2,464,936 14.80
Insurance liabilities and reinsurance payable 40 236 5,065,220 4,880,873 3.78
Lease liabilities 41 238 1,909,098 100.00 1,594,245 100.00
Current tax liabilities 42 239 1,803,309 2,238,257 (19.43) 2,077,418 2,323,647 (10.60)
Deferred tax liabilities 43 240 837,179 (100.00) 418,132 1,141,973 (63.39)
Other liabilities 44 242 1,568,565 1,464,489 7.11 1,700,685 1,606,686 5.85
Total liabilities 141,413,561 143,937,922 (1.75) 150,687,085 152,950,677 (1.48)
Stated capital 45 245 13,915,414 13,236,073 5.13 13,915,414 13,236,073 5.13
Statutory reserve fund 46 246 2,205,344 2,058,219 7.15 2,235,077 2,070,667 7.94
Retained earnings 47 247 14,227,988 13,361,805 6.48 16,517,824 15,198,424 8.68
Other reserves 48 247 (102,114) (52,742) 93.61 285,103 207,274 37.55
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company 30,246,632 28,603,355 5.75 32,953,418 30,712,438 7.30
Non-controlling interest 49 249 2,356,784 2,269,520 3.85
Total equity 30,246,632 28,603,355 5.75 35,310,202 32,981,958 7.06
Total liabilities and equity 171,660,193 172,541,277 (0.51) 185,997,287 185,932,635 0.03
Contingent liabilities and commitments 53 250 5,316,892 7,775,864 (31.62) 5,350,615 7,788,708 (31.30)
Net assets value per ordinary share (Rs.) 54 252 18.58 18.10 2.64 20.25 19.44 4.14

The Notes appearing on pages 155 to 288 form an integral part of the Financial Statements.

We certify that these Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007.


Omal Sumanasiri
Chief Manager – Finance

A S Ibrahim
Chief Executive Officer

The Board of Directors is responsible for these Financial Statements.
Approved and signed for and on behalf of the Board by:

Sujeewa Rajapakse

Rohan Pathirage

8 July 2020
