People’s Leasing & Finance PLC (the “Company”), is a public limited liability Company incorporated on 22 August 1995 and domiciled in Sri Lanka. It is a licensed finance company under the Finance Business Act No. 42 of 2011. The Company has a primary listing on the Colombo Stock Exchange on 24 November 2011. The Company was re-registered under the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007.
Its registered office and the principal place of the business is at No. 1161, Maradana Road, Colombo 08.
The Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2020 comprise People’s Leasing & Finance PLC (Parent Company), its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Group”).
The Company’s parent entity is People’s Bank which is a Government-owned entity.
The staff strength of the Company and Group as at 31 March 2020 is 2,401 and 3,059 respectively. (2,329 and 3,232 as at 31 March 2019).
The principal business activities are providing finance leases, hire purchase assets financing, term loans, Islamic finance, margin trading, share trading, issue of debt instruments, factoring, gold loans and mobilisation of public deposits.
Name of the Company | Principal activities | Country of incorporation | Percentage equity interest | |
2020 | 2019 | |||
Subsidiaries | ||||
People’s Leasing Fleet Management Limited | Fleet management, vehicle valuation, sale of vehicles, insurance assessment, and vehicles repairing | Sri Lanka | 100 | 100 |
People’s Leasing Property Development Limited | Carrying out a mixed development projects and property development activities | Sri Lanka | 100 | 100 |
People’s Insurance PLC | Carrying out general insurance business | Sri Lanka | 75 | 75 |
People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited | Construct and operate an office complex | Sri Lanka | 100 | 100 |
People’s Micro-commerce Ltd. | Providing non-bank financial services to low income earners and micro enterprises | Sri Lanka | 100 | 100 |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited | Providing leasing of movable and immovable properties and provide loans | Bangladesh | 51 | 51 |
Associate | ||||
People’s Merchant Finance PLC | Mobilisation of deposits, providing finance leases, term loans, real estate developments, pawning and related services | Sri Lanka | – | 37.06 |
There were no significant changes in the nature of the principal activities of the Company and the Group during the financial year under review. Subsequent to the said private placement and rights issue, People’s Leasing & Finance PLC’s stake is reduced to 11.86%. Accordingly status of associate changed as Financial investments – Fair value through comprehensive income (FVOCI) of PLC after April 2019.
The Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group and Separate Financial Statements of the Company, as at 31 March 2020 and for the year then ended, have been prepared and presented in accordance with Sri Lanka Accounting Standards (SLFRSs and LKASs), laid down by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) and in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007, the Finance Business Act No. 42 of 2011, Insurance Industry Act No. 43 of 2000 and the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange. These Financial Statements, except for information on cash flows have been prepared following the accrual basis of accounting.
Sri Lanka Accounting Standards are available at
The Group did not adopt any inappropriate accounting treatments, which are not in compliance with the requirements of the SLFRSs and LKASs, regulations governing the preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements.
Details of the Group’s General Accounting Policies followed during the year are given in Note 3 on page 158.
The Board of Directors is responsible for these Financial Statements of the Company and the Group as per the provision of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 and SLFRSs and LKASs.
The Board of Directors acknowledges their responsibility as set out in the “Annual Report of the Board of Directors on the Affairs of the Company”, “Directors’ Responsibility for Financial Reporting” and in the Certification on the Statement of Financial Position.
These Financial Statements include the following components:
The Financial Statements of the Company and the Group for the year ended 31 March 2020 (including comparatives) were approved and authorised for issue on 8 July 2020 in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors on 8 July 2020.
The Financial Statements of the Company and the Group have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for the following items in the Statement of Financial Position:
Item | Basis of measurement | Note | Page No. |
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss | Fair value | 24 | 190 |
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income | Fair value | 27 | 212 |
Investment property | Fair value | 31 | 218 |
Retirement benefit obligation | Liability is recognised as the present value of the retirement benefit obligation, plus actuarial gains and losses. | 44.1 | 244 |
The assets and liabilities of the Company and the Group in the Statement of Financial Position are grouped by nature and listed in an order that reflects their relative liquidity and maturity pattern. An analysis regarding recovery or settlement within 12 months after the reporting date (current) and more than 12 months after the reporting date (non-current) is presented in Note 55 (current/non-current analysis) on page 253. No adjustments have been made for inflationary factors affecting the Financial Statements.
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position only when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise the assets and settle the liability simultaneously. Income and expenses are not offset in the Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss unless required or permitted by any accounting standard or interpretation, and as specifically disclosed in the accounting policies of the Group.
The Financial Statements of the Group and the Company are presented in Sri Lanka Rupees (Rs.), which is the currency of primary economic environment, in which the Group operates (Group functional currency).
The amounts in the Financial Statements have been rounded-off to the nearest Rupees thousands, except where otherwise indicated as permitted by the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 1 – “Presentation of Financial Statements”.
In compliance with the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 1 – “Presentation of Financial Statements”, each material class of similar items is presented separately in the Financial Statements. Items of dissimilar nature or functions too are presented separately, unless they are immaterial.
The preparation of the Financial Statements of the Company and the Group in conformity with SLFRSs and LKASs requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Further, management is also required to consider key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date that have significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year. Actual results may differ from these estimates.
Accounting judgements, estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected.
The key significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions involving uncertainty are discussed below, whereas the respective carrying amounts of such assets and liabilities are as given in related Notes.
The Group’s management has made an assessment of its ability to continue as a going concern and is satisfied that it has the resources to continue in business for a foreseeable future. Furthermore, management is not aware of any material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt upon the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. Therefore, the Financial Statements continue to be prepared on the going concern basis.
Going concern in determining the basis of preparing the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020, based on available information, the Management has assessed the existing and anticipated effects of COVID-19 on the Group Companies and the appropriateness of the use of the going concern basis.
Group evaluated the resilience of its businesses considering a wide range of factors under multiple stress tested scenarios, relating to expected income, cost management, profitability, the ability to defer non-essential capital expenditure, unused credit lines and the ability to continue providing services to ensure businesses continue as least impacted as possible. Having presented the outlook for each industry of group to the holding company Board and after evaluating the above by the Management, and after due consideration of the range and likelihood of outcomes, the Management is satisfied that the Company have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing and presenting these Financial Statements.
As per SLFRS 9, the Significant Accounting Policies of the Group provides scope for financial assets to be classified and subsequently measured into different categories, namely, at amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) and fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) based on the following criteria;
The measurement of impairment losses both under SLFRS 9 across all categories of financial assets requires judgement, in particular, the estimation of the amount and timing of future cash flows and collateral values when determining impairment losses.
The Group/Company assesses at each reporting date, whether there is any objective evidence that a financial asset or a group of financial assets are impaired.
Accordingly, the Group reviews its individually significant loans and advances at each reporting date to assess whether an impairment loss should be provided in the Statement of Profit or Loss. In particular, the Management’s judgement is required in the estimation of the amount and timing of future cash flows when determining the impairment loss.
These estimates are based on assumptions about a number of factors and hence actual results may differ, resulting in future changes to the impairment allowance made.
Details of the “impairment losses on loans and receivables” are given in Note 25.7 on pages 204 to 206 to the Financial Statements.
Financial investments are categorised under amortised cost Subject to Impairment in according with SLFRS 9 – Financial Investment. The Company/Group does not have historical loss experience on debt instruments at amortised cost. Thus the Group considers PDs published by the external sources i.e. – Bloomberg for external credit rating. LGD for debt securities issued by the Government of Sri Lanka in rupees is considered as 0%, and for all other instruments, industry average is considered as LGD.
Credit risk has not increased significantly relating to financial investments, since initial recognition. Therefore Group did not record expected credit loss in the Financial Statements for those investments.
Details of the “impairment on FVOCI” are given in Note 27 on pages 212 and 213 to the Financial Statements.
The Group reviews the residual values, useful lives and methods of depreciation of property, plant and equipment at each reporting date. Judgement of the Management is exercised in the estimation of these values, rates, methods and hence they are subject to uncertainty.
Details of the “useful lifetime of the intangible assets” are given in Note 33 on pages 225 to 227 to the Financial Statements.
The Company is subject to income taxes and other taxes including transfer pricing regulations. Prevailing uncertainties with respect to the interpretation of respective transfer pricing regulations, necessitated using management judgement to determine the impact of transfer pricing regulations. Accordingly critical judgements and estimates were used in applying the regulations in aspects including but not limited to identifying associated undertakings, estimation of the respective arm’s length prices and selection of appropriate pricing mechanism. The current tax charge is subject to such judgements. Differences between estimated income tax charge and actual payable may arise as a result of management’s interpretation and application of transfer pricing regulation.
Details of the “deferred tax” are given in Note 43 on pages 240 to 242 to the Financial Statements.
Details of the “retirement benefit obligation” are given in Note 44.1 on page 244 and 245 to the Financial Statements.
The estimates of general insurance contracts have to be made both for the expected ultimate cost of claims reported at the reporting date and for the expected ultimate cost of claims Incurred, But Not yet Reported, at the reporting date (IBNR). It can take a significant period of time before the ultimate claims cost can be established with certainty. The main assumption underlying estimating the amounts of outstanding claims is the past claims development experience.
Large claims are usually separately addressed, either by being reserved at the face value of loss adjusted estimates or separately projected in order to reflect their future development. In most cases, no explicit assumptions are made regarding future rates of claims, inflation or loss ratios.
Comparative information including quantitative, narrative and descriptive information is disclosed in respect of the previous period in the Financial Statements in order to enhance the understanding of the current period’s Financial Statements and to enhance the inter period comparability. The presentation and classification of the Financial Statements of the previous year are amended, where relevant for better presentation and to be comparable with those of the current year.
The Group/Company has not restated the comparative information for contracts within the scope of Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – SLFRS 16 on “Leases” (SLFRS 16). Therefore, the comparative information is reported under Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 17 on “Leases” (LKAS 17) and is not comparable with the information presented for 2019. The Group applied modified retrospective approach in accordance with SLFRS 16 when accounting for right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.
The Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2020 include the Company, its subsidiaries and its associate company. The Financial Statements of the Company’s subsidiaries and associate are prepared for the same reporting year except for People’s Insurance PLC, and Lankan Alliance Finance Limited subsidiaries of People’s Leasing & Finance PLC, whose financial year ends on 31 December. For consolidation purpose same reporting year has been used.
Business combinations are accounted for using the Acquisition method as per the requirements of Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – SLFRS 3 – (Business Combinations).
The Group and the Company measure goodwill as the fair value of the consideration transferred including the recognised amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquiree, less the net recognised amount of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, all measured as of the acquisition date. When the excess is negative, a bargain purchase gain is recognised immediately in Statement of Profit or Loss.
Goodwill acquired in a business combination is initially measured at cost, being the excess of the cost of the business combination over the Group’s interest in the net amount of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired.
Following initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is reviewed for impairment annually, or more frequently, if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is, from the acquisition date, allocated to each of the Group’s Cash–Generating Units (CGUs) or group of CGUs, which are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination, irrespective of whether other assets or liabilities of the acquiree are assigned to those units.
Where goodwill forms part of a CGU (or group of CGUs) and part of the operation within that unit is disposed of, the goodwill associated with the operation disposed of is included in the carrying amount of the operation when determining the gain or loss on disposal of the operation. Goodwill disposed of in this circumstance is measured based on the relative values of the operation disposed of and the portion of the CGU retained.
When subsidiaries are sold, the difference between the selling price and the net assets plus cumulative translation differences and goodwill is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
Common control business combinations are accounted using the guidelines issued under Statement of Recommended Practice (SoRP) – Merger accounting for common control business combination issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.
Upon the loss of control, the Group derecognises the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary any non-controlling interest and the other components of equity-related to the subsidiary. Any surplus or deficit arising on the loss of control is recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss. If the Group retains any interest in the previous subsidiary, then such interest is measured at fair value at the date that control is lost.
Intra-group balances and transactions and any unrealised income and expenses arising from intra-group transactions are eliminated in preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements. Unrealised gains arising from transactions with equity accounted investees are eliminated against the investment to the extent of the Group’s interest in the investee. Unrealised losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.
All foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency which is Sri Lankan Rupees (Rs.) at the spot exchange rate at the date of the transactions were affected. In this regard, the Group’s practice is to use the middle rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction.
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting date are retranslated to the functional currency at the spot rate of exchange at the reporting date. The foreign currency gain or loss on monetary items is the difference between amortised cost in the functional currency at the beginning of the year adjusted for effective interest and payments during the year and the amortised cost in foreign currency translated at the exchange rate at the reporting date.
Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the spot exchange rates as at the date of recognition. Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the spot exchange rates at the date when the fair value was determined.
SLFRS 15 replaces revenue recognition guidance, including LKAS 18 on “Revenue”, LKAS 11 on “Construction Contracts” and IFRIC 13 on “Customer Loyalty Programmes” and is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after
1 April 2018.
SLFRS 15 provides a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much, and when revenue is recognised. SLFRS 15 requires new qualitative and quantitative disclosure aimed at enabling users of Financial Statements to understand the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers.
Entities are required to apply five-step model to determine when to recognise revenue and at what amount. The model specifies that revenue is recognised when or as an entity transfers control of goods and services to a customer at the amount at which the entity expects to be entitled.
There is no significant impact on the Financial Statement of the Group and the Company resulting from the application of SLFRS 15.
In these Financial Statements, the Group has applied Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – SLFRS 16 on “Leases” and IFRIC Interpretation 23 – “Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatment” which became effective for the annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019, for the first time. The Group has not early adopted any other standard, interpretation or amendment that has been issued but not effective.
The Interpretation addresses the accounting for income taxes when tax treatments involve uncertainty that affects the application of LKAS 12 – “Income Taxes”. It does not apply to taxes or levies outside the scope of LKAS 12, nor does it specifically include requirements relating to interest and penalties associated with uncertain tax treatments. The Interpretation specifically addresses the following:
The Company determines whether to consider each uncertain tax treatment separately or together with one or more other uncertain tax treatments and uses the approach that better predicts the resolution of the uncertainty.
The Company applies significant judgement in identifying uncertainties over income tax treatments. Since the Company operates in a complex environment, it assessed whether the Interpretation had an impact on its Consolidated Financial Statements. The Company determined, based on its tax compliance and transfer pricing study that it is probable that its tax will be accepted by the taxation authorities. The Interpretation did not have an impact on the Financial Statements of the Company.
The new standard SLFRS 16 – “Leases” became effective for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019, replacing LKAS 17 – “Leases”. The new standard has removed the distinction between operating leases and finance leases. Most contracts classified as operating leases, which were previously off-balance sheet, are now recognised as right-of-use (ROU) assets and lease liabilities on the Statement of Financial Position. Lessor accounting under SLFRS 16 is substantially unchanged from LKAS 17 where by lessors will continue to classify leases as either operating or finance leases using similar principles as in LKAS 17. Therefore, SLFRS 16 did not have an impact for leases where the Group is the lessor. However, SLFRS 16 has introduced fundamental changes to accounting principles when the Group becomes the lessee of the contract.
Lessee measures right-of-use assets similar to other non-financial assets (such as property, plant and equipment) and lease liabilities similar to other financial liabilities. As a consequence, a lessee recognises depreciation of the right-of-use asset and interest on the lease liability. The depreciation would usually be on straight-line basis.
SLFRS 16 allows a number of choices in selecting the transition method in applying the Standard. The Company has selected Option 2B (Simplified) which requires to calculate the lease liability at transition and then the right-of-use asset equals the liability. This approach does not have an equity adjustment. Please refer Note 34 on page 227.
All financial assets and liabilities except “regular way trades” are initially recognised on the trade date, i.e., the date that the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. “Regular way trades” means purchases or sales of financial assets that requires delivery of assets within the time frame generally established by regulation or convention in the market place. Those trades are initially recognised on the settlement date.
As per SLFRS 9, the Group classifies all of its financial assets based on the business model for managing the assets and the assets’ contractual terms measured at either;
The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification.
The Group makes an assessment of the objective of a business model in which an asset is held at a portfolio level and not assessed on instrument-by-instrument basis because this best reflects the way the business is managed and information is provided to management. The information considered includes –
The business model assessment is based on reasonably expected scenarios without taking “worst case” or “stress case” scenarios into account. If cash flows after initial recognition are realised in a way that is different from the Group’s original expectations, the Group does not change the classification of the remaining financial assets held in that business model, but incorporates such information when assessing newly originated or newly purchased financial assets going forward.
As a second step of its classification process the Group assesses the contractual terms of financial assets to identify whether they meet the SPPI test.
For the purposes of this assessment, “principal” is defined as the fair value of the financial asset on initial recognition and may change over the life of the financial asset (for example, if there are repayments of principal or amortisation of the premium/discount).
“Interest” is defined as consideration for the time value of money and for the credit risk associated with the principal amount outstanding during a particular period of time and for other basic lending risks and costs, as well as profit margin.
In contrast, contractual terms that introduce a more than the minimise exposure to risks or volatility in the contractual cash flows that are unrelated to a basic lending arrangement do not give rise to contractual cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. In such cases, the financial asset is required to be measured at FVTPL.
In assessing whether the contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest on principal amount outstanding, the Group considers the contractual terms of the instrument. This includes assessing whether the financial asset contains a contractual term that could change the timing or amount of contractual cash flows such that it would not meet this condition. In making the assessment, the Group considers:
The Group holds a portfolio of long-term fixed rate loans for which the Group has the option to propose to revise the interest rate at periodic reset dates. These reset rights are limited to the market rate at the time of revision. The borrowers have an option to either accept the revised rate or redeem the loan at par without penalty. The Group has determined that the contractual cash flows of these loans are solely payments of principal and interest because the option varies the interest rate in a way that is consideration for the time value of money, credit risk, other basic lending risks and costs associated with the principal amount outstanding.
Details on different types of financial assets recognised on the SOFP.
A financial asset is measured at amortised cost if it meets both of the following conditions and is not designated as at FVTPL:
Financial assets measured at amortised cost are given in Notes 22, 23, 25, 26 and 35.
Financial assets at FVOCI include debt and equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. Financial assets measured at FVOCI are given in Note 27 on pages 212 to 213.
As per SLFRS 9, all financial assets other than those classified at amortised cost or FVOCI are classified as measured at FVTPL. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets that are held for trading or managed and whose performance is evaluated on a fair value basis as they are neither held to collect contractual cash flows nor held both to collect contractual cash flows and to sell financial assets and financial assets designated upon initial recognition at fair value through profit or loss which are discussed in Notes 24 on pages 190 to 192.
As per SLFRS 9 – “Initial Recognition”, the Group may irrevocably designate a financial asset that otherwise meets the requirements to be measured at amortised cost or at FVOCI as at FVTPL when such designation eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch that would otherwise arise from measuring the assets or liabilities or recognising gains or losses on them on a different basis.
The Group has not designated any financial assets upon initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss as at the end of the reporting period.
A financial asset (or, where applicable a part of a financial asset or part of a group of similar financial asset) is derecognised when;
On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount of the asset and consideration received and any cumulative gain or loss that has been recognised in Statement of Comprehensive Income is recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss.
When the Group and Company has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from an asset or has entered into a pass-through arrangement, and has neither transferred nor retained substantially all of the risks and rewards of the asset nor transferred control of the asset, the asset is recognised to the extent of the Group’s continuing involvement in the asset. In that case, the Group also recognises an associated liability. The transferred asset and the associated liability are measured on a basis that reflects the rights and obligations that the Group has retained.
Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred asset is measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset and the maximum amount of consideration that the Group could be required to repay.
A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expired. Where an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a derecognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability. The difference between the carrying value of the original financial liability and the consideration paid is recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss.
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Statement of Financial Position if, and only if, there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. This is not generally the case with master netting agreements, therefore, the related assets and liabilities are presented gross in the Statement of Financial Position.
Income and expenses are presented on a net basis only when permitted under LKASs/SLFRSs, or for gains and losses arising from a group of similar transactions such as in the Group’s trading activity.
The fair value for financial instruments traded in active markets at the reporting date is based on their quoted market price or dealer price quotations (bid price for long positions and ask price for short positions), without any deduction for transaction costs.
An analysis of fair values of financial instruments and further details as to how they are measured are provided in Note 21 on pages 182 to 189.
The carrying amounts of the Group’s non-financial assets, other than deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an asset may be impaired. If any indication exists, or when annual impairment testing of an asset is required, the Group estimates the asset’s recoverable amount. An asset’s recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s or cash generating unit’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. Where the carrying amount of an asset or cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount.
In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and risks specific to the asset. In determining fair value less costs to sell, an appropriate valuation model is used. These calculations are corroborated by valuation multiples, quoted share price for publicly traded subsidiaries or other available fair value indicators.
For assets an assessment is made at each reporting date as to whether there is any indication that previously recognised impairment losses may have decreased. If such indication exists the Group estimates the asset’s or cash-generating unit’s recoverable amount. A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the assumptions used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognised, the reversal is limited so that the carrying amount of the asset does not exceed its recoverable amount, nor exceeds the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation/amortisation, had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior years. Such reversal is recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss.
Provisions are recognised in the Statement of Financial Position when the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation in accordance with the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard –
LKAS 37 on “Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”. The amount recognised is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation at that date. The expense relating to any provision is presented in the Statement of Profit or Loss net of any reimbursement.
As per Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 23 on “Borrowing Costs”, the Group capitalises borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying asset as part of the cost of the asset. A qualifying asset is an asset which takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale. Other borrowing costs are recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss in the period in which they occur.
Details of the “income tax expense” are given in Note 17 on pages 175 to 178 to the Financial Statements.
Details of the “deferred tax” are given in Note 43 on pages 240 to 242 to the Financial Statements.
As per the provisions of the Section 14 of the Finance Act No. 12 of 2013, the CIL was introduced with effect from 1 April 2013 and is payable to the National Insurance Trust Fund. Currently, the CIL is payable at 1% of the profit after tax.
Details of the ‘VAT, NBT and debt repayment levy on financial services are given in Note 16 on page 175 to the Financial Statements.
The following Sri Lanka Accounting Standards and interpretations were issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka but not yet effective as at 31 March 2020. Accordingly, these accounting standards have not been applied in the preparation of the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020.
SLFRS 17 “Insurance Contracts”, is a comprehensive new accounting standard for insurance contracts covering recognition and measurement, presentation and disclosures. Once effective, SLFRS 17 replaces existing SLFRS 4 “Insurance Contracts”. The overall objective of SLFRS 17 is to ensure that an entity provides relevant information that faithfully represents those contracts. This information gives a basis for users of Financial Statements to assess the effect that insurance contracts have on the entity’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows.
SLFRS 17 is effective for reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2021. Early application is permitted, if the entity is applying both Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – SLFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” and Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – SLFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” on or before the date on which it first apply SLFRS 17.
In November 2018, the CA Sri Lanka issued amendments to the definition of a business in SLFRS 3 to help entities determine whether an acquired set of activities and assets is a business or not. These amendments clarify the minimum requirements for a business, remove the assessment of whether market participants are capable of replacing any missing elements, add guidance to help entities assess whether an acquired process is substantive, narrow the definitions of a business and of outputs, and introduce an optional fair value concentration test. New illustrative examples were provided along with the amendments.
The Group shall apply these amendments to business combinations prospectively for annual financial periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020, if the asset acquisitions occurs on or after the beginning of that period.
In November 2018, the CA Sri Lanka issued amendments to LKAS 1 and Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 8 on “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors” to align the definition of “material” across the standards and to clarify certain aspects of the term “definition”. The new definition states that, “Information is material if omitting, misstating or obscuring it could reasonably be expected to influence decisions that the primary users of general purpose Financial Statements make on the basis of those Financial Statements, which provide financial information about a specific reporting entity.” The Group shall apply those amendments prospectively for annual financial periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020.
CA Sri Lanka has issued a revised Conceptual Framework which will be used in standard setting decisions with immediate effect. Key changes include:
No changes will be made to any of the current Accounting Standards. However, if the Group rely on the framework in determining certain accounting policies for transactions, events or conditions that are not otherwise dealt with under the accounting standards will need to apply the revised framework from 1 January 2020. The Group will need to consider whether those accounting policies are still appropriate under the revised Framework.
Income is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company/Group and revenue can be reliably measured. The specific recognition criteria, for each type of income, is given under the respective income notes.
Company | Group | |||||
For the year ended 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Interest income | 6.1 | 165 | 31,459,108 | 30,836,300 | 33,282,879 | 32,234,340 |
Net earned premium | 7 | 166 | – | – | 5,202,030 | 4,728,573 |
Fee and commission income | 8 | 167 | 1,694,014 | 1,508,952 | 1,165,632 | 1,004,297 |
Net gains/(losses) on financial assets – FVTPL | 9 | 168 | 11,017 | (27,887) | 19,586 | (44,351) |
Other operating income | 10 | 168 | 435,175 | 418,274 | 384,703 | 433,346 |
Total | 33,599,314 | 32,735,639 | 40,054,830 | 38,356,205 |
Income is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the revenue can be reliably measured.
For all financial instruments measured at amortised cost, interest income or expense is recorded using the effective interest rate (EIR). EIR is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or a shorter period, where appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. The calculation takes into account all contractual terms of the financial instrument (for example, prepayment options) and includes any fees or incremental costs that are directly attributable to the instrument and are an integral part of the EIR, but not future credit losses.
The carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability is adjusted if the Group revises its estimates of payments or receipts. The adjusted carrying amount is calculated based on the original EIR and the change in carrying amount is recorded as “interest income” for financial assets and “interest expense” for financial liabilities. However, for a reclassified financial asset for which the Company subsequently increases its estimates of future cash receipts as a result of increased recoverability of those cash receipts, the effect of that increase is recognised as an adjustment to the EIR from the date of the change in estimate.
Under SLFRS 9, interest income and interest expense are recorded using the effective interest rate method for all financial assets measured at amortised cost and all financial labilities measured at amortised cost respectively.
Revenue can be recognised only when it is probable that the economic benefit associate with the transaction will flow to the entity. However when uncertainty arise about the recoverability, revenue recognition should be ceased. With the adoption of SLFRS 9 – “Financial Instrument”, Customer default point (uncertainty about the recoverability) has been change to 90 days past due. Accordingly, interest income can be recognised only up to 90 days past due in accordance with SLFRS 9.
Interests from overdue rentals have been accounted for on a cash received basis.
Company | Group | |||||
For the year ended 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Interest income | 6.1 | 165 | 31,459,108 | 30,836,300 | 33,282,879 | 32,234,340 |
Interest expenses | 6.2 | 165 | 15,786,586 | 15,646,099 | 16,110,935 | 15,891,298 |
Net interest income | 15,672,522 | 15,190,201 | 17,171,944 | 16,343,042 |
Company | Group | |||||
For the year ended 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 40,471 | 27,906 | 70,219 | 57,654 | ||
Balances with banks and financial institutions | 385,414 | 355,787 | 510,760 | 485,967 | ||
Loans and receivables | 6.1.1 | 165 | 30,280,577 | 29,835,673 | 31,530,367 | 30,765,517 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost | 752,646 | 616,934 | 1,171,533 | 925,202 | ||
Total interest income | 31,459,108 | 30,836,300 | 33,282,879 | 32,234,340 |
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Lease/Ijarah receivable | 17,767,878 | 17,887,342 | 17,770,273 | 17,887,448 |
Hire purchase/Murabah receivable | 34,709 | 146,178 | 822,222 | 806,600 |
Term loans and receivables | 12,477,990 | 11,802,153 | 12,937,872 | 12,071,469 |
Total | 30,280,577 | 29,835,673 | 31,530,367 | 30,765,517 |
Company | Group | |||||
For the year ended 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Due to banks | 6.2.1 | 166 | 1,736,221 | 4,569,420 | 2,066,943 | 4,857,611 |
Due to customers | 6.2.1 | 166 | 11,530,604 | 8,682,552 | 11,595,328 | 8,654,771 |
Debt securities issued | 6.2.1 | 166 | 2,281,180 | 2,394,127 | 2,264,940 | 2,378,916 |
SLFRS 16 – Incremental borrowing cost | 41 | 238 | 238,581 | – | 183,724 | – |
Total interest expenses | 15,786,586 | 15,646,099 | 16,110,935 | 15,891,298 |
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Due to banks | ||||
Interest on bank overdraft | 2,511 | 74,473 | 31,811 | 102,062 |
Interest on short-term loans | 286,526 | 1,770,898 | 286,659 | 1,770,901 |
Interest on term loans | 402,721 | 1,525,581 | 704,009 | 1,786,180 |
Interest on securitisation loans | 1,044,463 | 1,198,468 | 1,044,464 | 1,198,468 |
Subtotal | 1,736,221 | 4,569,420 | 2,066,943 | 4,857,611 |
Due to customers | ||||
Interest cost on deposits | 11,530,604 | 8,682,552 | 11,595,328 | 8,654,771 |
Subtotal | 11,530,604 | 8,682,552 | 11,595,328 | 8,654,771 |
Debt securities issued | ||||
Interest on debentures | 2,281,180 | 2,394,127 | 2,264,940 | 2,378,916 |
Subtotal | 2,281,180 | 2,394,127 | 2,264,940 | 2,378,916 |
Lease liabilities | ||||
SLFRS 16 – Incremental borrowing cost | 238,581 | – | 183,724 | – |
Subtotal | 238,581 | – | 183,724 | – |
Total interest expenses | 15,786,586 | 15,646,099 | 16,110,935 | 15,891,298 |
SLFRS 4 – “Insurance Contracts”, requires contracts written by insurer to be classified as either “insurance contracts” or “investment contracts” depending in the level of insurance risk transferred.
Insurance contracts are those contracts when the Company (the insurer) has accepted significant insurance risk from another party (the policyholders) by agreeing to compensate the policyholders, if a specified uncertain future event (the insured event) adversely affects the policyholders. As a general guideline, the Company determines whether it has significant insurance risk by comparing benefits paid with benefits payable, if the insured event did not occur. Insurance contracts can also transfer financial risk.
Investment contracts are those contracts that transfer significant financial risk, and no significant insurance risk. Financial risk is the risk of a possible future change in one or more of a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of price or rates, credit rating or credit index or other variables, provided in the case of a non-financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract.
Once a contract has been classified as an insurance contract, it remains an insurance contract for the remainder of its lifetime, even if the insurance risk reduces significantly during this period, unless all rights and obligations are extinguished or expire. Investment contracts can, however, be reclassified as insurance contracts after inception if insurance risk becomes significant.
All the products sold by the People’s Insurance PLC (Subsidiary of PLC) are insurance contracts and therefore classified as insurance contracts under SLFRS 4 – “Insurance Contracts”. Thus, the Company does not have any investment contracts within its product portfolio as at the reporting date.
Gross written premium (GWP) represents the premium charged by the Company to underwrite risks. GWP is accounted on accrual basis.
Gross written premium comprises the total premiums received/receivable for the whole period of cover provided by contracts entered into during the accounting period and are recognised on the date on which the policy commences.
Rebates that form part of the premium rate, such as no claim rebates are deducted from GWP.
Non-life insurance gross written premium comprises the total premiums receivable for the whole period of cover provided by contracts entered into during the accounting period and are recognised on the date on which the policy commences.
Non-life gross reinsurance premium written comprises the total premium payable for the whole cover provided by contracts entered into the period and are recognised on the date on which the policy incepts. Premium includes any adjustments arising in the accounting period in respect of reinsurance contracts incepting in prior accounting periods.
Unearned premium reserve represents the portion of the premium written in the year but relating to the unexpired term of coverage. Unearned premiums are calculated on the 365 basis.
Unearned reinsurance premium is the proportion of premium written in a year that relate to periods of risk after the reporting date. Unearned reinsurance premiums are deferred over the term of the underlying direct insurance policies.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Gross written premium | – | – | 5,958,629 | 5,666,450 |
Less: Premium ceded to reinsurers | – | – | 631,221 | 525,790 |
Less: Change in reserve unearned premium | – | – | 125,378 | 412,087 |
Total | – | – | 5,202,030 | 4,728,573 |
The Group earns fee and commission income from a diverse range of services it provides to its customers. Commission income is recognised on accrual basis. Fee income can be divided into the following two categories:
Fees earned for the provision of services over a period of time are accrued over that period.
Fees arising from negotiating or participating in the negotiation of a transaction for a third party, such as the arrangement of the documents and inspection of vehicle are recognised on completion of the underlying transaction. Fees or components of fees that are linked to a certain performance are recognised after fulfilling the corresponding criteria.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Service charges | 642,507 | 620,031 | 201,485 | 197,171 |
Other fees and commission | 1,051,507 | 888,921 | 964,147 | 807,126 |
Total | 1,694,014 | 1,508,952 | 1,165,632 | 1,004,297 |
This comprise all gains and losses from changes in fair value including realised and unrealised fair value changes for financial assets “Fair value through profit or loss”.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Net gain/(loss) on financial assets – FVTPL | ||||
Net mark-to-market (losses)/gains | 4,772 | (24,915) | 11,448 | (57,981) |
Net capital gains | 6,245 | (2,972) | 8,138 | 13,630 |
Total | 11,017 | (27,887) | 19,586 | (44,351) |
Other operating income includes income earned on other sources, which are not directly related to the normal operations of the Group is recognised on accrual basis.
Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive the payment is established.
Revenue from the sale of imported vehicles is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the vehicles have transferred to the buyer, usually on dispatch of the vehicles.
Income arising on operating leases is accounted for on a straight-line basis over the lease terms on ongoing leases and is recorded in the Statement of Profit or Loss in other operating income.
Recovery of amounts written off as bad and doubtful debts is recognised on a cash basis.
Gains or losses resulting from the disposal of property, plant and equipment are accounted for on cash basis in the Statement of Profit or Loss, in the period in which the sale occurs.
Hiring income from vehicle on hire is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss based on the agreement entered between the owner and tenner for the year.
Valuation income is recognised when they are realised or realisable.
Insurance policy holders are charged for policy administration services and other contract fees. These fees are recognised as income upon receipt or become due.
Other income is recognised on an accrual basis.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment | 6,183 | 19,645 | 6,183 | 26,625 |
Hiring income | – | – | 26,583 | 26,888 |
Operating leases income | – | – | 29,061 | 23,074 |
Rent income from investment property | – | – | 90,284 | 92,884 |
Net trading income from sale of vehicles | 301 | 2,704 | 301 | 3,575 |
Dividend income from – FVOCI | 14,658 | 10,508 | 14,658 | 10,508 |
– Subsidiaries | 406,750 | 375,766 | – | – |
– FVTPL | 1,683 | 2,671 | 2,622 | 6,061 |
Gain/(Loss) on sale of investment properties | – | 6,980 | – | 6,980 |
Valuation income | – | – | 108,448 | 100,969 |
Insurance fee income | – | – | 54,838 | 51,224 |
Other income | 5,600 | – | 51,725 | 84,558 |
Total | 435,175 | 418,274 | 384,703 | 433,346 |
The Company and the Group recognise the changes in the impairment provisions for loans and receivables which are assessed as per the SLFRS 9 – “Financial Instruments”. The methodology adopted by the Company and the Group is explained in Note 25 to these Financial Statements.
Loans and receivables (and the related impairment allowance accounts) are normally written off, either partially or in full, when there is no realistic prospect of recovery. Where loans and receivables are secured, this is generally after receipt of any proceeds from the realisation of security.
Company | Group | |||||
For the year ended 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
Impairment on loans and receivables: | ||||||
Individual impairment | 11.3/11.4 | 171 | 839,570 | 194,262 | 952,300 | 194,262 |
Collective impairment | 11.3/11.4 | 171 | 2,966,326 | 799,059 | 2,940,618 | 905,371 |
Other receivable | – | – | 34,346 | 15,385 | ||
Loss on disposal of collaterals including write-offs | 953,786 | 728,458 | 1,090,659 | 728,458 | ||
Recovery of written off debts/disposal loss | (112,999) | (135,273) | (116,021) | (135,273) | ||
Total | 11.1/11.2 | 170 | 4,646,683 | 1,586,506 | 4,901,902 | 1,708,203 |
2020 | ||||
For the year ended 31 March | Disposal loss/Write-offs (net of recovery) Rs. ’000 |
Impairment charge Rs. ’000 |
Impairment (reversal) Rs. ’000 |
Net amount Rs. ’000 |
Lease/Ijarah receivable | 586,795 | 2,524,239 | (829,916) | 2,281,118 |
Hire purchase/Murabah receivable | (9,027) | 58,737 | (11,526) | 38,184 |
Term loans and receivables | 263,019 | 3,065,761 | (1,001,399) | 2,327,381 |
Total | 840,787 | 5,648,737 | (1,842,841) | 4,646,683 |
2019 | ||||
For the year ended 31 March | Disposal loss/Write-offs (net of recovery) Rs. ’000 |
Impairment charge Rs. ’000 |
Impairment (reversal) Rs. ’000 |
Net amount Rs. ’000 |
Lease/Ijarah receivable | 402,752 | 1,207,248 | (822,962) | 787,038 |
Hire purchase/Murabah receivable | 38,955 | 26,602 | (75,634) | (10,077) |
Term loans and receivables | 151,478 | 1,747,013 | (1,088,946) | 809,545 |
Total | 593,185 | 2,980,863 | (1,987,542) | 1,586,506 |
2020 | ||||
For the year ended 31 March | Disposal loss/Write-offs (net of recovery) Rs. ’000 |
Impairment charge Rs. ’000 |
Impairment (reversal) Rs. ’000 |
Net amount Rs. ’000 |
Lease/Ijarah receivable | 720,646 | 2,524,239 | (829,916) | 2,414,969 |
Hire purchase/Murabah receivable | (9,027) | 210,150 | (11,526) | 189,597 |
Term loans and receivables | 263,019 | 3,089,724 | (1,089,753) | 2,262,990 |
Other receivable | – | 34,346 | – | 34,346 |
Total | 974,638 | 5,858,459 | (1,931,195) | 4,901,902 |
2019 | ||||
For the year ended 31 March | Disposal loss/Write-offs (net of recovery) Rs. ’000 |
Impairment charge Rs. ’000 |
Impairment (reversal) Rs. ’000 |
Net amount Rs. ’000 |
Lease/Ijarah receivable | 402,752 | 1,207,248 | (822,962) | 787,038 |
Hire purchase/Murabah receivable | 38,955 | 26,602 | (11,982) | 53,575 |
Term loans and receivables | 151,478 | 1,853,325 | (1,152,598) | 852,205 |
Other receivable | – | 15,385 | – | 15,385 |
Total | 593,185 | 3,102,560 | (1,987,542) | 1,708,203 |
2020 | ||||
For the year ended 31 March | Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets at amortised cost – Loans and receivables | ||||
Individual impairment | – | – | 839,570 | 839,570 |
Collective impairment | (18,943) | 499,561 | 2,485,708 | 2,966,326 |
Total | (18,943) | 499,561 | 3,325,278 | 3,805,896 |
2019 | ||||
For the year ended 31 March | Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets at amortised cost – Loans and receivables | ||||
Individual impairment | – | – | 194,262 | 194,262 |
Collective impairment | 49,497 | 172,842 | 576,720 | 799,059 |
Total | 49,497 | 172,842 | 770,982 | 993,321 |
2020 | ||||
For the year ended 31 March | Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets at amortised cost – Loans and receivables | ||||
Individual impairment | – | – | 952,300 | 952,300 |
Collective impairment | 9,901 | 602,968 | 2,327,749 | 2,940,618 |
Total | 9,901 | 602,968 | 3,280,049 | 3,892,918 |
2019 | ||||
For the year ended 31 March | Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets at amortised cost – Loans and receivables | ||||
Individual impairment | – | – | 194,262 | 194,262 |
Collective impairment | 71,080 | 200,328 | 633,963 | 905,371 |
Total | 71,080 | 200,328 | 828,225 | 1,099,633 |
Personnel expenses include salaries, bonus, terminal benefit charges, and other related expenses. The provision for bonus is recognised when it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made on the amount of the obligation.
Employees are eligible for Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) contribution and Employees’ Trust Fund (ETF) contributions in accordance with the respective statutes and regulations.
Retirement benefit obligation is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss based on an actuarial valuation carried out for the gratuity liability in accordance with Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 19 – “Employee Benefits”.
Company | Group | |||||
For the year ended 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Remuneration | 3,361,639 | 3,143,641 | 4,152,846 | 3,813,087 | ||
Employee benefit – Defined contribution plans – EPF | 182,755 | 163,148 | 227,447 | 200,849 | ||
Employee benefit – Defined contribution plans – ETF | 45,666 | 40,784 | 56,229 | 51,347 | ||
Employee benefit – Retirement benefit obligation – Gratuity | 44.1 | 244 | 111,325 | 90,594 | 124,504 | 101,335 |
Total | 3,701,385 | 3,438,167 | 4,561,026 | 4,166,618 |
Depreciation is recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss on a straight–line basis over the estimated useful lives of each part of an item of property, plant and equipment since this method most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset. Land is not depreciated.
The estimated useful lives are as follows:
Class of asset | Percentage per annum |
Period years |
Freehold buildings | 2 | 50 |
Improvement of leasehold property | 25 | 4 |
Motor vehicles | 12.5-20 | 5-8 |
Computer hardware | 20 | 5 |
Office equipments | 10 -20 | 5-10 |
Furniture and fittings | 20 | 5 |
The above rates are consistently used by all the Group entities. The depreciation rates are determined separately for each significant part of an item of property, plant and equipment and commence to depreciate when it is available for use, i.e., when it is in the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by the Management. Depreciation of an asset ceases at the earlier of the date that the asset is classified as held for sale or the date that the asset is derecognised. Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reassessed at each reporting date and adjusted if appropriate.
All classes of property, plant and equipment together with the reconciliation of carrying amounts and accumulated depreciation at the beginning and at the end of the year are given in Note 32 on pages 220 to 225.
Amortisation is calculated using the straight-line method to write down the cost of intangible assets to their residual values over their estimated useful economic lives at the rates as specified below:
Class of asset | Percentage per annum | Period years |
Computer software | 20 | 5 |
The unamortised balances of intangible assets with finite lives are reviewed for impairment annually and whenever there is an indication for impairment and recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss to the extent that they are no longer probable of being recovered from the expected future benefits.
All classes of intangible assets together with the reconciliation of carrying amounts and accumulated amortisation at the beginning and at the end of the year are given in Note 33 on pages 225 to 227.
Company | Group | |||||
Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Deprecation of property, plant and equipment | 32 | 220 | 164,492 | 166,006 | 292,404 | 286,193 |
Amortisation – Right-of-use assets | 34 | 227 | 538,230 | 3,066 | 332,830 | 3,066 |
Amortisation of intangible assets | 33 | 225 | 14,299 | 10,535 | 10,764 | 13,101 |
Total | 717,021 | 179,607 | 635,998 | 302,360 |
Gross claims for non-life insurance include all claims occurring during the year, whether reported or not, related external claims handling costs that are directly related to the processing and settlement of claims, a reduction for the value of salvage and other recoveries and any adjustments to claims outstanding from previous years. Claims outstanding are assessed by review of individual claim files and estimating changes in the ultimate cost of settling claims.
Claims expenses and liabilities for outstanding claims are recognised in respect of direct insurance business. The liability covers claims reported but not yet paid, incurred but not reported claims (IBNR) and the anticipated direct and indirect costs of settling those claims. The provision in respect of IBNR is actuarially valued on a quarterly basis to ensure a more realistic estimation of the future liability based on past experience and trends.
While the Directors consider that the provision for claims is fairly stated on the basis of information currently available, the ultimate liability will vary as a result of subsequent information and events. This may result in adjustment to the amounts provided. Such amounts are reflected in the Financial Statements for that period. The methods used and the estimates made are reviewed regularly.
Reinsurance claims are recognised when the related gross insurance claim is recognised according to the terms of the relevant contract.
Claims on assumed reinsurance are recognised as revenue or expenses in the same manner as they would be if the reinsurance were considered direct business, taking into account the product classification of the reinsured business.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Net benefits and claims | – | – | 2,903,951 | 2,851,334 |
Underwritings and net acquisition costs | – | – | 537,986 | 477,371 |
Total | – | – | 3,441,937 | 3,328,705 |
Other operating expenses are recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss on the basis of a direct association between the cost incurred and the earning of specific items of income. All expenditure incurred in the running of the business and in maintaining the property, plant and equipment in a state of efficiency has been charged to the Statement of Profit or Loss in arriving at the profit for the year.
As per the provisions of the Section 14 of the Finance Act No. 12 of 2013, the CIL was introduced with effect from 1 April 2013 and is payable to the National Insurance Trust Fund. Currently, the CIL is payable at 1% of the profit after tax.
Directors’ emoluments include fees paid to Non-Executive Directors.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Directors’ emoluments | 6,269 | 9,315 | 13,143 | 16,564 |
Auditors’ remunerations | 7,385 | 6,466 | 13,487 | 12,051 |
Non-audit fees to auditors | 1,641 | 1,493 | 4,912 | 3,850 |
Professional fees | 24,119 | 32,934 | 32,069 | 47,480 |
Advertising expenses | 43,280 | 48,450 | 68,836 | 66,993 |
Legal fees | 16,915 | 19,531 | 17,048 | 19,845 |
Deposits insurance premium | 141,843 | 106,232 | 141,843 | 106,232 |
Crop insurance levy | 31,751 | 46,094 | 31,751 | 46,094 |
Operational expenses arising from investment property | – | – | 7,337 | 6,444 |
Office administration and establishment expenses | 1,815,041 | 2,573,904 | 2,234,647 | 2,722,867 |
Total | 2,088,244 | 2,844,419 | 2,565,073 | 3,048,420 |
VAT on financial services is calculated in accordance with Value Added Tax (VAT) Act No. 14 of 2002 and subsequent amendments thereto. The value base for the computation of value added tax on financial services is calculated by adjusting the economic depreciation computed on rates prescribed by the Department of Inland Revenue to the accounting profit before income tax and emoluments payable. Emoluments payable include cash benefits, non-cash benefits including terminal benefits. VAT on financial services rate applied for the current financial year is 15% (2019 – 15%).
NBT on financial services is calculated in accordance with Nation Building Tax (NBT) Act No. 9 of 2009 and subsequent amendments thereto with effect from 1 January 2014. NBT on financial services is calculated as 2% of the value addition used for the purpose of VAT on financial services. NBT abolished with effect from 1 December 2019, amendment to the said Act yet to be enacted as of reporting date.
As per the Finance Act No. 35 of 2018, with effect from 1 October 2018, DRL of 7% was introduced on the value addition attributable to the supply of financial services by each financial institution. DRL is chargeable on the same base used for calculation of VAT on financial services as explained above. The amount of DRL charged in determining the profit or loss for the period is given in below. DRL abolished with effect from 1 January 2020, amendment to the said Act yet to be enacted as of reporting date.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
VAT on financial services | 1,280,414 | 1,462,311 | 1,305,293 | 1,489,818 |
NBT on financial services | 127,682 | 187,929 | 130,875 | 191,122 |
Debt repayment levy | 594,364 | 436,970 | 594,364 | 436,970 |
Total | 2,002,460 | 2,087,210 | 2,030,532 | 2,117,910 |
This Note also includes the major components of tax expense, the effective tax rates and a reconciliation between the profit before tax and tax expense, as required by the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 12 – “Income Taxes”. As per Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 12 – “Income Taxes”, tax expense is the aggregate amount included in determination of profit or loss for the period in respect of current and deferred taxation.
Current tax assets and liabilities for the current and prior years are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted or substantively enacted by the reporting date.
Accordingly, provision for taxation is based on the profit for the year adjusted for taxation purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Inland Revenue Act No. 10 of 2006 and the amendments thereto, and the Inland Revenue Act No. 24 of 2017, effective from
1 April 2018 at the rates specified below:
Company | Tax rate | |||
Note | Page No. | 2020 (%) |
2019 (%) |
People’s Leasing & Finance PLC | 24-28 | 28 | ||
People’s Leasing Fleet Management Limited | 24-28 | 28 | ||
People’s Micro-commerce Ltd. | 24-28 | 28 | ||
People’s Insurance PLC | 17.1 | 176 | 24-28 | 14-28 |
People’s Leasing Property Development Limited | 17.2 | 176 | 20-24-28 | 10-28 |
People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited | 17.3 | 176 | Exempt | Exempt |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited | 17.4 | 177 | 40.00 | 42.50 |
Detailed disclosure of accounting policies and estimate of deferred tax is available in Note 42 to the Financial Statements.
According to LKAS 12 – “Income Taxes”, Deferred tax assets and liabilities shall be measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period. Further to this since new rate of 24% is applicable for only three months of the financial year and still the rate has not been enacted PLC used 28% for the provisioning of income tax for the financial year.
According to the Inland Revenue Act No. 10 of 2006 and subsequent amendments thereto, any company which is liable to pay income tax at the rate of 28%, lists its shares on the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) by way of a minimum initial public offering (IPO) through which not less than 20% of its shares is issued to the general public on or before 1 April 2017, the income tax rate will be reduced by 50% for the year of assessment in which the such shares are listed and for another two years of assessment, provided that such company after listing continues to maintain a minimum public float of 20%.
Accordingly, 25% of the shares of the Company was offered and issued to the general public by way of an IPO in December 2015 and shares of the Company were listed on the CSE in January 2016. As at 31 December 2016, the public float of the Company’s shares was 24.94% while the Company was liable for income tax at 28% (before the tax reduction). Hence, the Company was considered eligible for the 50% tax reduction as per the said Act, and income tax was calculated at 14% for nine months ended 31 December 2018 and balance three months 28%. However, during the reporting the reporting period income tax rate was 28% for the year ended 31 March 2020. (2019 – 28%)
Pursuant to the agreement dated 3 December 2008 entered into by People’s Leasing Property Development Limited with the Board of Investment under Section 17 of the Board of Investment Law, for the business of setting up and operating a mixed development project, the Inland Revenue Act relating to the imposition, payment and recovery of income tax shall not apply for a period of five years reckoned from the year in which the Company makes profit or any year of assessment not later than two years reckoned from the date of commencement of its commercial operations whichever is earliest. The Company is eligible for a 10% concessionary tax rate for a period of two years immediately succeeding the last date of tax exemption period and a 20% concessionary tax rate after the expiration
of the 10% concessionary tax period. Non-BOI income is liable for normal rate of 24%.
Pursuant to the agreement dated 16 December 2010 entered into by People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited with the Board of Investment under Section 17 of the Board of Investment Law, for the business of setting up and operating a mixed development project, the Inland Revenue Act relating to the imposition, payment and recovery of income tax shall not apply for a period of five years reckoned from the year in which the Company makes profit or any year of assessment not later than two years reckoned from the date of commencement of its commercial operations whichever is the earliest. The Company is eligible for a 10% concessionary tax rate for a period of two years immediately succeeding the last date of tax exemption period and a 20% concessionary tax rate after the expiration
of the 10% concessionary tax period.
According to Bangladesh income tax ordinance, 1984 and amendments made thereto, tax rate applicable for Lankan Alliance Finance Limited is 40%.
Company | Group | |||||
For the year ended 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Statement of profit or loss | ||||||
Current income tax charge | 17.6 | 177 | 2,822,836 | 3,351,426 | 3,258,757 | 3,511,778 |
Deferred tax (reversal)/charge for the year | 43 | 240 | (1,213,519) | (1,182,290) | (1,148,189) | (935,741) |
Income tax expense recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss | 1,609,317 | 2,169,136 | 2,110,568 | 2,576,037 | ||
Statement of comprehensive income | ||||||
Deferred tax charge/(reversal) for the year | 43 | 240 | (49) | (5,670) | (91) | 14,028 |
Income tax charge/(reversal) recognised in Statement of Comprehensive Income |
(49) | (5,670) | (91) | 14,028 | ||
Effective tax rate (excluding deferred tax) (%) | 62.02 | 50.89 | 57.15 | 46.28 | ||
Effective tax rate (%) | 35.36 | 32.94 | 37.01 | 33.95 |
Company | Group | |||||
For the year ended 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Profit as per Statement of Profit or Loss | 4,551,825 | 6,585,257 | 5,702,317 | 7,587,305 | ||
Add: Disallowable expenses | 6,374,026 | 3,698,709 | 7,037,717 | 4,001,348 | ||
Add: Lease capital recoverable | 12,008,536 | 20,165,037 | 12,008,536 | 20,165,037 | ||
Less: Allowable expenses | 11,751,442 | 17,770,847 | 11,986,518 | 18,386,164 | ||
Less: Exempted/allowable income | 1,101,388 | 385,267 | 1,255,050 | 451,848 | ||
Statutory income | 10,081,557 | 12,292,889 | 11,507,002 | 12,915,678 | ||
Less: Tax losses utilised during the year | 17.7 | 178 | – | – | 29,755 | 30,556 |
Assessable income | 10,081,557 | 12,292,889 | 11,477,247 | 12,885,122 | ||
Taxable income | 10,081,557 | 12,292,889 | 11,477,247 | 12,885,122 | ||
Income tax expense at the statutory income | 17.8 | 178 | 2,822,836 | 3,442,009 | 3,259,538 | 3,601,824 |
(Over)/under provision – Previous years | – | (90,583) | (781) | (90,046) | ||
Current tax on profits for the year | 2,822,836 | 3,351,426 | 3,258,757 | 3,511,778 | ||
Deferred tax charged/(reversal) for the year | 43 | 240 | (1,213,519) | (1,182,290) | (1,148,189) | (935,741) |
Tax expense for the year | 1,609,317 | 2,169,136 | 2,110,568 | 2,576,037 |
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Tax losses brought forward | – | – | 105,589 | 136,145 |
Tax losses utilised during the year | – | – | (29,755) | (30,556) |
Tax losses not utilised and carried forward | – | – | 75,834 | 105,589 |
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
People’s Leasing & Finance PLC | 2,822,836 | 3,442,009 | 2,822,836 | 3,442,009 |
People’s Leasing Fleet Management Limited | – | – | 6,211 | 9,642 |
People’s Micro-commerce Ltd. | – | – | 40,707 | 22,691 |
People’s Insurance PLC | – | – | 310,271 | 103,245 |
People’s Leasing Property Development Limited | – | – | – | 4,112 |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited | – | – | 79,513 | 20,125 |
Total income tax at the statutory income | 2,822,836 | 3,442,009 | 3,259,538 | 3,601,824 |
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Direct taxes | ||||
Income tax | 3,071,709 | 805,705 | 3,339,472 | 907,945 |
Value added tax on financial services | 1,463,382 | 1,383,392 | 1,498,978 | 1,412,620 |
Nation building tax on financial services | 147,494 | 184,632 | 150,837 | 218,014 |
Crop insurance levy | 56,002 | 45,344 | 56,002 | 53,938 |
Economic service charge | 210,539 | 196,063 | 250,764 | 235,961 |
Debt repayment levy | 762,822 | 326,916 | 762,822 | 326,916 |
Total direct taxes | 5,711,948 | 2,942,052 | 6,058,875 | 3,155,394 |
Indirect taxes (collected and paid) | ||||
Value added tax | 281,796 | 348,864 | 892,932 | 1,100,517 |
Nation building tax | 22,674 | 31,373 | 130,847 | 167,120 |
Stamp duty | 250,144 | 260,520 | 257,991 | 267,539 |
Withholding tax on dividend and interest | 605,245 | 665,306 | 690,842 | 714,362 |
Paye tax | 153,043 | 128,338 | 164,590 | 139,929 |
Total indirect taxes | 1,312,902 | 1,434,401 | 2,137,202 | 2,389,467 |
Total taxes paid during the financial year | 7,024,850 | 4,376,453 | 8,196,077 | 5,544,861 |
Basic earning per share is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year, as per Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 33 – “Earnings per Share”.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | 2020 | 2019 |
Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company (Rs.) | 2,942,508,328 | 4,416,121,280 | 3,408,670,499 | 4,813,577,186 |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares | 1,611,756,419 | 1,579,862,482 | 1,611,756,419 | 1,579,862,482 |
Basic/Diluted earnings per ordinary share (Rs.) | 1.83 | 2.80 | 2.11 | 3.05 |
Company | ||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 | 2019 |
Ordinary shares | ||
Out of dividend received (Rs.) | 376,792,083 | 392,767,335 |
Out of normal profits (Rs.) | 762,600,288 | 1,582,060,768 |
Total cash dividend paid (Rs.) | 1,139,392,371 | 1,974,828,103 |
Cash dividend paid (Rs.) – Interim | 1,139,392,371 | 1,184,896,862 |
Scrip/Cash dividend paid (Rs.) – Final | 789,931,241 | 789,931,241 |
Total dividend paid (Rs.) | 1,929,323,612 | 1,974,828,103 |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares | 1,611,756,419 | 1,579,862,482 |
Dividend per ordinary share (Rs.) | 1.20 | 1.25 |
Shareholders approved a final dividend of Rs. 0.50 per share for the year ended 31 March 2019. This was paid in the form of a scrip dividend in July 2019. An interim dividend of Rs. 0.70 per share was paid in December 2019 to the ordinary shareholders of the Company for the year 2019/20 (interim dividend 2018/19 – Rs. 0.75).
Financial instruments are measured on an ongoing basis either at fair value or at amortised cost. The summary of significant accounting policies describes how each category of financial instruments is measured and how income and expenses, including fair value gains and losses, are recognised. The following table analyses the carrying amounts of the financial instruments by category as defined in Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – SLFRS 9 – “Financial Instruments” under the heading of the Statement of Financial Position.
As at 31 March 2020 | Note | Page No. | Financial instruments recognised at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost (AC) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Assets | ||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 22 | 189 | – | 7,164,139 | – | 7,164,139 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | 23 | 190 | – | 3,207,440 | – | 3,207,440 |
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss | 24 | 190 | 1,031,719 | – | – | 1,031,719 |
Loans and receivables | 25 | 193 | – | 147,747,511 | – | 147,747,511 |
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income |
27 | 212 | – | – | 324,381 | 324,381 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost | 28 | 214 | – | 4,106,963 | – | 4,106,963 |
Other financial assets | 35 | 228 | – | 232,692 | – | 232,692 |
Total financial assets | 1,031,719 | 162,458,745 | 324,381 | 163,814,845 |
As at 31 March 2020 | Note | Page No. | Financial instruments recognised at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost (AC) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Liabilities | ||||||
Due to banks | 36 | 229 | – | 7,938,185 | – | 7,938,185 |
Due to customers | 37 | 231 | – | 106,701,027 | – | 106,701,027 |
Debt securities issued | 38 | 232 | – | 18,479,260 | – | 18,479,260 |
Other financial liabilities | 39 | 235 | – | 3,014,117 | – | 3,014,117 |
Lease liabilities | 41 | 238 | – | 1,909,098 | – | 1,909,098 |
Total financial liabilities | – | 138,041,687 | – | 138,041,684 |
As at 31 March 2019 | Note | Page No. | Financial instruments recognised at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost (AC) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Assets | ||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 22 | 189 | – | 3,294,055 | – | 3,294,055 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | 23 | 190 | – | 3,404,533 | – | 3,404,533 |
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss | 24 | 190 | 23,190 | – | – | 23,190 |
Loans and receivables | 25 | 193 | – | 151,707,902 | – | 151,707,902 |
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income |
27 | 212 | – | – | 125,651 | 125,651 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost | 28 | 214 | – | 8,002,625 | – | 8,002,625 |
Other financial assets | 35 | 228 | – | 143,817 | – | 143,817 |
Total financial assets | 23,190 | 166,552,932 | 125,651 | 166,701,773 |
As at 31 March 2019 | Note | Page No. | Financial instruments recognised at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost (AC) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Liabilities | ||||||
Due to banks | 36 | 229 | – | 27,273,933 | – | 27,273,933 |
Due to customers | 37 | 231 | – | 88,368,656 | – | 88,368,656 |
Debt securities issued | 38 | 232 | – | 21,275,031 | – | 21,275,031 |
Other financial liabilities | 39 | 235 | – | 2,480,377 | – | 2,480,377 |
Total financial liabilities | – | 139,397,997 | – | 139,397,997 |
As at 31 March 2020 | Note | Page No. | Financial instruments recognised at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost (AC) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Assets | ||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 22 | 189 | – | 7,693,032 | – | 7,693,032 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | 23 | 190 | – | 6,661,407 | – | 6,661,407 |
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss |
24 | 190 | 1,198,592 | – | – | 1,198,592 |
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost | 25 | 193 | 154,134,934 | – | 154,134,934 | |
Insurance and reinsurance receivables | 26 | 210 | – | 1,194,933 | – | 1,194,933 |
Financial assets – Fair value through other Comprehensive income |
27 | 212 | – | – | 1,455,702 | 1,455,702 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost | 28 | 214 | – | 4,813,439 | – | 4,813,439 |
Total financial assets | 1,198,592 | 174,497,745 | 1,455,702 | 177,152,039 |
As at 31 March 2020 | Note | Page No. | Financial instruments recognised at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost (AC) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Liabilities | ||||||
Due to banks | 36 | 229 | – | 10,978,046 | – | 10,978,046 |
Due to customers | 37 | 231 | – | 107,685,592 | – | 107,685,592 |
Debt securities issued | 38 | 232 | – | 18,338,039 | – | 18,338,039 |
Other financial liabilities | 39 | 235 | – | 2,829,708 | – | 2,829,708 |
Insurance liabilities and reinsurance payable | 40 | 236 | – | 5,065,220 | – | 5,065,220 |
Lease liabilities | 41 | 238 | – | 1,594,245 | – | 1,594,245 |
Total financial liabilities | – | 146,490,850 | – | 146,490,850 |
As at 31 March 2019 | Note | Page No. | Financial instruments recognised at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost (AC) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Assets | ||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 22 | 189 | – | 4,310,595 | – | 4,310,595 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | 23 | 190 | – | 7,375,423 | – | 7,375,423 |
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss | 24 | 190 | 72,386 | – | – | 72,386 |
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost | 25 | 193 | – | 156,955,837 | – | 156,955,837 |
Insurance and reinsurance receivables | 26 | 210 | – | 885,395 | – | 885,395 |
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income |
27 | 212 | – | – | 125,651 | 125,651 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost | 28 | 214 | – | 9,091,945 | – | 9,091,945 |
Total financial assets | 72,386 | 178,619,195 | 125,651 | 178,817,232 |
As at 31 March 2019 | Note | Page No. | Financial instruments recognised at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at amortised cost (AC) Rs. ’000 |
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Liabilities | ||||||
Due to banks | 36 | 229 | – | 30,475,326 | – | 30,475,326 |
Due to customers | 37 | 231 | – | 88,923,196 | – | 88,923,196 |
Debt securities issued | 38 | 232 | – | 21,134,040 | – | 21,134,040 |
Other financial liabilities | 39 | 235 | – | 2,464,936 | – | 2,464,936 |
Insurance liabilities and reinsurance payable | 40 | 236 | – | 4,880,873 | – | 4,880,873 |
Total financial liabilities | – | 147,878,371 | – | 147,878,371 |
The following is a description of how fair values are determined for financial and non-financial assets and liabilities that are recorded at fair value using valuation techniques. These incorporate the Group’s/Company’s estimate of assumptions that a market participant would make when valuing the instruments.
Financial assets – Fair Value through other comprehensive income valued using valuation techniques or pricing models primarily consist of quoted investment securities. These quoted investment securities are valued using quoted market price in an active market of each securities.
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss valued using valuation techniques primarily consist of quoted investments. These quoted assets are valued using quoted market price in an active market of each securities.
The fair value of fixed rate financial assets and liabilities carried at amortised cost are estimated based on the discounted cash flow approach. This approach employs the current market interest rates of similar financial instruments as a significant unobservable input in measuring the fair value and hence it is categorised under level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.
Freehold land and buildings are disclosed at revalued amount, being their fair value at the revaluation date less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment losses.
For all financial instruments where fair values are determined by referring to externally quoted prices or observable pricing inputs to models, independent price determination or validation is obtained. In an inactive market, direct observation of a traded price may not be possible. In these circumstances, the Company uses alternative market information to validate the financial instrument’s fair value, with greater weight given to information that is considered to be more relevant and reliable.
The Company has an established control framework with respect to the measurement of fair values of trading and investment operations and all other significant assets and liabilities. Specific controls include:
The Group uses the following hierarchy for determining and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments by valuation technique:
Level 1 quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
Level 2 other techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly
Level 3 techniques which use inputs that have a significant effect on the recorded fair value that are not based on observable market data
The following table shows an analysis of assets and liabilities recorded/disclosed at fair value by level of the fair value hierarchy:
Company | |||||||
As at 31 March 2020 | Note | Page No. | Date of Valuation |
Level 1 Rs. ’000 |
Level 2 Rs. ’000 |
Level 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets | |||||||
Financial assets – Fair value other comprehensive income | |||||||
Quoted investments | 27 | 212 | 21.03.2020 | 324,381 | – | – | 324,381 |
Subtotal | 324,381 | – | – | 324,381 | |||
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss | |||||||
Quoted investments | 24 | 190 | 21.03.2020 | 13,547 | – | – | 13,547 |
Investment in unit trust | 24 | 190 | 31.03.2020 | – | 1,018,172 | – | 1,018,172 |
Subtotal | 13,547 | 1,018,172 | – | 1,031,719 | |||
Total | 337,928 | 1,018,172 | – | 1,356,100 | |||
Non-financial assets disclosed at fair value | |||||||
Freehold land and buildings (Included under property, plant and equipment) |
32.4 | 224 | – | – | – | 864,058 | 864,058 |
Total | – | – | – | 864,058 | 864,058 |
Company | |||||||
As at 31 March 2019 | Note | Page No. | Date of Valuation |
Level 1 Rs. ’000 |
Level 2 Rs. ’000 |
Level 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets | |||||||
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income | |||||||
Quoted investments | 27 | 212 | 31.03.2019 | 125,651 | – | – | 125,651 |
Subtotal | 125,651 | – | – | 125,651 | |||
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss |
Quoted investments | 24 | 190 | 31.03.2019 | 23,190 | – | – | 23,190 |
Subtotal | 23,190 | – | – | 23,190 | |||
Total | 148,841 | – | – | 148,841 | |||
Non-financial assets disclosed at fair value | |||||||
Freehold lands and buildings (Included under property, plant and equipment) | 32.4 | 224 | – | – | 795,585 | 795,585 | |
Total | – | – | 795,585 | 795,585 |
The following table shows an analysis of assets and liabilities recorded/disclosed at fair value by level of the fair value hierarchy:
Group | |||||||
As at 31 March 2020 | Note | Page No. | Date of Valuation |
Level 1 Rs. ’000 |
Level 2 Rs. ’000 |
Level 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets | |||||||
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income | |||||||
Quoted investments | 27 | 212 | 21.3.2020 | 324,381 | – | – | 324,381 |
Treasury bills | 27 | 212 | 27.3.2020 | – | 1,131,321 | – | 1,131,321 |
Subtotal | 324,381 | 1,131,321 | – | 1,455,702 | |||
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss |
Quoted investments | 24 | 190 | 21.3.2020 | 27,134 | – | – | 27,134 |
Investment in unit trust | 24 | 190 | 31.3.2020 | – | 1,171,458 | – | 1,171,458 |
Subtotal | 27,134 | 1,171,458 | – | 1,198,592 | |||
Non-financial assets – Investment property |
Land and building | 31 | 218 | – | – | 1,131,652 | 1,131,652 | |
Subtotal | – | – | 1,131,652 | 1,131,652 | |||
Total | 351,515 | 2,302,779 | 1,131,652 | 3,785,946 | |||
Non-financial assets disclosed at fair value | |||||||
Freehold land and buildings (Included under property, plant and equipment) | 32.4 | 224 | – | – | 5,914,058 | 5,914,058 | |
Total | – | – | 5,914,058 | 5,914,058 |
Group | |||||||
As at 31 March 2019 | Note | Page No. | Date of Valuation |
Level 1 Rs. ’000 |
Level 2 Rs. ’000 |
Level 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets | |||||||
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income | |||||||
Quoted investments | 27 | 212 | 31.3.2019 | 125,651 | – | – | 125,651 |
Subtotal | 125,651 | – | – | 125,651 | |||
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss |
Quoted investments | 24 | 190 | 31.3.2019 | 72,386 | – | – | 72,386 |
Subtotal | 72,386 | – | – | 72,386 | |||
Non-financial assets – Investment property | |||||||
Land and building | 31 | 218 | – | – | 1,131,596 | 1,131,596 | |
Subtotal | – | – | 1,131,596 | 1,131,596 | |||
Total | 198,037 | – | 1,131,596 | 1,329,633 | |||
Non-financial assets disclosed at fair value | |||||||
Freehold lands and buildings (Included under property, plant and equipment) | 32.4 | 224 | – | – | 5,695,585 | 5,695,585 | |
Total | – | – | 5,695,585 | 5,695,585 |
There were no material transfers between level 1 and level 2 during the 2018/19 and 2019/20. Valuation was carried out for lands and buildings by professionally qualified independent valuer in compliance with Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – SLFRS 13 – “Fair Value Measurement”.
The following table show total fair value gains/losses recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss during the year relating to assets and liabilities held at the respective year ended.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Financial assets | ||||
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss | ||||
Quoted investments | 11,017 | (27,887) | 19,586 | (44,351) |
Total | 11,017 | (27,887) | 19,586 | (44,351) |
The following note shows a reconciliation from the beginning balances to the ending balances of fair value measurements in level 3 of the fair value hierarchy:
Company | Group | |||||||
Note | Page No. | Investment property Rs. ’000 |
Freehold land and buildings Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Investment property Rs. ’000 |
Freehold land and buildings Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April 2018 | 134,400 | 845,585 | 979,985 | 1,265,996 | 4,402,489 | 5,668,485 | ||
Additions | – | – | – | – | – | – | ||
Disposals/transfers | (134,400) | (52,000) | (186,400) | (134,400) | (52,000) | (186,400) | ||
Total gains/(losses) recognised in profit or loss: |
Depreciation of buildings | – | (430) | (430) | – | (60,368) | (60,368) | ||
Fair value disclosed during the year | – | 2,430 | 2,430 | – | 273,868 | 273,868 | ||
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 32.4 | 224 | – | 795,585 | 795,585 | 1,131,596 | 4,563,989 | 5,695,585 |
Balance as at 1 April 2019 | – | 795,585 | 795,585 | 1,131,596 | 4,563,989 | 5,695,585 | ||
Additions | – | 6,659 | 6,659 | – | 12,455 | 12,455 | ||
Disposals/transfers | – | – | – | 56 | – | 56 | ||
Total gains/(losses) recognised in profit or loss: |
Depreciation of buildings | – | (361) | (361) | – | (60,521) | (60,521) | ||
Fair value disclosed during the year | – | 62,175 | 62,175 | – | 266,483 | 266,483 | ||
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 32.4 | 224 | – | 864,058 | 864,058 | 1,131,652 | 4,782,406 | 5,914,058 |
The table below sets out information about significant unobservable inputs used at 31 March 2020 and 31 March 2019 in measuring non-financial instruments categorised as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy:
Type of instrument | Date of valuation |
Fair value Rs. ’000 |
Valuation technique |
Significant unobservable inputs |
Weighted average range of estimates for unobservable inputs |
Fair value measurement sensitivity to unobservable inputs |
Company | ||||||
As at 31 March 2020 | ||||||
Property, plant and equipment | ||||||
Freehold lands | 31.12.2019 | 821,458 | MCM | Estimated price per perch | Rs. 60,000 – 6,000,000 | * |
Freehold buildings | 31.12.2019 | 42,600 | MCM | Estimated price per sq. ft. | Rs. 1,000 – 4,000 | * |
Income basis | Estimated rental value per sq. ft. | Rs. 20 – 60 | * | |||
As at 31 March 2019 | ||||||
Property, plant and equipment | ||||||
Freehold lands | 31.12.2016 | 752,731 | MCM | Estimated price per perch | Rs. 50,000 – 4,300,000 | * |
Freehold buildings | 31.12.2016 | 42,854 | MCM | Estimated price per sq. ft. | Rs. 500 – 4,000 | * |
Income basis | Estimated rental value per sq. ft. | Rs. 20 – 60 | * |
Type of instrument | Date of valuation |
Fair value Rs. ’000 |
Valuation technique |
Significant unobservable inputs |
Weighted average range of estimates for unobservable inputs |
Fair value measurement sensitivity to unobservable inputs |
Group | ||||||
As at 31 March 2020 | ||||||
Investment property | ||||||
Freehold lands | 31.12.2019 | 360,014 | MCM | Estimated price per perch | Rs. 600,000 – 13,000,000 | * |
Freehold buildings | 31.12.2019 | 771,638 | MCM | Estimated price per sq. ft. | Rs. 200 – 300 | * |
Income basis | Estimated rental value per sq. ft. | Rs. 14,500 | * | |||
Property, plant and equipment | ||||||
Freehold lands | 31.12.2019 | 2,876,444 | MCM | Estimated price per perch | Rs. 50,000 – 13,000,000 | * |
Freehold buildings | 31.12.2019 | 1,905,962 | MCM | Estimated price per sq. ft. | Rs. 500 – 11,000 | * |
Income basis | Estimated rental value per sq. ft. | Rs. 15 – 250 | * | |||
As at 31 March 2019 | ||||||
Investment property | ||||||
Freehold lands | 31.3.2018 | 359,958 | MCM | Estimated price per perch | Rs. 600,000 – 13,000,000 | * |
Freehold buildings | 31.3.2018 | 771,638 | MCM | Estimated price per sq. ft. | Rs. 200 – 300 | * |
Income basis | Estimated rental value per sq. ft. | Rs. 14,500 | * | |||
Property, plant and equipment | ||||||
Freehold land | 31.12.2018 | 3,177,773 | MCM | Estimated price per perch | Rs. 50,000 – 10,000,000 | * |
Freehold buildings | 31.12.2018 | 1,386,216 | MCM | Estimated price per sq. ft. | Rs. 500 – 11,000 | * |
Income basis | Estimated rental value per sq. ft. | Rs. 15 – 250 | * |
Set out below is a comparison, by class, of the caring amount and fair values of the Group’s/Company’s financial instruments that are not carried at fair value in the Financial Statements. This table does not include the fair value of non-financial assets and non-financial liabilities.
Company | 2020 | 2019 | ||||||||
As at 31 March | Level 1 Rs. ’000 |
Level 2 Rs. ’000 |
Level 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total fair value Rs. ‘000 |
Carrying amount Rs. ‘000 |
Level 1 Rs. ’000 |
Level 2 Rs. ’000 |
Level 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total fair value Rs. ‘000 |
Carrying amount Rs. ‘000 |
Financial assets | ||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | – | 7,164,139 | – | 7,164,139 | 7,164,139 | – | 3,294,055 | – | 3,294,055 | 3,294,055 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | – | 3,205,140 | – | 3,205,140 | 3,207,440 | – | 3,399,296 | – | 3,399,296 | 3,404,533 |
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost (gross) | – | 155,825,013 | – | 155,825,013 | 156,497,746 | – | 155,935,731 | – | 155,935,731 | 156,652,241 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost |
– | 4,114,978 | – | 4,114,978 | 4,106,963 | – | 8,007,001 | – | 8,007,001 | 8,002,625 |
Other financial assets | – | 232,692 | – | 232,692 | 232,692 | – | 143,817 | – | 143,817 | 143,817 |
Total | – | 170,541,962 | – | 170,541,962 | 171,208,980 | – | 170,779,900 | – | 170,779,900 | 171,497,271 |
Financial liabilities | ||||||||||
Due to banks | – | 8,057,554 | – | 8,057,554 | 7,938,185 | – | 27,260,329 | – | 27,260,329 | 27,273,933 |
Due to customers | – | 106,798,094 | – | 106,798,094 | 106,701,027 | – | 87,918,010 | – | 87,918,010 | 88,368,656 |
Debt securities issued | – | 18,759,201 | – | 18,759,201 | 18,479,260 | – | 20,824,768 | – | 20,824,768 | 21,275,031 |
Other financial liabilities | – | 3,014,117 | – | 3,014,117 | 3,014,117 | – | 2,480,377 | – | 2,480,377 | 2,480,377 |
Lease liabilities | – | 1,904,947 | – | 1,904,947 | 1,909,098 | – | – | – | – | – |
Total | – | 138,533,913 | – | 138,533,913 | 138,041,687 | – | 138,483,484 | – | 138,483,484 | 139,397,997 |
Group | 2020 | 2019 | ||||||||
As at 31 March | Level 1 Rs. ’000 |
Level 2 Rs. ’000 |
Level 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total fair value Rs. ‘000 |
Carrying amount Rs. ‘000 |
Level 1 Rs. ’000 |
Level 2 Rs. ’000 |
Level 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total fair value Rs. ‘000 |
Carrying amount Rs. ‘000 |
Financial assets | ||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | – | 7,693,032 | – | 7,693,032 | 7,693,032 | – | 4,310,595 | – | 4,310,595 | 4,310,595 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | – | 6,593,797 | – | 6,593,797 | 6,661,407 | – | 6,824,241 | – | 6,824,241 | 7,375,423 |
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost (gross) | – | 158,483,419 | – | 158,483,419 | 163,304,880 | – | 159,843,406 | – | 159,843,406 | 162,232,865 |
Insurance and reinsurance receivables | – | 1,194,933 | – | 1,194,933 | 1,194,933 | – | 885,395 | – | 885,395 | 885,395 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost |
– | 4,821,454 | – | 4,821,454 | 4,813,439 | – | 8,007,001 | – | 8,007,001 | 9,091,945 |
Total | – | 178,786,635 | – | 178,786,635 | 183,667,691 | – | 179,870,638 | – | 179,870,638 | 183,896,223 |
Financial liabilities | ||||||||||
Due to banks | – | 11,097,415 | – | 11,097,415 | 10,978,046 | – | 30,118,093 | – | 30,118,093 | 30,475,326 |
Due to customers | – | 106,796,726 | – | 106,796,726 | 107,685,592 | – | 87,486,543 | – | 87,486,543 | 88,923,196 |
Debt securities issued | – | 18,616,227 | – | 18,616,227 | 18,338,039 | – | 20,683,777 | – | 20,683,777 | 21,134,040 |
Other financial liabilities | – | 2,829,708 | – | 2,829,708 | 2,829,708 | – | 2,464,936 | – | 2,464,936 | 2,464,936 |
Insurance liabilities and reinsurance payable | – | 5,065,220 | – | 5,065,220 | 5,065,220 | – | 4,880,873 | – | 4,880,873 | 4,880,873 |
Lease liabilities | – | 1,590,805 | – | 1,590,805 | 1,594,245 | – | – | – | – | – |
Total | – | 145,996,101 | – | 145,996,101 | 146,490,850 | – | 145,634,222 | – | 145,634,222 | 147,878,371 |
Relief granted by the CBSL has not being considered for the fair value.
The valuation techniques used to establish the Group’s fair values are consistent with those used to calculate the fair values of financial instruments carried at fair value. The fair values calculated are for disclosure purposes only and do not have any impact on the Group’s reported financial performance or position. The fair values calculated by the Group may be different from the actual amount that will be received/paid on the settlement or maturity of the financial instrument. As certain categories of financial instruments are not traded there is a significant level of management judgment involved in calculating the fair values.
The following describes the methodologies and assumptions used to determine fair values for those financial instruments which are not already recorded at fair value in the Financial Statements:
For financial assets and financial liabilities that have a short-term maturity (less than three months) it is assumed that the carrying amounts approximate their fair value. This assumption is also applied to demand deposits, and savings accounts without a
specific maturity.
The fair value of loans and advances to customers with a maturity of less than one year generally approximates the carrying value, subject to any significant movement in credit spreads. The estimated fair value of loans and advances with maturity of more than one year represents the discounted amount of future cash flows expected to be received. Expected cash flows are discounted at current market rates to determine fair value.
The estimated fair value of deposits with no maturity period (savings deposits) is the amount repayable on demand. The estimated fair value of fixed interest bearing deposits (fixed deposits) without quoted market prices is based on discounting cash flows using the prevailing market rates for debts with a similar risk and remaining maturity.
Variable rate is a fair measure which reflects market movements. Hence the carrying value represents the fair value of the variable rate instruments.
The fair value of fixed rate borrowings with a maturity of less than one year generally approximates the carrying value, subject to any significant movement in credit spreads. The estimated fair value of fixed rates borrowing with maturity of more than one year represents the discounted amount of future cash flows expected to be paid. Expected cash flows are discounted at current market rates to determine fair value.
Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, placements with banks and loans at call and at short notice that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in their fair value, and are used by the Group in the management of its short-term commitments. They are brought to Financial Statements at their face values or the gross values, where appropriate. There were no cash and cash equivalents held by the Group companies that were not available for use by the Group.
Cash and cash equivalents are carried at amortised cost in the Statement of Financial Position.
Securities purchased under agreements to re-sell at a specified future date are recognised in the Statement of Financial Position.
The consideration paid, including accrued interest, is recorded in the Statement of Financial Position, within “cash and cash equivalents”, reflecting the transaction’s economic substance as a loan by the Group. The difference between the purchase and resale prices is recorded in “interest income” and is accrued over the life of the agreement using the EIR.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Cash in hand | 656,002 | 861,562 | 669,272 | 890,748 | ||
Balance with banks | 22.1 | 189 | 1,172,669 | 2,065,523 | 1,675,364 | 2,760,312 |
Savings account with banks | 206,434 | 60,563 | 214,422 | 60,639 | ||
Savings deposits in foreign currency | 19 | 4,859 | 19 | 4,859 | ||
Securities under reverse repurchase agreements | 5,129,015 | 301,548 | 5,133,955 | 594,037 | ||
Total | 7,164,139 | 3,294,055 | 7,693,032 | 4,310,595 | ||
Fair value | 7,164,139 | 3,294,055 | 7,693,032 | 4,310,595 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Local banks | 1,172,669 | 2,065,523 | 1,675,364 | 2,760,312 |
Total | 1,172,669 | 2,065,523 | 1,675,364 | 2,760,312 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions include fixed deposits and deposits in foreign currency. Balances with banks and financial institutions are carried at amortised cost in the Statement of Financial Position.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Fixed deposits | ||||
Local currency | 3,207,440 | 3,404,533 | 6,644,819 | 7,365,148 |
Foreign currency | – | – | 16,588 | 10,275 |
Total | 3,207,440 | 3,404,533 | 6,661,407 | 7,375,423 |
Fair value | 3,205,140 | 3,399,296 | 6,593,797 | 6,824,241 |
The Group classifies financial assets as financial assets recognised through profit or loss (FATPL) when they have been purchased primarily for short-term profit making through trading activities. FATPL are recorded and measured at fair value and changes in fair value are recognised in the Net gains/(losses) on financial assets – FVTPL in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
SLFRS 9 requires financial instruments to be classified based on a combination of the entity’s business model for managing the assets and the instruments’ contractual cash flow characteristics. FATPL include quoted equity securities that have been acquired principally for short-term profit making and are recorded at fair value using the market prices published by the Colombo Stock Exchange.
Further as per SLFRS 9, financial assets recognised through profit or loss includes all financial assets other than those classified under FVOCI and amortised cost.
Dividend income or expense is recorded in “Net trading income” according to the terms of the contract, or when the right to receive the payment has been established.
The Group evaluates its portfolio of assets FVOCI, to determine if the intention to sell them in the near future is still appropriate. When the Group cannot sell these financial assets due to inactive markets and the management intention to sell them in the foreseeable future significant changes, the Group may choose to reclassify these financial assets. Financial assets FVOCI measure the fair value using the prices obtained from Colombo Stock Exchanges.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Investment in unit trust | 24.3 | 192 | 1,018,172 | – | 1,171,458 | – |
Quoted equity securities | 24.1 | 191 | 13,547 | 23,190 | 27,134 | 72,386 |
Total | 1,031,719 | 23,190 | 1,198,592 | 72,386 | ||
Fair value | 1,031,719 | 23,190 | 1,198,592 | 72,386 |
Company | ||||||
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||||
Number of shares |
Total cost Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
Number of shares |
Total cost Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
Bank, Finance and Insurance | ||||||
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC – Non-voting | 114,885 | 9,877 | 6,721 | 111,984 | 9,653 | 9,407 |
Seylan Bank PLC – Voting | 109,406 | 7,449 | 3,665 | 80,381 | 6,236 | 5,048 |
Seylan Bank PLC – Non-voting | 143,028 | 4,403 | 3,161 | 103,909 | 3,554 | 3,730 |
Subtotal | 21,729 | 13,547 | 19,443 | 18,185 | ||
Diversified holdings | ||||||
Vallibel One PLC | – | – | 350,000 | 8,769 | 5,005 | |
Subtotal | – | – | 8,769 | 5,005 | ||
Total | 21,729 | 13,547 | 28,212 | 23,190 | ||
Mark to market gains/(losses) | (8,182) | (5,022) | ||||
Market value of equity securities | 13,547 | 23,190 |
Group | ||||||
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||||
Number of shares |
Total cost Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
Number of shares |
Total cost Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
Shares listed in Sri Lanka | ||||||
Bank, finance and insurance | ||||||
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC – Voting | 120,000 | 12,083 | 7,212 | – | – | – |
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC – Non-voting | 114,885 | 9,877 | 6,721 | 194,604 | 16,619 | 16,347 |
Seylan Bank PLC – Voting | 109,406 | 7,449 | 3,665 | 80,381 | 6,236 | 5,048 |
Seylan Bank PLC – Non-voting | 143,028 | 4,403 | 3,161 | 103,909 | 3,554 | 3,730 |
Subtotal | 33,812 | 20,759 | 26,409 | 25,125 | ||
Beverage food and tobacco | ||||||
Ceylon Tobacco Company PLC | 5,000 | 5,400 | 5,000 | – | – | – |
Distilleries Company of Sri Lanka PLC | – | – | – | 14,814 | 110 | 215 |
Subtotal | 5,400 | 5,000 | 110 | 215 | ||
Diversified holdings | ||||||
John Keells Holdings PLC | – | – | – | 237,500 | 37,363 | 37,050 |
Melstacorp PLC | – | – | – | 50,000 | 1,693 | 1,800 |
Vallibel One PLC | – | – | – | 350,000 | 8,769 | 5,005 |
Sunshine Holdings PLC | – | – | – | 50,921 | 2,825 | 2,393 |
Subtotal | – | – | 50,650 | 46,248 | ||
Manufacturing | ||||||
Kelani Cables PLC | – | – | – | 11,833 | 1,492 | 798 |
Subtotal | – | – | 1,492 | 798 | ||
Shares listed in Bangaladesh | ||||||
Indo-Bangla Pharmaceuticals | 3,530 | 65 | 151 | – | – | – |
Silva Pharmaceuticals | 9,653 | 204 | 399 | – | – | – |
Silco Pharmaceuticals | 8,022 | 162 | 399 | – | – | – |
VFS Tread Ltd. | 8,515 | 156 | 426 | – | – | – |
Subtotal | 587 | 1,375 | – | – | ||
Total | 39,799 | 27,134 | 78,661 | 72,386 | ||
Mark to market gains/(losses) | (12,665) | (6,275) | ||||
Market value of equity securities | 27,134 | 72,386 |
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||||
Total cost Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
% | Total cost Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
% | |
Bank, finance and insurance | 21,729 | 13,547 | 100.00 | 19,443 | 18,185 | 78.42 |
Diversified holdings | – | – | – | 8,769 | 5,005 | 21.58 |
Subtotal | 21,729 | 13,547 | 100.00 | 28,212 | 23,190 | 100.00 |
Mark to market gains/(losses) | (8,182) | (5,022) | ||||
Market value of equity securities | 13,547 | 23,190 |
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||||
Total cost Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
% | Total cost Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
% | |
Bank, finance and insurance | 33,812 | 20,759 | 76.51 | 26,409 | 25,125 | 34.71 |
Beverage food and tobacco | 5,400 | 5,000 | 18.43 | 110 | 215 | 0.30 |
Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and life sciences | 431 | 949 | 3.50 | – | – | – |
Diversified holdings | 156 | 426 | 1.57 | 50,650 | 46,248 | 63.89 |
Manufacturing | – | – | – | 1,492 | 798 | 1.10 |
Subtotal | 39,799 | 27,134 | 100.00 | 78,661 | 72,386 | 100.00 |
Mark to market gains/(losses) | (12,665) | (6,275) | ||||
Market value of equity securities | 27,134 | 72,386 |
Sensitivity analysis of financial assets – FVTPL is given in Note 59.4.3 on page 284.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Number of units |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Number of units |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
NDB Wealth Money Market Plus Fund | 34,521,366 | 760,585 | – | 34,521,366 | 760,585 | – |
Guardian Money Market Fund | 13,256,217 | 257,587 | – | 13,264,201 | 410,873 | – |
Total | 1,018,172 | – | 1,171,458 | – |
Financial assets classified as loans and receivables include non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market, other than:
“Loans and receivables” are measured at amortised cost using the EIR, less allowance for impairment. Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees and costs that are an integral part of the EIR. The amortisation is included in “interest income” in the Statement of Profit or Loss. The losses arising from impairment are recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss in “impairment charges for loans and receivables and other losses”.
The determination of whether an arrangement is a lease or it contains a lease, is based on the substance of the arrangement and requires an assessment of whether the fulfilment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset or assets and the arrangement conveys a right-of-use the asset.
Leases that do not transfer to the Group/Company substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of the leased items are operating leases. Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense in the Statement of Profit or Loss on a straight line basis over the lease term. Contingent rental payable is recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.
Leases where the Group/Company does not transfer substantially all of the risk and benefits of ownership of the asset are classified as operating leases. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating operating leases are added to the carrying amount of the leased asset and recognised over the lease term on the same basis as rental income. Contingent rents are recognised as revenue in the period in which they are earned.
The determination of whether an arrangement is, or contains a lease is based on the substance of the arrangement and requires an assessment of whether the fulfilment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset or assets and the arrangement conveys a right-of-use the asset.
All staff loans granted at below market interest rates were recognised at fair value. The difference between the fair value and the amount disbursed were treated as “day 1” difference and amortised as staff cost over the loan period by using effective interest rate (EIR). The staff loans were subsequently measured at amortised costs. Refer Note 35.2 on page 228.
Where possible, the Group/Company seeks to restructure loans and receivables rather than to take possession of collateral. This may involve extending the payment arrangements and the agreement of new loan conditions. Once the terms have been renegotiated, any impairment is measured using the original EIR as calculated before the modification of terms and the loan is no longer considered past due. Management continually reviews renegotiated loans and receivables to ensure that all criteria are met and that future payments are likely to occur. The loans continue to be subject to any criteria are met and that future payments are likely to occur. The loans and receivables continue to be subject to an individual or collective impairment assessment, calculated using the loan’s original EIR.
If the amount of an impairment loss decreases in a subsequent period, and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the excess is written back by reducing the loan impairment allowance account accordingly. The write-back is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
Loans and receivables are written off (either partially or in full) when there is no realistic prospect of recovery. This is generally the case when the Group determines that the borrower does not have assets or sources of income that could generate sufficient cash flows to repay the amounts subject to the write-off. However, financial assets that are written off could still be subject to enforcement activities in order to comply with the Company’s procedures for recovery of amounts due.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Loans and receivables | 25.1.2 | 195 | 156,497,746 | 156,652,241 | 163,304,880 | 162,232,865 |
Less: Individual impairment | 25.8 | 207 | 1,316,238 | 476,668 | 1,428,968 | 476,668 |
Less: Collective impairment | 25.8 | 207 | 7,433,997 | 4,467,671 | 7,740,978 | 4,800,360 |
Net loans and receivables | 147,747,511 | 151,707,902 | 154,134,934 | 156,955,837 | ||
Fair value | 155,825,013 | 155,935,731 | 158,483,419 | 159,843,406 |
Company | ||||
As at 31 March | 2020 | |||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Loans and receivables | 85,842,549 | 38,427,764 | 32,227,433 | 156,497,746 |
Less: Individual impairment | – | – | 1,316,238 | 1,316,238 |
Less: Collective impairment | 675,172 | 1,183,272 | 5,575,553 | 7,433,997 |
Net loans and receivables | 85,167,377 | 37,244,492 | 25,335,642 | 147,747,511 |
Company | ||||
As at 31 March | 2019 | |||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Loans and receivables | 114,902,936 | 26,640,116 | 15,109,189 | 156,652,241 |
Less: Individual impairment | – | – | 476,668 | 476,668 |
Less: Collective impairment | 694,115 | 683,712 | 3,089,844 | 4,467,671 |
Net loans and receivables | 114,208,821 | 25,956,404 | 11,542,677 | 151,707,902 |
Group | ||||
As at 31 March | 2020 | |||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Loans and receivables | 88,207,562 | 41,813,456 | 33,283,862 | 163,304,880 |
Less: Individual impairment | – | – | 1,428,968 | 1,428,968 |
Less: Collective impairment | 749,718 | 1,333,159 | 5,658,101 | 7,740,978 |
Net loans and receivables | 87,457,844 | 40,480,297 | 26,196,793 | 154,134,934 |
Group | ||||
As at 31 March | 2019 | |||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Loans and receivables | 118,132,252 | 28,664,656 | 15,435,957 | 162,232,865 |
Less: Individual impairment | – | – | 476,668 | 476,668 |
Less: Collective impairment | 739,818 | 730,193 | 3,330,349 | 4,800,360 |
Net loans and receivables | 117,392,434 | 27,934,463 | 11,628,940 | 156,955,837 |
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
By product | ||||||
Lease/Ijarah receivables | 25.5/25.6 | 199/202 | 85,815,366 | 87,421,571 | 85,815,366 | 87,421,571 |
Hire purchase/Murabah receivables | 25.5/25.6 | 199/202 | 336,375 | 658,758 | 3,355,778 | 2,872,618 |
Term loans and receivables | 25.5/25.6 | 199/202 | 68,728,321 | 67,237,439 | 71,615,697 | 69,849,575 |
Related party receivables | 25.2 | 196 | 1,617,684 | 1,334,473 | – | – |
Debentures | 25.3 | 197 | – | – | 2,518,039 | 2,089,101 |
Gross total | 156,497,746 | 156,652,241 | 163,304,880 | 162,232,865 | ||
Fair value | 155,825,013 | 155,935,731 | 158,483,419 | 159,843,406 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Sri Lankan Rupee | 156,497,746 | 156,652,241 | 160,611,510 | 159,697,153 |
Bangladesh Taka | – | – | 2,693,370 | 2,535,712 |
Gross total | 156,497,746 | 156,652,241 | 163,304,880 | 162,232,865 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing | 30,535,229 | 23,499,008 | 31,148,829 | 23,949,702 |
Arts, entertainment and recreation | 1,198,406 | 580,392 | 1,198,406 | 580,392 |
Construction and infrastructure development | 11,861,226 | 12,008,983 | 10,905,103 | 11,204,000 |
Consumption | 8,982,853 | 9,085,088 | 9,017,339 | 9,090,948 |
Education | 1,790,145 | 1,671,124 | 1,790,145 | 1,671,124 |
Financial services | 4,881,761 | 4,360,893 | 7,836,750 | 6,192,526 |
Health care, social services and support services | 18,588,699 | 33,836,250 | 20,017,178 | 33,836,250 |
Information technology and communication | 1,419,850 | 1,193,537 | 1,419,850 | 1,193,537 |
Manufacturing | 9,267,973 | 8,172,219 | 11,378,906 | 10,665,019 |
Professional, scientific and technical activities | 8,042,772 | 3,926,506 | 8,042,772 | 4,896,861 |
Tourism | 4,337,271 | 3,727,500 | 4,352,849 | 3,735,748 |
Transportation and storage | 35,230,788 | 31,528,810 | 35,265,304 | 31,553,217 |
Wholesale and retail trade | 18,168,984 | 18,754,628 | 18,606,628 | 19,183,358 |
Others | 2,191,789 | 4,307,303 | 2,324,821 | 4,480,183 |
Gross total | 156,497,746 | 156,652,241 | 163,304,880 | 162,232,865 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
People’s Leasing Property Development Limited | 614,680 | 553,289 | – | – |
People’s Leasing Fleet Management Limited | 17,654 | 7,244 | – | – |
People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited | 809,822 | 710,399 | – | – |
People’s Micro-commerce Ltd. | 112,505 | 11,039 | – | – |
People’s Insurance PLC | 35,868 | 25,347 | – | – |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited | 27,155 | 27,155 | – | – |
Total | 1,617,684 | 1,334,473 | – | – |
Group | ||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||
Rate % |
Maturity date | Number of debentures |
Carrying value Rs. ’000 |
Number of debentures Rs. ’000 |
Carrying value Rs. ’000 |
Sampath Bank PLC | 8.25 | 14 December 2019 | – | – | 1,250,000 | 127,471 |
9.90 | 18 November 2019 | 500,000 | 51,802 | 500,000 | 51,787 | |
12.50 | 20 March 2023 | 1,000,000 | 106,634 | 1,000,000 | 100,401 | |
13.90 | 24 February 2024 | 1,000,000 | 101,138 | 1,000,000 | 101,111 | |
Siyapatha Finance PLC | 13.33 | 08 August 2024 | 1,500,000 | 162,626 | – | – |
National Savings Bank | 11.00 | 10 September 2022 | 1,000,000 | 105,970 | – | – |
National Development Bank PLC | 9.40 | 24 June 2020 | 282,800 | 26,057 | 282,800 | 24,122 |
13.95 | 30 March 2024 | 2,000,000 | 227,961 | 2,000,000 | 200,000 | |
DFCC Bank PLC | 9.40 | 10 June 2020 | 332,100 | 35,764 | 332,100 | 35,758 |
12.75 | 09 November 2023 | 1,000,000 | 104,996 | 1,000,000 | 104,961 | |
13.00 | 29 March 2025 | 844,500 | 95,536 | 844,500 | 95,477 | |
13.50 | 28 March 2024 | 1,000,000 | 113,627 | 1,000,000 | 100,107 | |
Seylan Bank PLC | 12.85 | 29 March 2023 | 750,000 | 79,883 | 750,000 | 79,856 |
MTD Walkers PLC | 11.75 | 30 September 2019 | 254,784 | 26,954 | 254,784 | 26,954 |
Commercial Credit and Finance PLC | 10.40 | 10 December 2020 | 1,000,000 | 103,189 | 1,000,000 | 103,160 |
Sanasa Development Bank PLC | 10.30 | 31 December 2020 | 500,000 | 51,280 | 500,000 | 51,266 |
Commercial Bank PLC | 10.75 | 08 March 2021 | 2,000,000 | 212,104 | 2,000,000 | 201,324 |
12.00 | 27 October 2021 | 421,900 | 44,345 | 421,900 | 44,331 | |
12.00 | 22 July 2023 | 881,700 | 90,135 | 881,700 | 90,106 | |
Hatton National Bank PLC | 11.25 | 28 March 2021 | 2,000,000 | 222,954 | 2,000,000 | 222,529 |
13.00 | 01 November 2023 | 193,300 | 20,339 | 193,300 | 20,332 | |
12.30 | 22 September 2024 | 413,300 | 43,914 | – | – | |
Nations Trust Bank PLC | 12.65 | 08 November 2021 | 2,000,000 | 209,619 | 2,000,000 | 209,921 |
12.80 | 23 December 2024 | 2,000,000 | 206,634 | – | – | |
Hayleys PLC | 12.50 | 31 July 2023 | 1,000,000 | 102,012 | 1,000,000 | 101,978 |
Subtotal | 2,545,473 | 2,092,952 | ||||
Less: Allowance for expected credit losses | (27,434) | (3,851) | ||||
Total | 2,518,039 | 2,089,101 |
Total allowance for expected credit loss stemmed from 12 months ECL since all investments under this category are investment grade instruments.
Company | ||||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Gross carrying amount as at 1 April 2019 | 114,902,936 | 26,640,117 | 15,109,188 | 156,652,241 |
New assets originated or purchased | 45,583,126 | 16,938,239 | 7,026,238 | 69,547,603 |
Assets derecognised or repaid (excluding write-offs) | (49,915,849) | (13,501,435) | (6,284,814) | (69,702,098) |
Transfers to Stage 1 | (26,572,169) | 16,957,385 | 9,614,784 | – |
Transfers to Stage 2 | 1,608,186 | (9,125,199) | 7,517,013 | – |
Transfers to Stage 3 | 236,319 | 518,658 | (754,977) | – |
Amounts written-off | – | – | – | – |
Gross carrying amount as at 31 March 2020 | 85,842,549 | 38,427,765 | 32,227,432 | 156,497,746 |
Company | ||||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Gross carrying amount as at 1 April 2018 | 110,019,522 | 23,482,126 | 9,608,168 | 143,109,816 |
New assets originated or purchased | 65,685,458 | 10,985,274 | 4,308,201 | 80,978,933 |
Assets derecognised or repaid (excluding write-offs) | (47,840,377) | (13,738,418) | (5,623,070) | (67,201,865) |
Transfers to Stage 1 | 5,455,678 | (4,855,785) | (599,893) | – |
Transfers to Stage 2 | (13,313,887) | 14,013,387 | (699,500) | – |
Transfers to Stage 3 | (5,103,458) | (3,246,467) | 8,349,925 | – |
Amounts written-off | – | – | (234,643) | (234,643) |
Gross carrying amount as at 31 March 2019 | 114,902,936 | 26,640,117 | 15,109,188 | 156,652,241 |
Group | ||||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Gross carrying amount as at 1 April 2019 | 118,132,249 | 28,664,658 | 15,435,958 | 162,232,865 |
New assets originated or purchased | 51,127,542 | 19,378,635 | 7,714,983 | 78,221,160 |
Assets derecognised or repaid (excluding write-offs) | (55,248,912) | (14,943,943) | (6,956,290) | (77,149,145) |
Transfers to Stage 1 | (27,728,058) | 17,695,031 | 10,033,027 | – |
Transfers to Stage 2 | 1,678,142 | (9,522,145) | 7,844,003 | – |
Transfers to Stage 3 | 246,599 | 541,220 | (787,819) | – |
Amounts written-off | – | – | – | – |
Gross carrying amount as at 31 March 2020 | 88,207,562 | 41,813,456 | 33,283,862 | 163,304,880 |
Group | ||||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Gross carrying amount as at 1 April 2018 | 111,408,727 | 23,776,549 | 9,848,209 | 145,033,485 |
New assets originated or purchased | 68,379,992 | 12,782,885 | 4,336,959 | 85,499,836 |
Assets derecognised or repaid (excluding write-offs) | (48,430,522) | (13,931,656) | (5,702,630) | (68,064,808) |
Transfers to Stage 1 | 5,531,116 | (4,928,543) | (602,573) | – |
Transfers to Stage 2 | (13,573,641) | 14,277,396 | (703,755) | – |
Transfers to Stage 3 | (5,183,423) | (3,311,973) | 8,495,396 | – |
Amounts written-off | – | – | (235,648) | (235,648) |
Gross carrying amount as at 31 March 2019 | 118,132,249 | 28,664,658 | 15,435,958 | 162,232,865 |
As at 31 March | Company | |||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Gross rentals receivable | 49,584,958 | 59,717,444 | 19,500 | 109,321,902 | 48,270,858 | 66,192,475 | 13,460 | 114,476,793 |
Less: Unearned income | 12,002,025 | 11,498,996 | 1,241 | 23,502,262 | 13,679,885 | 13,367,602 | 1,085 | 27,048,572 |
Net rentals receivable | 37,582,933 | 48,218,448 | 18,259 | 85,819,640 | 34,590,973 | 52,824,873 | 12,375 | 87,428,221 |
Less: Rentals received in advance | 4,274 | 6,650 | ||||||
Lease/Ijarah receivable before impairment provision | 85,815,366 | 87,421,571 | ||||||
Less: Allowance for impairment losses | ||||||||
Individual Impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 2 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 3 | 61,413 | 18,262 | ||||||
Total individual impairment | 61,413 | 18,262 | ||||||
Collective Impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | 324,980 | 321,797 | ||||||
Stage 2 | 632,661 | 423,058 | ||||||
Stage 3 | 2,394,313 | 955,927 | ||||||
Total collective impairment | 3,351,954 | 1,700,782 | ||||||
Total net rentals receivable | 37,582,933 | 48,218,448 | 18,259 | 82,401,999 | 34,590,973 | 52,824,873 | 12,375 | 85,702,527 |
As at 31 March | Company | |||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Gross rentals receivable | 310,678 | 34,553 | – | 345,231 | 563,361 | 155,331 | – | 718,692 |
Less: Unearned income | 6,612 | 1,783 | – | 8,395 | 49,702 | 9,668 | – | 59,370 |
Net rentals receivable | 304,066 | 32,770 | – | 336,836 | 513,659 | 145,663 | – | 659,322 |
Less: Rentals received in advance | 461 | 564 | ||||||
Hire purchase/Murabah receivable before impairment provision | 336,375 | 658,758 | ||||||
Less: Allowance for impairment losses | ||||||||
Individual impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 2 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 3 | – | – | ||||||
Total individual impairment | – | – | ||||||
Collective impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | 200 | 465 | ||||||
Stage 2 | 1,034 | 1,707 | ||||||
Stage 3 | 123,874 | 74,307 | ||||||
Total collective impairment | 125,108 | 76,479 | ||||||
Total net rentals receivable | 304,066 | 32,770 | – | 211,267 | 513,659 | 145,663 | – | 582,279 |
As at 31 March | Company | |||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Motor loans | 13,395,016 | 21,440,497 | – | 34,835,513 | 8,690,223 | 17,023,423 | 182,818 | 25,896,464 |
Short and medium loans | 6,534,786 | 7,511,149 | 64,677 | 14,110,612 | 6,543,609 | 8,817,709 | 18,859 | 15,380,177 |
Clean basis loan stock | 780,035 | 185,292 | – | 965,327 | 816,318 | 187,574 | – | 1,003,892 |
Self e-cash loan | 1,914,075 | 900,925 | – | 2,815,000 | 1,842,811 | 703,154 | – | 2,545,965 |
Fast track loan | 5,190,508 | 824,658 | 181,583 | 6,196,749 | 9,480,471 | 4,074,708 | 181,583 | 13,736,762 |
Trading Murabah | 647,923 | 129,116 | – | 777,039 | 1,030,619 | 244,884 | – | 1,275,503 |
Musharakah | 611,187 | 1,008,473 | 1,033 | 1,620,693 | 298,416 | 751,343 | 1,033 | 1,050,792 |
Factoring receivable | 3,142,703 | – | – | 3,142,703 | 2,755,550 | – | – | 2,755,550 |
Margin trading | 2,265,923 | – | – | 2,265,923 | 2,066,214 | – | – | 2,066,214 |
Staff loans | 171,683 | 506,130 | 28,429 | 706,242 | 169,139 | 485,051 | 32,615 | 686,805 |
Sundry loans | 1,295,043 | – | – | 1,295,043 | 841,892 | – | – | 841,892 |
Less: Prepaid rentals | 2,523 | – | – | 2,523 | 2,577 | – | – | 2,577 |
Loan receivable before impairment provision |
35,946,359 | 32,506,240 | 275,722 | 68,728,321 | 34,532,685 | 32,287,846 | 416,908 | 67,237,439 |
Less: Allowance for impairment losses | ||||||||
Individual impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 2 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 3 | 1,254,825 | 458,406 | ||||||
Total individual impairment | 1,254,825 | 458,406 | ||||||
Collective impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | 349,992 | 371,853 | ||||||
Stage 2 | 549,577 | 258,945 | ||||||
Stage 3 | 3,057,366 | 2,059,612 | ||||||
Total collective impairment | 3,956,935 | 2,690,410 | ||||||
Total net rentals receivable | 35,946,359 | 32,506,240 | 275,722 | 63,516,561 | 34,532,685 | 32,287,846 | 416,908 | 64,088,623 |
As at 31 March | Group | |||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Gross rentals receivable | 49,584,958 | 59,717,444 | 19,500 | 109,321,902 | 48,270,858 | 66,192,475 | 13,460 | 114,476,793 |
Less: Unearned income | 12,002,025 | 11,498,996 | 1,241 | 23,502,262 | 13,679,885 | 13,367,602 | 1,085 | 27,048,572 |
Net rentals receivable | 37,582,933 | 48,218,448 | 18,259 | 85,819,640 | 34,590,973 | 52,824,873 | 12,375 | 87,428,221 |
Less: Rentals received in advance | 4,274 | 6,650 | ||||||
Lease/Ijarah receivable before impairment provision | 85,815,366 | 87,421,571 | ||||||
Less: Allowance for impairment losses | ||||||||
Individual impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 2 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 3 | 61,413 | 18,262 | ||||||
Total individual impairment | 61,413 | 18,262 | ||||||
Collective impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | 324,980 | 321,797 | ||||||
Stage 2 | 632,661 | 423,058 | ||||||
Stage 3 | 2,394,313 | 955,927 | ||||||
Total collective impairment | 3,351,954 | 1,700,782 | ||||||
Total net rentals receivable | 37,582,933 | 48,218,448 | 18,259 | 82,401,999 | 34,590,973 | 52,824,873 | 12,375 | 85,702,527 |
As at 31 March | Group | |||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Gross rentals receivable | 2,244,239 | 2,342,823 | – | 4,587,062 | 3,627,512 | 155,331 | – | 3,782,843 |
Less: Unearned income | 636,855 | 593,968 | – | 1,230,823 | 899,993 | 9,668 | – | 909,661 |
Net rentals receivable | 1,607,384 | 1,748,855 | – | 3,356,239 | 2,727,519 | 145,663 | – | 2,873,182 |
Less: Rentals received in advance | 461 | 564 | ||||||
Hire purchase/Murabah receivable before impairment provision | 3,355,778 | 2,872,618 | ||||||
Less: Allowance for impairment losses | ||||||||
Individual impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 2 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 3 | 33,824 | – | ||||||
Total individual impairment | 33,824 | – | ||||||
Collective impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | 45,524 | 34,114 | ||||||
Stage 2 | 126,381 | 31,194 | ||||||
Stage 3 | 203,824 | 138,675 | ||||||
Total collective impairment | 375,729 | 203,983 | ||||||
Total net rentals receivable | 1,607,384 | 1,748,855 | – | 2,946,225 | 2,727,519 | 145,663 | – | 2,668,635 |
As at 31 March | Group | |||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Motor loans | 13,395,016 | 21,440,497 | – | 34,835,513 | 8,690,223 | 17,023,423 | 182,818 | 25,896,464 |
Short and medium loans | 9,422,162 | 7,511,149 | 64,677 | 16,997,988 | 9,236,664 | 8,817,709 | 18,859 | 18,073,232 |
Clean basis loan stock | 780,035 | 185,292 | – | 965,327 | 816,318 | 187,574 | – | 1,003,892 |
Self e-cash loan | 1,914,075 | 900,925 | – | 2,815,000 | 1,842,811 | 703,154 | – | 2,545,965 |
Fast track loan | 5,190,508 | 824,658 | 181,583 | 6,196,749 | 9,480,471 | 4,074,708 | 181,583 | 13,736,762 |
Trading Murabah | 647,923 | 129,116 | – | 777,039 | 1,030,619 | 244,884 | – | 1,275,503 |
Musharakah | 611,187 | 1,008,473 | 1,033 | 1,620,693 | 298,416 | 751,343 | 1,033 | 1,050,792 |
Factoring receivable | 3,142,703 | – | – | 3,142,703 | 2,755,551 | – | – | 2,755,551 |
Margin trading | 2,265,923 | – | – | 2,265,923 | 2,066,214 | – | – | 2,066,214 |
Staff loans | 171,683 | 506,130 | 28,429 | 706,242 | 88,219 | 485,051 | 32,615 | 605,885 |
Sundry loans | 1,295,043 | – | – | 1,295,043 | 841,892 | – | – | 841,892 |
Less: Prepaid rentals | 2,523 | – | – | 2,523 | 2,577 | – | – | 2,577 |
Loan receivable before impairment provision |
38,833,735 | 32,506,240 | 275,722 | 71,615,697 | 37,144,821 | 32,287,846 | 416,908 | 69,849,575 |
Less: Allowance for impairment losses | ||||||||
Individual impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 2 | – | – | ||||||
Stage 3 | 1,333,731 | 458,406 | ||||||
Total individual impairment | 1,333,731 | 458,406 | ||||||
Collective impairment | ||||||||
Stage 1 | 379,214 | 383,906 | ||||||
Stage 2 | 574,117 | 275,939 | ||||||
Stage 3 | 3,059,964 | 2,235,750 | ||||||
Total collective impairment | 4,013,295 | 2,895,595 | ||||||
Total net receivable | 38,833,735 | 32,506,240 | 275,722 | 66,268,671 | 37,144,821 | 32,287,846 | 416,908 | 66,495,574 |
As per SLFRS 9, the Group records an allowance for expected credit losses for loans and advances.
The Group will separately assess significant customer exposure to determine where there are any signs of impairment. Loans with objective evidence of loss have been classified as Stage 3. Loans with a individually significant amount but not impaired will be collectively assessed for impairment in stage 1 or stage 2 according to the below specified criteria to determine whether significant credit deterioration has occurred since its inception.
Basis of calculating individual impairment is not changed with the adoption of SLFRS 9.
A collective impairment provision is established for –
As per SLFRS 9, the Group’s expected credit loss (ECL) calculations are outputs of complex models with a number of underlying assumptions regarding the choice of variable inputs and their interdependencies. Elements of the ECL models that are considered accounting judgements and estimates include –
The Group has established a policy to perform an assessment of whether a financial instrument’s credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, by considering the change in the risk of default occurring over the remaining life of the financial instrument. SLFRS 9 outlines a “three-stage” model for impairment based on changes in credit quality since initial recognition.
Stage 1
Loans and receivables that is not originally credit-impaired on initial recognition is classified in Stage 1. Financial instruments in Stage 1 have their ECL measured at an amount equal to the proportion of lifetime expected credit losses (LTECL) that result from default events possible within next 12 months (12M ECL).
Stage 2
If a significant increase in credit risk (SICR) since origination is identified, it is moved to Stage 2 and the Group records an allowance for LTECL.
Stage 3
If a loan is credit impaired, it is moved to Stage 3 and the Group recognises an allowance for LTECL, with probability of default at 100%.
When determining whether the risk of default on financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition, the Group will consider reasonable and supportable information that is relevant and available without excessive cost or effort. This includes quantitative and qualitative information analysis based on the Group’s historical experience and expert credit assessment, including forward-looking information.
The Group considers an exposure to have significantly increased credit risk when contractual payments of a customer are more than 30 days past due in accordance with the rebutable presumption in SLFRS 9.
The Group individually reviews at each reporting date, loans and advances above a predefined threshold to identify whether the credit risk has increased significantly since origination, before an exposure is in default.
The Group considers loans and advances to other customers be defaulted when:
The Group computes ECL using three main components: a probability of default (PD), a loss given default (LGD), and the exposure at default (EAD) under the collective assessment. These parameters are generally derived from internally developed statistical models and historical data are then adjusted to reflect forward-looking information.
The Group incorporates forward-looking information into both its assessment as to whether the credit risk of an instrument has increased significantly since its initial recognition and its measurement of ECL. The Group also obtained experienced credit judgement to formulate a base case and a worst case scenario. The base case represents a most-likely outcome and is aligned with information used by the Group for strategic planning and budgeting. The Group has identified and documented key drivers of credit risk both quantitative and qualitative for various portfolio segments. Quantitative economic factors are based on economic data and forecasts published by CBSL and supranational organisations such as IMF.
Quantitative drivers of credit risk | Qualitative drivers of credit risk |
Interest rate (AWPLR) | Status of industry business |
GDP growth | Regulatory impact |
Rate of inflation | Government policies |
Unemployment rate | |
Exchange rate |
The Company offers a revolving facilities such as fast track, and calculates only the 12-month ECL (12mECL) allowance on these facilities. The EAD is arrived by taking the maximum of either sanction limit adjusted for Credit Conversion Factor (CCF) and the gross carrying amount of the loan (utilised amount). EAD of Stage 3 contracts are limited to the gross carrying amount which is the utilised amount since the Group freeze the limits of those contracts up to the utilised amount. The expected 12-month default probabilities are applied to EAD and multiplied by the expected LGD and discounted by an approximation to the original EIR.
A reconciliation of the allowance for impairment losses for loans and receivables, by class, is as follows:
Company | |||||||||
Lease Rs. ’000 |
Hire purchase Rs. ’000 |
Ijarah Rs. ’000 |
Term loans Rs. ’000 |
Refinance loans Rs. ’000 |
Murabah Rs. ’000 |
Trading Murabah Rs. ’000 |
Factoring Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
As at 1 April 2018 | 887,390 | 111,417 | 21,261 | 1,856,880 | 23,787 | 6,735 | 78,655 | 69,435 | 3,055,560 |
Recognition of SLFRS 9 ECL | 357,817 | (1,223) | 68,290 | 354,583 | 4,198 | 8,582 | 30,513 | 72,699 | 895,459 |
As at 1 April 2018 – Restated | 1,245,207 | 110,194 | 89,551 | 2,211,463 | 27,985 | 15,317 | 109,168 | 142,134 | 3,951,019 |
Charge/(Reversal) for the year |
381,372 | (37,581) | 2,914 | 603,803 | (13,779) | (11,451) | 20,440 | 47,602 | 993,320 |
At 31 March 2019 | 1,626,579 | 72,613 | 92,465 | 2,815,266 | 14,206 | 3,866 | 129,608 | 189,736 | 4,944,339 |
Individual impairment | |||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Stage 2 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Stage 3 | 18,262 | – | – | 458,032 | 374 | – | – | – | 476,668 |
Total individual impairment | 18,262 | – | – | 458,032 | 374 | – | – | – | 476,668 |
Collective impairment | |||||||||
Stage 1 | 309,694 | 226 | 12,103 | 175,176 | 102 | 239 | 6,839 | 189,736 | 694,115 |
Stage 2 | 399,124 | 1,109 | 23,934 | 254,802 | 25 | 598 | 4,118 | – | 683,710 |
Stage 3 | 899,499 | 71,278 | 56,428 | 1,927,256 | 13,705 | 3,029 | 118,651 | – | 3,089,846 |
Total collective impairment | 1,608,317 | 72,613 | 92,465 | 2,357,234 | 13,832 | 3,866 | 129,608 | 189,736 | 4,467,671 |
Total | 1,626,579 | 72,613 | 92,465 | 2,815,266 | 14,206 | 3,866 | 129,608 | 189,736 | 4,944,339 |
Company | |||||||||
Lease Rs. ’000 |
Hire purchase Rs. ’000 |
Ijarah Rs. ’000 |
Term loans Rs. ’000 |
Refinance loans Rs. ’000 |
Murabah Rs. ’000 |
Trading Murabah Rs. ’000 |
Factoring Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
As at 1 April 2019 | 1,626,579 | 72,613 | 92,465 | 2,815,266 | 14,206 | 3,866 | 129,608 | 189,736 | 4,944,339 |
Charge/(Reversal) for the year | 1,543,806 | 40,320 | 150,517 | 1,401,813 | 1,416 | 8,309 | 15,931 | 643,784 | 3,805,896 |
Amounts written off | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
As at 31 March 2020 | 3,170,385 | 112,933 | 242,982 | 4,217,079 | 15,622 | 12,175 | 145,539 | 833,520 | 8,750,235 |
Individual impairment | |||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Stage 2 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Stage 3 | 61,413 | – | – | 494,801 | 2,403 | 757,621 | 1,316,238 | ||
Total individual impairment | 61,413 | – | – | 494,801 | 2,403 | – | – | 757,621 | 1,316,238 |
Collective impairment | |||||||||
Stage 1 | 301,497 | 88 | 23,483 | 268,660 | 110 | 112 | 5,323 | 75,899 | 675,172 |
Stage 2 | 583,738 | 788 | 48,923 | 535,113 | 4,426 | 246 | 10,038 | – | 1,183,272 |
Stage 3 | 2,223,737 | 112,057 | 170,576 | 2,918,505 | 8,683 | 11,817 | 130,178 | – | 5,575,553 |
Total collective impairment | 3,108,972 | 112,933 | 242,982 | 3,722,278 | 13,219 | 12,175 | 145,539 | 75,899 | 7,433,997 |
Total | 3,170,385 | 112,933 | 242,982 | 4,217,079 | 15,622 | 12,175 | 145,539 | 833,520 | 8,750,235 |
Group | |||||||||
Lease Rs. ’000 |
Hire purchase Rs. ’000 |
Ijarah Rs. ’000 |
Term loans Rs. ’000 |
Refinance loans Rs. ’000 |
Murabah Rs. ’000 |
Trading Murabah Rs. ’000 |
Factoring Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
As at 1 April 2018 | 887,390 | 155,034 | 21,261 | 1,991,032 | 23,787 | 6,735 | 78,655 | 69,435 | 3,233,329 |
Recognition of SLFRS 9 ECL |
357,817 | 19,012 | 68,290 | 382,955 | 4,198 | 8,582 | 30,513 | 72,699 | 944,066 |
As at 1 April 2018 – Restated | 1,245,207 | 174,046 | 89,551 | 2,373,987 | 27,985 | 15,317 | 109,168 | 142,134 | 4,177,395 |
Charge/(Reversal) for the year |
381,372 | 26,071 | 2,914 | 646,464 | (13,779) | (11,451) | 20,440 | 47,602 | 1,099,633 |
At 31 March 2019 | 1,626,579 | 200,117 | 92,465 | 3,020,451 | 14,206 | 3,866 | 129,608 | 189,736 | 5,277,028 |
Individual impairment | |||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Stage 2 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Stage 3 | 18,262 | – | – | 458,032 | 374 | – | – | – | 476,668 |
Total individual impairment | 18,262 | – | – | 458,032 | 374 | – | – | – | 476,668 |
Collective impairment | |||||||||
Stage 1 | 309,694 | 33,875 | 12,103 | 187,229 | 102 | 239 | 6,839 | 189,736 | 739,817 |
Stage 2 | 399,124 | 30,596 | 23,934 | 271,796 | 25 | 598 | 4,118 | – | 730,191 |
Stage 3 | 899,499 | 135,646 | 56,428 | 2,103,394 | 13,705 | 3,029 | 118,651 | – | 3,330,352 |
Total collective impairment | 1,608,317 | 200,117 | 92,465 | 2,562,419 | 13,832 | 3,866 | 129,608 | 189,736 | 4,800,360 |
Total | 1,626,579 | 200,117 | 92,465 | 3,020,451 | 14,206 | 3,866 | 129,608 | 189,736 | 5,277,028 |
Group | |||||||||
Lease Rs. ’000 |
Hire purchase Rs. ’000 |
Ijarah Rs. ’000 |
Term loans Rs. ’000 |
Refinance loans Rs. ’000 |
Murabah Rs. ’000 |
Trading Murabah Rs. ’000 |
Factoring Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
As at 1 April 2019 | 1,626,579 | 200,117 | 92,465 | 3,020,451 | 14,206 | 3,866 | 129,608 | 189,736 | 5,277,028 |
Charge/(Reversal) for the year |
1,543,806 | 197,261 | 150,517 | 1,331,894 | 1,416 | 8,309 | 15,931 | 643,784 | 3,892,918 |
Amounts written-off | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
As at 31 March 2020 | 3,170,385 | 397,378 | 242,982 | 4,352,345 | 15,622 | 12,175 | 145,539 | 833,520 | 9,169,946 |
Individual impairment | |||||||||
Stage 1 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Stage 2 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Stage 3 | 61,413 | 33,824 | – | 573,707 | 2,403 | – | – | 757,621 | 1,428,968 |
Total individual impairment | 61,413 | 33,824 | – | 573,707 | 2,403 | – | – | 757,621 | 1,428,968 |
Collective impairment | |||||||||
Stage 1 | 301,497 | 45,412 | 23,483 | 297,882 | 110 | 112 | 5,323 | 75,899 | 749,718 |
Stage 2 | 583,738 | 126,135 | 48,923 | 559,653 | 4,426 | 246 | 10,038 | – | 1,333,159 |
Stage 3 | 2,223,737 | 192,007 | 170,576 | 2,921,103 | 8,683 | 11,817 | 130,178 | – | 5,658,101 |
Total collective impairment | 3,108,972 | 363,554 | 242,982 | 3,778,638 | 13,219 | 12,175 | 145,539 | 75,899 | 7,740,978 |
Total | 3,170,385 | 397,378 | 242,982 | 4,352,345 | 15,622 | 12,175 | 145,539 | 833,520 | 9,169,946 |
Company | ||||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
ECL allowance as at 1 April 2019 under SLFRS 9 | 694,115 | 683,710 | 3,566,514 | 4,944,339 |
New assets originated or purchased | 331,309 | 612,170 | 1,115,561 | 2,059,040 |
Assets derecognised or repaid (excluding write-offs) | (155,897) | (195,393) | (1,008,966) | (1,360,256) |
Transfers to Stage 1 | (1,767,220) | 444,409 | 1,322,811 | – |
Transfers to Stage 2 | 15,466 | (1,069,877) | 1,054,411 | – |
Transfers to Stage 3 | 4,385 | 23,816 | (28,201) | – |
Impact on year-end ECL of exposures transferred between stages during the year | 1,259,054 | 253,065 | 790,015 | 2,302,134 |
Changes to models and inputs used for ECL calculations | 293,960 | 431,372 | 79,646 | 804,978 |
Amounts written-off | – | – | – | – |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 675,172 | 1,183,272 | 6,891,791 | 8,750,235 |
Company | ||||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
ECL allowance as at 1 April 2018 under SLFRS 9 | 701,532 | 504,372 | 2,745,115 | 3,951,019 |
New assets originated or purchased | 310,260 | 339,228 | 523,652 | 1,173,140 |
Assets derecognised or repaid (excluding write-offs) | (197,681) | (255,547) | (995,542) | (1,448,770) |
Transfers to Stage 1 | 181,385 | (92,245) | (89,140) | – |
Transfers to Stage 2 | (87,319) | 182,440 | (95,121) | – |
Transfers to Stage 3 | (51,192) | (102,055) | 153,247 | – |
Impact on year-end ECL of exposures transferred between stages during the year | (166,445) | 102,047 | 1,516,426 | 1,452,028 |
Changes to models and inputs used for ECL calculations | 3,575 | 5,470 | 33,910 | 42,955 |
Amounts written-off | – | – | (226,033) | (226,033) |
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 694,115 | 683,710 | 3,566,514 | 4,944,339 |
Group | ||||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
ECL allowance as at 1 April 2019 under SLFRS 9 | 739,817 | 730,191 | 3,807,020 | 5,277,028 |
New assets originated or purchased | 339,960 | 643,192 | 1,006,966 | 1,990,118 |
Assets derecognised or repaid (excluding write-offs) | (161,955) | (238,824) | (989,970) | (1,390,749) |
Transfers to Stage 1 | (1,869,471) | 470,122 | 1,399,349 | – |
Transfers to Stage 2 | 16,361 | (1,131,780) | 1,115,419 | – |
Transfers to Stage 3 | 4,639 | 25,194 | (29,833) | – |
Impact on year-end ECL of exposures transferred between stages during the year | 1,375,954 | 388,352 | 600,612 | 2,364,918 |
Changes to models and inputs used for ECL calculations | 304,413 | 446,712 | 82,478 | 833,603 |
Amounts written-off | – | – | 95,028 | 95,028 |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 749,718 | 1,333,159 | 7,087,069 | 9,169,946 |
Group | ||||
Stage 1 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 2 Rs. ’000 |
Stage 3 Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
ECL allowance as at 1 April 2018 under SLFRS 9 | 716,351 | 523,368 | 2,937,676 | 4,177,395 |
New assets originated or purchased | 334,787 | 354,479 | 534,604 | 1,223,870 |
Assets derecognised or repaid (excluding write-offs) | (195,508) | (247,795) | (1,024,462) | (1,467,765) |
Transfers to Stage 1 | 186,909 | (97,029) | (89,880) | – |
Transfers to Stage 2 | (91,306) | 187,659 | (96,353) | – |
Transfers to Stage 3 | (54,187) | (107,441) | 161,628 | – |
Impact on year-end ECL of exposures transferred between stages during the year | (149,220) | 119,072 | 1,579,576 | 1,549,428 |
Changes to models and inputs used for ECL calculations | (8,009) | (2,122) | 30,264 | 20,133 |
Amounts written-off | – | – | (226,033) | (226,033) |
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 739,817 | 730,191 | 3,807,020 | 5,277,028 |
The Group cedes insurance risk to reinsurers in the normal course of business. Reinsurance receivables represent balances due from reinsurance companies. Amounts recoverable from reinsurers are estimated in a manner consistent with the outstanding claims provision or settled claims associated with the reinsurer’s policies and are in accordance with the related reinsurance contract.
Ceded reinsurance arrangements do not relieve the Group from its obligations to policyholders.
According to the characteristics relating to reinsurance receivables, the instruments qualify the contractual cash flow characteristic test (SPPI test) as the return solely represent capital and interest. Even though there were no interest charge for reinsurance receivables, they satisfy the SPPI test as they are considered to be short term and credit risk doesn’t exist to charge interest. Upon completion of the SPPI test, the management elected the business model of hold to collect the contractual cash flows and measure the instrument at amortised cost as these are short term in nature. Since these are short-term balances without a financing component, the amortised cost will be equal to carrying value.
The Group recognises loss allowances on reinsurance receivables measured at amortised cost. The Group measures loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime, except financial investments that are determined to have low credit risk at the reporting date.
Insurance receivables satisfy the contractual cash flow characteristic test (SPPI test) as the return solely represent capital and interest. Even though there were no interest charge for insurance receivables, they satisfy the SPPI test as they are considered to be short term and credit risk doesn’t exist to charge interest. Upon completion of the SPPI test, the management elected the business model of hold to collect the contractual cash flows and measure the instrument at amortised cost as these are short term in nature. Since these are short-term balances without a financing component, amortised cost will be equal to carrying value.
Insurance receivables are derecognised when the derecognition criteria for financial assets have been met.
The Group assessed the impairment provision based on the ECL method. The analysis of the impairment provision under three categories provided below:
Insurance contracts are those contracts when the Group (the insurer) has accepted significant insurance risk from another party (the policyholders) by agreeing to compensate the policyholders, if a specified uncertain future event (the insured event) adversely affects the policyholders. As a general guideline, the Group determines whether it has significant insurance risk, by comparing benefits paid with benefits payable, if the insured event did not occur. Insurance contracts can also transfer financial risk.
Once a contract has been classified as an insurance contract, it remains an insurance contract for the remainder of its lifetime, even if the insurance risk reduces significantly during this period, unless all rights and obligations are extinguished or expired.
The Group cedes insurance risk in the normal course of business of People’s Insurance PLC. Reinsurance assets represent balances due from reinsurance companies. Amounts recoverable from reinsurers are estimated in a manner consistent with the outstanding claims provision or settled claims associated with the reinsurer’s policies and are in accordance with the related reinsurance contract.
Reinsurance assets are reviewed for impairment at each reporting date or more frequently when an indication of impairment arises during the reporting year. Impairment occurs when there is objective evidence as a result of an event that occurred after initial recognition of the reinsurance asset that the Group may not receive all outstanding amounts due under the terms of the contract and the event has a reliably measurable impact on the amounts that the Group will receive from the reinsurer. The impairment loss is recorded in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
Ceded reinsurance arrangements do not relieve the Group from its obligations to policyholders.
Reinsurance liabilities represent balances due to reinsurance companies. Amounts payable are estimated in a manner consistent with the related reinsurance contract.
Premiums and claims are presented on a gross basis for ceded reinsurance.
Reinsurance assets or liabilities are derecognised when the contractual rights are extinguished or expired or when the contract is transferred to another party.
Reinsurance receivables are recognised when due and measured on initial recognition at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. The carrying value of insurance receivables is reviewed for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable, with the impairment loss recorded in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
Premium receivables are recognised when due and measured on initial recognition at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. The carrying value of insurance receivables is reviewed for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable, with the impairment loss recorded in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
The costs of acquiring new businesses including commission, underwriting, marketing and policy issue expenses, which vary with and directly related to production of new businesses, are deferred to the extent that these costs are recoverable out of future premiums. All other acquisition costs are recognised as an expense when incurred. Subsequent to initial recognition, deferred acquisition costs (DAC) for non-life insurance is amortised over the period on the basis unearned premium reserve (UPR) is amortised.
Changes in the expected useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the asset are accounted for by changing the amortisation period and are treated as a change in an accounting estimate.
DAC are derecognised when the related contracts are either expired or cancelled.
Commissions receivable on outwards reinsurance contracts are deferred and amortised on a straight line basis over the term of the expected premiums payable.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Reinsurance receivables | – | – | 518,059 | 481,559 |
Insurance receivables | – | – | 676,874 | 403,836 |
Total | – | – | 1,194,933 | 885,395 |
Fair value | – | – | 1,194,933 | 885,395 |
Upon initial recognition, the Company elects to classify irrevocably some of its equity investments held for strategic purpose, as equity instruments at FVOCI when they meet the definition of equity under SLFRS 9 – “Financial Instruments” and are not FVTPL. Such classification is determined on an instrument-by-instrument basis.
Gains and losses on these equity instruments are never recycled to profit or loss instead directly transferred to retained earnings at the time of derecognition. Dividends are recognised in profit or loss as other operating income when the right of the payment has been established. Equity instruments at FVOCI are not subject to an impairment assessment.
Unrealised gains and losses were recognised in Equity through OCI in the “Fair value reserve”. When these financial investments were disposed, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in fair value reserve transferred to retained earnings. Dividend earned while holding financial assets – FVOCI were recognised in the Income Statement as “Operating income” when the right to receive the payment had been established.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Equity securities | 27.1 | 213 | 324,381 | 125,651 | 324,381 | 125,651 |
Treasury bills | – | – | 1,131,321 | – | ||
Total | 324,381 | 125,651 | 1,455,702 | 125,651 | ||
Fair value | 324,381 | 125,651 | 1,455,702 | 125,651 |
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||||||
Note | Page No. | Number of shares |
Cost of investment Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
Number of shares |
Cost of investment Rs. ’000 |
Market value Rs. ’000 |
Quoted investments | ||||||||
People’s Merchant Finance PLC | 30.1 | 217 | 25,014,002 | 237,633 | 217,622 | – | – | – |
Sanasa Development Bank PLC | 2,271,260 | 213,853 | 106,749 | 2,094,012 | 203,382 | 125,641 | ||
451,486 | 324,371 | 203,382 | 125,641 | |||||
Unquoted investments | ||||||||
Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka |
27.2 | 213 | 100 | 10 | 10 | 100 | 10 | 10 |
City Finance Corporation Limited | 27.3 | 213 | 50,000,000 | 50,000 | – | 50,000,000 | 50,000 | – |
Total | 501,496 | 324,381 | 253,392 | 125,651 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Remeasurement recognised in OCI | – | – | – | – |
Balance as at 31 March | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Investment in City Finance Corporation Limited | 50,000 | 50,000 | 50,000 | 50,000 |
Less: Impairment provision | 50,000 | 50,000 | 50,000 | 50,000 |
Balance as at 31 March | – | – | – | – |
As per SLFRS 9 – “Financial Investments” are measured at amortised cost if it meets both of the following conditions and is not designated at FVTPL:
After initial measurement, these are subsequently measured at amortised cost (gross carrying amount using the EIR, less provision for impairment). Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees and costs that are an integral part of the EIR. The amortisation is included in “interest income” while the losses arising from impairment are recognised in “impairment charges for loans and other losses” in the Income Statement.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Treasury bills | 4,106,963 | 7,976,782 | 4,106,963 | 9,066,102 |
Treasury bonds | – | 25,843 | – | 25,843 |
Unquoted preference shares | – | – | 706,476 | – |
Total | 4,106,963 | 8,002,625 | 4,813,439 | 9,091,945 |
Fair value | 4,114,978 | 8,007,001 | 4,821,454 | 8,007,001 |
Investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost, net of any impairment losses which are charged to the Statement of Profit or Loss in the Company’s Financial Statements and it is in accordance with the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 27 on “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”.
Subsidiaries are entities that are controlled by the Group/Company. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Company and continue to be consolidated until the date when such control ceases. The Company is presumed to control an investee when it is exposed, or has right, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee.
Intra-group balances and transactions, income, expenses and any unrealised gains arising from intra-group transactions are eliminated in full in preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Non-controlling interests represent the portion of profit or loss and net assets of subsidiaries not owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company.
Non-controlling interests are presented separately in the Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and within equity in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, but separate from parent shareholders’ equity. Any losses applicable to the non-controlling interests are allocated against the interests of the non-controlling interest even if this results in a deficit balance. Acquisitions of non-controlling interests are accounted for using the parent entity extension method, whereby the difference between the consideration and the fair value of the share of the net assets acquired is recognised as equity.
All subsidiaries of the Company have been incorporated in Sri Lanka other than Lankan Alliance Finance Limited which is incorporated in Bangladesh. A list of subsidiaries with there principal activities are given in the Note 1.2.
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||||
Holding % |
Cost Rs. ’000 |
Directors’/ market valuation Rs. ’000 |
Holding % |
Cost Rs. ’000 |
Directors’/ market valuation Rs. ’000 |
Company | ||||||
People’s Leasing Fleet Management Limited | 100.00 | 175,000 | 291,323 | 100.00 | 175,000 | 300,728 |
People’s Leasing Property Development Limited | 100.00 | 550,000 | 982,118 | 100.00 | 550,000 | 991,679 |
People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited | 100.00 | 600,000 | 545,806 | 100.00 | 600,000 | 492,817 |
People’s Micro-commerce Ltd. | 100.00 | 150,000 | 235,446 | 100.00 | 150,000 | 212,983 |
People’s Insurance PLC | 75.00 | 600,000 | 2,955,000 | 75.00 | 600,000 | 2,955,000 |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited | 51.00 | 1,138,788 | 1,336,346 | 51.00 | 1,138,788 | 1,213,996 |
Total | 3,213,788 | 6,346,039 | 3,213,788 | 6,167,203 |
Subsidiaries are not quoted in the Colombo Stock Exchange except People’s Insurance PLC. The Directors’ valuation of investment in subsidiaries has been carried out on net asset basis. People’s Insurance PLC has been valued at market value basis.
The following table summaries the on formation relating to the Company’s subsidiary that has a material non-controlling interest (NCI).
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||||||||||
People’s Insurance PLC |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited |
Total | People’s Insurance PLC |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited |
Total | |||||||
Non-controlling interest (NCI) percentage (%) | 25 | 49 | 25 | 49 | ||||||||
Net operating income | 6,227,937 | 339,360 | 6,567,297 | 5,609,003 | 278,774 | 5,887,777 | ||||||
Less: Operating expenses | 5,174,313 | 184,165 | 5,358,478 | 4,803,207 | 190,662 | 4,993,869 | ||||||
Profit before income tax | 1,053,624 | 155,195 | 1,208,819 | 805,796 | 88,112 | 893,908 | ||||||
Less: Income tax expense | 304,876 | 71,707 | 376,583 | 148,287 | 20,125 | 168,412 | ||||||
Profit after tax | 748,748 | 83,488 | 832,236 | 657,509 | 67,987 | 725,496 | ||||||
Profit allocated to non-controlling interest (NCI) |
187,186 | 40,909 | 228,095 | 164,376 | 33,314 | 197,690 |
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||||
People’s Insurance PLC Rs. ’000 |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
People’s Insurance PLC Rs. ’000 |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 350,478 | 43,773 | 394,251 | 946,851 | 23,759 | 970,610 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | 3,162,759 | 702,633 | 3,865,392 | 3,269,112 | 1,084,919 | 4,354,031 |
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost | 2,728,813 | 2,732,523 | 5,461,336 | 2,282,413 | 2,572,618 | 4,855,031 |
Insurance and reinsurance receivables | 1,840,239 | – | 1,840,239 | 1,491,238 | – | 1,491,238 |
Financial assets – Fair value other comprehensive income | 1,131,321 | – | 1,131,321 | 1,089,320 | – | 1,089,320 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost | – | 666,840 | 666,840 | – | – | – |
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets |
224,164 | 184,843 | 409,007 | 83,660 | 28,335 | 111,995 |
Other assets | 661,596 | 153,468 | 815,064 | 462,525 | 106,558 | 569,083 |
Total assets | 10,099,370 | 4,484,080 | 14,583,450 | 9,625,119 | 3,816,189 | 13,441,308 |
Due to banks | 359,447 | – | 359,447 | 611,013 | 343,629 | 954,642 |
Due to customers | – | 1,487,573 | 1,487,573 | – | 1,014,310 | 1,014,310 |
Other financial liabilities | 714,002 | 284,807 | 998,809 | 617,231 | 77,866 | 695,097 |
Other liabilities | 242,858 | 91,413 | 334,271 | 156,933 | – | 156,933 |
Insurance liabilities and reinsurance payable | 5,132,753 | – | 5,132,753 | 4,944,373 | – | 4,944,373 |
Total liabilities | 6,449,060 | 1,863,793 | 8,312,853 | 6,329,550 | 1,435,805 | 7,765,355 |
Net assets value | 3,650,310 | 2,620,287 | 6,270,597 | 3,295,569 | 2,380,384 | 5,675,953 |
Carrying amount of non-controlling interest (NCI) |
912,578 | 1,283,941 | 2,196,518 | 823,892 | 1,166,389 | 1,990,281 |
Cash flows from operating activities | 249,203 | 55,222 | 304,425 | 309,713 | (1,417,299) | (1,107,586) |
Cash flows from investing activities | 197,202 | (1,912) | 195,290 | (426,258) | (20,243) | (446,501) |
Cash flows from financing activities | 53,078 | 85,248 | 138,326 | (21,023) | 1,012,138 | 991,115 |
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents | 499,483 | 138,558 | 638,041 | (137,568) | (425,404) | (562,972) |
Investment in associate is accounted for at cost in the Company’s Financial Statements and under the equity method in the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Under the equity method, the investment in associate is initially accounted for at cost and the carrying amount is adjusted for post-acquisition changes in the Company’s share of net assets of the associate, less any impairment in the Company’s net investment in associate.
Associate is an entity in which the Company has significant influence, but no control over the financial and operating policies. Significant influence is presumed to exist when the Company holds between 20% or more of the voting power of another entity.
Investment in associate is accounted for using the equity method and is recognised initially at cost in terms of the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 28 – “Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures”. Goodwill relating to an associate is included in the carrying amount of the investment and is not amortised but is subjected to impairment test. The Company’s investments include goodwill identified on acquisition, net of any accumulated impairment losses.
The Consolidated Financial Statements include the Company’s share of the income and expenses and equity movements of the Associate, after adjustments being made to align the accounting policies with those of the Group from the date that significant
influence effectively commences until the date that significant influence effectively ceases.
When the Company’s share of losses exceeds its interest in the associate, the carrying amount of that interest is reduced to nil and the recognition of further losses is discontinued except to the extent that the Company has an obligation or made payments on behalf of the Associate. If the associate subsequently reports profits, the Company resumes recognising its share of those profits only after its share of the profits equals the share of losses not recognised.
Profit and losses resulting from transactions between the Company and the Associate are eliminated to the extent of the interest in the associate. The Company discontinues the use of the equity method from the date that it ceases to have significant influence over an associate and accounts for the investment cost in accordance with the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard SLFRS 9 – “Financial Instruments”.
Holding | Company | Group | ||||
As at 31 March | 2020 % |
2019 % |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Quoted equity securities | ||||||
People’s Merchant Finance PLC (25,014,002 ordinary shares) | 11.86 | 37.06 | – | 237,633 | – | 237,633 |
Total | – | 237,633 | – | 237,633 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Reconciliation of summarised financial information | ||||
Cost of investment | 237,633 | 586,427 | 237,633 | 586,427 |
Share of loss applicable to the Group | ||||
Share of (loss) up to 1 April | – | – | – | (162,988) |
Total share recognised during the year | ||||
Share of profit/(loss) of an associate (net of tax) | – | – | – | (33,234) |
Impairment for the year recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss | – | (348,794) | – | (152,572) |
Transferred to financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income | (237,633) | – | (237,633) | – |
Total | – | 237,633 | – | 237,633 |
The resolutions pertaining to the “Private Placement of Ordinary Shares” and the “Right issue of Ordinary Shares” of People’s Merchant Finance PLC were duly approved and passed by the shareholders of the Company at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 27 March 2019. Subsequent to the said private placement and rights issue, People’s Leasing & Finance PLC’s stake is reduced to 11.86%. Accordingly status of associate changed as financial investments – Fair value through comprehensive income (FVOCI) of PLC after April 2019.
During 2018/19, the Company recognised an impairment loss of Rs. 348,793,939 pertaining to its investment in People’s Merchant Finance PLC on the basis of its carrying value exceeding the estimated recoverable amount. The recoverable amount being the higher of its fair value less cost of disposal and value in use. In this context, it must be pointed out that the fair value of the said investment was derived based on the purchase consideration per share as agreed to with the prospective investor.
Summarised financial information to carrying amount of the interest in associate recognised in the Consolidated Financial Statements is as follows:
People’s Merchant Finance PLC – (2019 - 37.06%) | ||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Ownership interest | ||
Net operating income | – | 191,294 |
Less: Operating expenses | – | 280,976 |
Loss before tax | – | (89,682) |
Less: Income tax expense | – | – |
Loss after tax | – | (89,682) |
Share of results of equity accounted investee recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss | – | (33,234) |
People’s Merchant Finance PLC – (2019 - 37.06%) | ||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Ownership interest | ||
Total assets | – | 2,901,471 |
Total liabilities | – | 2,750,028 |
Net assets | – | 151,443 |
Group’s share of net assets | – | 56,120 |
Investment property is property held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both, but not for sale in the ordinary course of business, use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes.
Investment properties are initially recognised at cost. Subsequent to initial recognition the investment properties are stated at fair values, which reflect market conditions at the Statement of Financial Position date. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value are included in the Statement of Profit or Loss in the year in which they arise.
Where Group companies occupy a significant portion of the investment property of a subsidiary, such investment properties are treated as property, plant and equipment in the Consolidated Financial Statements, and accounted for as per Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 16 – “Property, Plant and Equipment”.
Investment properties are derecognised when either they have been disposed of or when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefit is expected from its disposal. Any gains or losses on the retirement or disposal of an investment property are recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss in the year of retirement or disposal.
Transfers are made to investment property when, and only when, there is a change in use, evidenced by the end of owner occupation, commencement of an operating lease to another party or completion of construction or development.
Transfers are made from investment property when, and only when, there is a change in use, evidenced by commencement of owner occupation or commencement of development with a view to sale.
For a transfer from investment property to owner-occupied property or inventories, the deemed cost of property for subsequent accounting is its fair value at the date of change in use. If the property occupied by the Company as an owner-occupied property becomes an investment property, the Company, accounts for such property in accordance with the policy stated under property, plant and equipment up to the date of change in use.
For a transfer from inventories to investment property, any difference between the fair value of the property at that date and its previous carrying amount is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss. When the Company completes the construction or development of a self-constructed investment property, any difference between the fair value of the property at that date and its previous carrying amount is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
Investment property of the Group and the Company is reflected at fair value. When current market prices of similar assets are available, such evidences are considered in estimating fair values of these assets. In the absence of such information, the Group and the Company determines within a reasonable fair value estimates, amounts that can be attributed as fair values, taking into consideration of the discounted cash flow projections based on the estimates, derived from the evidence such as current market rents for similar properties and using discount rates that reflect uncertainty in the amount and timing of cash flows.
External and independent valuers, having appropriate recognised professional qualifications and recent experience in the location and category of property being valued, values the investment property portfolio every year. In financial periods within that period the fair value is determined by the Board of Directors.
The fair values are based on market values, being the estimated amount for which a property could be sold in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
Any property leased out to parent or subsidiary is considered as owner-occupied from the perspective of the Group and adjustments are made for consolidation purposes.
In determining if a property qualifies as investment property the Group/Company makes a judgement whether the property generates independent cash flows rather than cash flows that are attributable not only to the property but also other assets. Judgement is also applied in determining if ancillary services are significant, so that a property does not qualify as investment property.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | – | 134,400 | 1,131,596 | 1,265,996 |
Addition during the year | – | – | 56 | – |
Sale of investment property | – | (134,400) | – | (134,400) |
Transfer during the year | – | – | – | – |
Balance as at 31 March | – | – | 1,131,652 | 1,131,596 |
Land and building at Nos. 7 and 9, Havelock Road, Colombo 7 is rented to People’s Bank, People’s Insurance PLC and People’s Leasing and Finance PLC by the People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited during the year. In the Group Financial Statements, such property have separated and part rented to People’s Bank has been classified as investment property to the Group. Basis for the separation is based on the number of Sq.ft. rented.
The Company carries investment property at market value. Market valuation of the above investment property was carried out as at 31 December 2019 by Mr K T D Tissera, FRICS (Eng), who is independent valuer not connected with the Company.
Rent income recoginised in respect to the above investment property is disclosed in Note 10 on page 168.
Direct operational expenses recoginised in respect to the above investment property is disclosed in Note 15 on page 174.
Property, plant and equipment are tangible items that are held for servicing or for administrative purposes and are expected to be used during more than one year.
Property, plant and equipment is recognised if it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
An item of property, plant and equipment that qualifies for recognition as an asset is initially measured at its cost. Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset and cost incurred subsequently to add to or replace a part of it. The cost of self-constructed assets includes the cost of materials and direct labour, any other costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to a working condition for its intended use and the costs of dismantling and removing the items and restoring at the site on which they are located and capitalised borrowing costs. Purchased software that is integral to the functionality of the related equipment is capitalised as a part of computer equipment.
When parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items
(major components) of property, plant and equipment.
The Company and the Group apply the cost model to property, plant and equipment and records at cost of purchase or construction together with any incidental expenses thereon less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.
The cost of replacing a part of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognised in the carrying amount of the item if it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied within the part will flow to the Group and its cost can be measured reliably. The cost of day-to-day servicing of property, plant and equipment are charged to the Statement of Profit or Loss as incurred.
Repairs and maintenance are charged to the Statement of Profit or Loss during the financial period in which they are incurred. The cost of major renovations is included in the carrying amount of the assets, when it is probable that future economic benefits in excess of the most recently assessed standard of performance of the existing assets will flow to the Company and the Group and the renovation replaces an identifiable part of the asset. Major renovations are depreciated during the remaining useful life of the related asset.
Property, plant and equipment is derecognised on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is recognised in “other operating income” in the Statement of Profit or Loss in the year the asset is derecognised.
Depreciation is recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss on a straight–line basis over the estimated useful lives of each part of an item of property, plant and equipment since this method most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the asset. Land is not depreciated.
The estimated useful lives are as follows:
Class of asset | % per annum | Period |
Freehold buildings | 2 | 50 years |
Improvement of leasehold property | 25 | 4 years |
Motor vehicles | 12.5-20 | 5-8 years |
Computer hardware | 20 | 5 years |
Office equipment | 10-20 | 5-10 years |
Furnitures and fittings | 20 | 5 years |
The above rates are consistently used by all the Group entities. The depreciation rates are determined separately for each significant part of an item of property, plant and equipment and commence to depreciate when it is available for use, i.e., when it is in the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by the Management. Depreciation of an asset ceases at the earlier of the date that the asset is classified as held for sale or the date that the asset is derecognised. Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reassessed at each reporting date and adjusted if appropriate.
The Group and Company depreciates the property, plant and equipment, using the straight-line method, over their estimated useful lives after taking into account of their estimated residual values. The estimated useful life reflects Management’s estimate of the period that the Group and Company intends to derive future economic benefits from the use of the Group’s property, plant and equipment. The residual value reflects Management’s estimated amount that the Group/Company would currently obtain from the disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, as if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life. Changes in the expected level of usage and technological developments could affect the economics, useful lives and the residual values of these assets which could then consequentially impact future depreciation charges.
Freehold land and buildings Rs. ’000 |
Improvement of leasehold properties Rs. ’000 |
Motor vehicles Rs. ’000 |
Computer hardware Rs. ’000 |
Office equipment Rs. ’000 |
Furniture and fittings Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Cost | |||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2019 | 567,181 | 56,872 | 209,509 | 709,456 | 655,397 | 435,471 | 2,633,886 |
Additions | 6,659 | – | 75,277 | 59,573 | 56,334 | 16,085 | 213,928 |
Disposals | – | – | (6,623) | (2,817) | (7,061) | (1,110) | (17,611) |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 573,840 | 56,872 | 278,163 | 766,212 | 704,670 | 450,446 | 2,830,203 |
Less: Accumulated depreciation | |||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2019 | 2,402 | 56,774 | 74,507 | 525,167 | 502,580 | 374,170 | 1,535,600 |
Charge for the year | 361 | 20 | 14,859 | 63,928 | 60,081 | 25,243 | 164,492 |
Disposals | – | – | (3,905) | (2,817) | (6,159) | (937) | (13,818) |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 2,763 | 56,794 | 85,461 | 586,278 | 556,502 | 398,476 | 1,686,274 |
Net book value as at 31 March 2020 | 571,077 | 78 | 192,702 | 179,934 | 148,168 | 51,970 | 1,143,929 |
Freehold land and buildings Rs. ’000 |
Improvement of leasehold properties Rs. ’000 |
Motor vehicles Rs. ’000 |
Computer hardware Rs. ’000 |
Office equipment Rs. ’000 |
Furniture and fittings Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Cost | |||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2018 | 619,181 | 56,872 | 209,752 | 629,512 | 611,767 | 420,360 | 2,547,444 |
Additions | – | – | 1,321 | 81,996 | 47,971 | 16,379 | 147,667 |
Disposals | (52,000) | – | (1,564) | (2,052) | (4,341) | (1,268) | (61,225) |
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 567,181 | 56,872 | 209,509 | 709,456 | 655,397 | 435,471 | 2,633,886 |
Less: Accumulated depreciation | |||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2018 | 3,232 | 56,754 | 62,548 | 470,057 | 441,729 | 346,241 | 1,380,561 |
Charge for the year | 430 | 20 | 12,897 | 58,417 | 65,154 | 29,088 | 166,006 |
Disposals | (1,260) | – | (938) | (3,307) | (4,303) | (1,159) | (10,967) |
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 2,402 | 56,774 | 74,507 | 525,167 | 502,580 | 374,170 | 1,535,600 |
Net book value as at 31 March 2019 | 564,779 | 98 | 135,002 | 184,289 | 152,817 | 61,301 | 1,098,286 |
Freehold land and buildings Rs. ’000 |
Improvement of leasehold properties Rs. ’000 |
Motor vehicles Rs. ’000 |
Computer hardware Rs. ’000 |
Office equipment Rs. ’000 |
Furniture and fittings Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Cost | |||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2019 | 3,213,999 | 58,583 | 610,767 | 812,177 | 940,383 | 507,409 | 6,143,318 |
Additions | 12,455 | – | 108,867 | 72,378 | 67,848 | 22,667 | 284,215 |
Disposals | – | – | (26,277) | (3,959) | (9,051) | (1,110) | (40,397) |
Transfers | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Exchange rate variance | – | – | – | 1,159 | 478 | 1,073 | 2,710 |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 3,226,454 | 58,583 | 693,357 | 881,755 | 999,658 | 530,039 | 6,389,846 |
Less: Accumulated depreciation | |||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2019 | 257,391 | 57,251 | 176,593 | 585,965 | 644,807 | 404,010 | 2,126,017 |
Charge for the year | 60,521 | 20 | 44,843 | 75,584 | 69,209 | 42,227 | 292,404 |
Disposals | – | – | (15,794) | (3,959) | (8,105) | (1,110) | (28,968) |
Transfers | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Exchange rate variance | – | – | – | 1,003 | 438 | 582 | 2,023 |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 317,912 | 57,271 | 205,642 | 658,593 | 706,349 | 445,709 | 2,391,476 |
Net book value as at 31 March 2020 | 2,908,542 | 1,312 | 487,715 | 223,162 | 293,309 | 84,330 | 3,998,370 |
Freehold land and buildings Rs. ’000 |
Improvement of leasehold properties Rs. ’000 |
Motor vehicles Rs. ’000 |
Computer hardware Rs. ’000 |
Office equipment Rs. ’000 |
Furniture and fittings Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Cost | |||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2018 | 3,259,486 | 58,583 | 587,694 | 700,364 | 881,733 | 497,551 | 5,985,411 |
Additions | – | – | 71,849 | 106,661 | 57,345 | 21,516 | 257,371 |
Disposals | (52,000) | – | (48,776) | (2,052) | (5,598) | (1,268) | (109,694) |
Transfers/adjustments | 6,513 | – | – | 6,185 | 6,105 | (12,290) | 6,513 |
Exchange rate variance | – | – | – | 1,019 | 798 | 1,900 | 3,717 |
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 3,213,999 | 58,583 | 610,767 | 812,177 | 940,383 | 507,409 | 6,143,318 |
Less: Accumulated depreciation | |||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2018 | 198,283 | 57,231 | 157,911 | 517,911 | 574,236 | 367,124 | 1,872,696 |
Charge for the year | 60,368 | 20 | 41,105 | 70,030 | 74,375 | 40,295 | 286,193 |
Disposals | (1,260) | – | (22,423) | (3,307) | (5,560) | (1,140) | (33,690) |
Transfers | – | – | – | 1,133 | 1,512 | (2,645) | – |
Exchange rate variance | – | – | – | 198 | 244 | 376 | 818 |
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 257,391 | 57,251 | 176,593 | 585,965 | 644,807 | 404,010 | 2,126,017 |
Net book value as at 31 March 2019 | 2,956,608 | 1,332 | 434,174 | 226,212 | 295,576 | 103,399 | 4,017,301 |
The initial cost of fully-depreciated property, plant and equipment, which are still in use as at reporting date is as follows:
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Improvement of leasehold properties | 53,282 | 53,282 | 53,282 | 53,282 |
Motor vehicles | 37,971 | 37,444 | 37,971 | 38,520 |
Computer hardware | 440,942 | 400,378 | 482,058 | 434,734 |
Office equipment | 397,383 | 285,671 | 428,485 | 312,322 |
Furniture and fittings | 327,178 | 308,748 | 338,371 | 320,293 |
Total | 1,256,756 | 1,085,523 | 1,340,167 | 1,159,151 |
Location | Address | Date of valuation |
Method of valuation |
Land extent (perches) |
Number of building |
Building area (Sq.Ft.) |
2020 Cost Rs. ’000 |
2020 Revaluation Rs. ’000 |
2019 Revaluation Rs. ’000 |
People’s Leasing & Finance PLC | |||||||||
Vehicle yards | |||||||||
Makola | No. 496, Makola North, Makola | 31.12.2019 | MCM | 90 | 1 | 11,600 | 7,632 | 49,000 | 45,000 |
Mabima | No. 225/D, Nayagala Road, Heiyantuduwa, Mabima |
31.12.2019 | MCM | 330.75 | 1 | 820 | 22,532 | 75,000 | 68,000 |
Meegahamulla | Kandepalla, Beligamuwa, Galewala | 31.12.2019 | MCM | 260 | 1 | 1,836 | 27,558 | 24,000 | 13,754 |
Monaragala | No. 10, Pothuvil Road, Monaragala | 31.12.2019 | MCM | 125.9 | 1 | 1,376 | 46,905 | 50,000 | 45,000 |
Administrative purpose | |||||||||
Bandarawela | No. 35/2D, Welimada Road, Bandarawela | 31.12.2019 | MCM | 8.3 | 1 | 5,194 | 31,257 | 45,000 | 40,000 |
Jaffna | No. 10, Mahathma Gandhi Road, Jaffna |
31.12.2019 | MCM | 44.72 | – | – | 45,764 | 155,063 | 155,063 |
Matara | No. 367, Anagarika Dharmapala Mawatha, Matara |
31.12.2019 | MCM | 40 | – | – | 93,599 | 100,000 | 100,000 |
Kandy | No. 296, Senanayaka Road, Kandy | 31.12.2019 | MCM | 47.1 | – | – | 142,711 | 183,700 | 154,575 |
Anuradhapura | No. 50, Maithripala Senanayake Road, Anuradhapura | 31.12.2019 | MCM | 40.51 | – | – | 155,882 | 182,295 | 174,193 |
Subtotal | 5 | 573,840 | 864,058 | 795,585 | |||||
People’s Leasing Property Development Limited |
Borella | No. 1161, Maradana Road, Colombo 08 | 31.12.2019 | MCM | 104.9 | 2 | 127,621 | 1,532,414 | 2,450,000 | 2,300,000 |
Subtotal | 2 | 1,532,414 | 2,450,000 | 2,300,000 | |||||
People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited | |||||||||
Colombo 05* | No. 07, Havelock Road, Colombo 05 |
31.12.2019 | MCM | 111.45 | 1 | 84,024 | 1,984,746 | 2,600,000 | 2,600,000 |
Subtotal | 1 | 1,984,746 | 2,600,000 | 2,600,000 | |||||
Total | 8 | 4,091,000 | 5,914,058 | 5,695,585 |
Market valuation of the above land and buildings was carried out by Mr K T D Tissera, FRICS (Eng), who is independent valuer not connected with the Company. Investment Method, Contractor’s Test Method and Comparison Method have been used for the valuation. Freehold land and buildings of the Company are considered under Level 3 of fair value hierarchy.
There were no property, plant and equipment of the Group/Company idle as at 31 March 2020 and 31 March 2019.
There were no property, plant and equipment of the Group/Company retired from active use as at 31 March 2020 and 31 March 2019.
There were no restriction on the title of property, plant and equipment of the Group/Company as at 31 March 2020 and 31 March 2019.
There were no items of property, plant and equipment of the Group/Company pledged as securities for liabilities other than disclosed in Note 57 (asset pledged) to the Financial Statements.
There were no compensation received during the year from third parties for items of property, plant and equipment of the Group/Company that were impaired, lost or given up (2019: Nil).
Significant unobservable input used in measuring non-financial assets categorised as Level 3 in fair value hierarchy disclosed into Note 21.6 to the Financial Statements.
The Group’s intangible assets include the goodwill and customer list which were acquired in business combination and value of computer software.
An intangible asset is recognised only when its cost can be measured reliably and it is probable that the expected future economic benefits that are attributable to it will flow to the Group/Company in accordance with the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 38 – “Intangible Assets”.
Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. Following initial recognition, intangible assets are stated in the Statement of Financial Position at cost less any accumulated amortisation and any accumulated impairment losses if any.
Subsequent expenditure on intangible assets is capitalised only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the specific asset to which it relates. All other expenditure is expensed as incurred.
The useful economic lives of intangible assets are assessed to be either finite or indefinite.
Intangible assets with finite lives are amortised over the useful economic life. The amortisation period and the amortisation method for an intangible asset with a finite useful life are reviewed at least at each financial year. Changes in the expected useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the asset are accounted for by changing the amortisation period or method, as appropriate, and they are treated as changes in accounting estimates in accordance with LKAS 8. The amortisation expense on intangible assets with finite lives is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss in the expense category consistent with the function of the intangible asset.
Amortisation is calculated using the straight-line method to write down the cost of intangible assets to their residual values over their estimated useful economic lives at the rates as specified below:
Class of asset | % per annum | Period |
Computer software | 20 | 5 years |
The unamortised balances of intangible assets with finite lives are reviewed for impairment annually and whenever there is an indication for impairment and recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss to the extent that they are no longer probable of being recovered from the expected future benefits.
Goodwill that arises upon the acquisition of subsidiary is included in intangible assets. Goodwill is initially measured at cost. Subsequent to initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less accumulated impairment losses. In respect of equity accounted investees, the carrying amount of goodwill is included in the carrying amount of the investment, and an impairment loss in such an investment is not allocated to any asset, including goodwill, that forms part of the carrying amount of the equity-accounted investee.
Goodwill with infinite useful lives are assessed for impairment annually. The assessment of infinite life is reviewed annually to determine whether the infinite life continues to be supportable.
Intangible assets are derecognised on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss in the year the asset is derecognised.
Company | Group | |||||
Computer software Rs. ’000 |
Goodwill Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Computer software Rs. ’000 |
Goodwill Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Cost | ||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2019 | 184,794 | 308,545 | 493,339 | 206,765 | 417,099 | 623,864 |
Additions | 15,120 | – | 15,120 | 15,120 | – | 15,120 |
Exchange rate variance | – | – | – | 336 | – | 336 |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 199,914 | 308,545 | 508,459 | 222,221 | 417,099 | 639,320 |
Less: Accumulated amortisation | ||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2019 | 148,854 | 19,580 | 168,434 | 171,944 | 19,580 | 191,524 |
Amortisation | 14,299 | – | 14,299 | 10,764 | – | 10,764 |
Impairment | – | 68,145 | 68,145 | – | 68,145 | 68,145 |
Exchange rate variance | – | – | – | 313 | – | 313 |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 163,153 | 87,725 | 250,878 | 183,021 | 87,725 | 270,746 |
Net book value as at 31 March 2020 | 36,761 | 220,820 | 257,581 | 39,200 | 329,374 | 368,574 |
Company | Group | |||||
Computer software Rs. ’000 |
Goodwill Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Computer software Rs. ’000 |
Goodwill Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Cost | ||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2018 | 176,170 | 308,545 | 484,715 | 194,533 | 417,099 | 611,632 |
Additions | 8,624 | – | 8,624 | 12,195 | – | 12,195 |
Exchange rate variance | – | – | – | 37 | – | 37 |
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 184,794 | 308,545 | 493,339 | 206,765 | 417,099 | 623,864 |
Less: Accumulated amortisation | ||||||
Balance as at 1 April 2018 | 138,320 | – | 138,320 | 158,749 | – | 158,749 |
Amortisation | 10,534 | – | 10,534 | 13,101 | – | 13,101 |
Impairment | – | 19,580 | 19,580 | – | 19,580 | 19,580 |
Exchange rate variance | – | – | – | 94 | – | 94 |
Balance as at 31 March 2019 | 148,854 | 19,580 | 168,434 | 171,944 | 19,580 | 191,524 |
Net book value as at 31 March 2019 | 35,940 | 288,965 | 324,905 | 34,821 | 397,519 | 432,340 |
Intangible assets include fully amortised software amounting to Rs. 136,106,914.00 for the company and Rs. 136,401,914.00 for the Group as at 31 March 2020 (Rs. 127,667,967.00 for Company and Rs. 127,962,967.00 for Group as at 31 March 2019), which are still in use as at the reporting date.
The Group undertakes an annual test for impairment, based on value in use computation using cash flow projections based on financial budgets approved by the senior management. The discount rate of 17.86% and the projected growth rate based on GDP are the key assumptions used for this purpose. The discount rate was estimated based on an average percentage of cost of equity of the Company. Management believes that no reasonably possible change in any of the key assumptions would cause the carrying value of the units to exceed their recoverable amount.
There were no restrictions existed on the title of the intangible assets of the Group/Company as at the reporting date. Further, there were no items pledged as securities for liabilities. There were no capitalised borrowing costs related to the acquisition of intangible assets during the year 2019/20.
The Group determines the lease term as the non-cancellable term of the lease, together with any periods covered by an option to extend the lease if it is reasonably certain to be exercised, or any periods covered by an option to terminate the lease, if it is reasonably certain not to be exercised. The Group has several lease contracts for branches/head office that include extension and termination options. The Group applies judgement in evaluating whether it is reasonably certain whether or not to exercise the option to renew or terminate the lease. That is, it considers all relevant factors that create an economic incentive for it to exercise either the renewal or termination option. After the commencement date, the Group reassesses the lease term if there is a significant event or change in circumstances that is within its control that affects its ability to exercise or not to exercise the option to renew or to terminate (e.g., construction of significant leasehold improvements or significant customisation of the leased asset).
Prepaid lease rentals paid to acquire land use rights are amortised over the lease term in accordance with the pattern of benefits provided. Leasehold property comprising of land use rights and is amortised on a straight line basis over the remaining lease term.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Cost | ||||
Balance as at 1 April | 91,985 | 91,985 | 91,985 | 91,985 |
Effect of adoption of SLFRS 16 as at 1 April 2019 | 2,080,315 | – | 1,547,546 | – |
Transfer from other asset (prepaid rentals) | 143,322 | – | 170,723 | – |
Balance as at 1 April – Adjusted | 2,315,622 | 91,985 | 1,810,254 | 91,985 |
Additions | 206,943 | – | 206,943 | – |
Balance as at 31 March | 2,522,565 | 91,985 | 2,017,197 | 91,985 |
(Less): Accumulated amortisation | ||||
Balance as at 1 April | 7,920 | 4,854 | 7,920 | 4,854 |
Effect of adoption of SLFRS 16 as at 1 April 2019 | – | – | – | – |
Balance as at 1 April – Adjusted | 7,920 | 4,854 | 7,920 | 4,854 |
Amortisation | 538,230 | 3,066 | 332,830 | 3,066 |
Impairment | 36,965 | – | 36,965 | – |
Balance as at 31 March | 583,115 | 7,920 | 377,715 | 7,920 |
Net book value at 31 March | 1,939,450 | 84,065 | 1,639,482 | 84,065 |
The Company and the Group classify all their other assets as other financial assets and other non-financial assets. Other non-financial assets mainly comprises of advance payments, VAT recoverable, inventory and sundry receivables. Advance payments are carried at historical cost.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Other financial assets – Insurance commission | 232,692 | 143,817 | – | – | ||
Non-financial assets | 35.1 | 228 | 914,309 | 880,827 | 1,235,329 | 1,164,884 |
Total | 1,147,001 | 1,024,644 | 1,235,329 | 1,164,884 |
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Advance payments | 145,383 | 242,023 | 124,859 | 213,488 | ||
Dividend receivable | 310,000 | 142,102 | – | – | ||
Inventories | 49,596 | 26,881 | 57,920 | 37,125 | ||
Prepaid expense | 67,914 | 110,847 | 76,409 | 123,577 | ||
Unamortised cost on staff loans (Day 1 difference) |
35.2 | 228 | 123,264 | 128,906 | 123,264 | 129,509 |
Differed expenses | – | – | 244,874 | 221,842 | ||
Other receivables | 218,152 | 230,068 | 608,003 | 439,343 | ||
Total | 914,309 | 880,827 | 1,235,329 | 1,164,884 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 128,906 | 81,441 | 129,509 | 83,165 |
Charge for the year | (5,642) | 47,465 | (6,245) | 46,344 |
Balance as at 31 March | 123,264 | 128,906 | 123,264 | 129,509 |
Due to banks include bank overdrafts and long-term and short-term loans obtained from banks. Subsequent to initial recognition, these are measured at their amortised cost using the EIR method. Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on the issue and costs that are an integral part of the EIR. The EIR amortisation is included in “interest expenses” in the Statement of Profit or Loss. Gains and losses are recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss when the liabilities are derecognise as well as through the EIR amortisation process.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Overdraft | 24,683 | 353,074 | 694,954 | 1,274,127 |
Short-term loans | 500,127 | 11,344,182 | 500,127 | 11,687,811 |
Long-term loans | 456,546 | 6,401,039 | 2,826,136 | 8,337,750 |
Asset-backed securities | 6,956,829 | 9,175,638 | 6,956,829 | 9,175,638 |
Total | 7,938,185 | 27,273,933 | 10,978,046 | 30,475,326 |
Fair value | 8,057,554 | 27,260,329 | 11,097,415 | 30,118,093 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 27,273,933 | 39,921,789 | 30,475,326 | 41,834,394 |
Amount borrowed during the year | 12,950,000 | 59,966,000 | 12,950,000 | 59,966,000 |
Repayments during the year | (34,046,652) | (77,536,350) | (35,209,177) | (77,456,806) |
Interest expenses during the year | 1,736,221 | 4,569,420 | 2,066,943 | 4,857,611 |
Subtotal | 7,913,502 | 26,920,859 | 10,283,092 | 29,201,199 |
Overdrafts | 24,683 | 353,074 | 694,954 | 1,274,127 |
Balance as at 31 March | 7,938,185 | 27,273,933 | 10,978,046 | 30,475,326 |
Name of the borrower | Granted date | Facility amount Rs. ’000 |
Period | Interest rate % |
Security status |
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC | 14.07.2015 | 2,000,000 | 4 years | 7.25-10.5 | Secured |
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC | 08.09.2016 | 1,000,000 | 4 years | 14.00 | Secured |
Sampath Bank PLC | 31.12.2014 | 2,000,000 | 5 years | 7.00-8.5 | Secured |
Axis Bank | 27.03.2017 | 150,000 | 4 years | AWPLR + 1.25 | Secured |
Axis Bank | 27.03.2017 | 250,000 | 4 years | AWPLR + 1.25 | Secured |
People’s Bank | 26.05.2015 | 4,250,000 | 4 years | 8.50 | Secured |
People’s Bank | 27.11.2015 | 2,000,000 | 4 years | 10.00 | Secured |
People’s Bank | 15.03.2016 | 2,000,000 | 4 years | AWPLR + 1.75 | Secured |
People’s Bank | 02.06.2016 | 2,500,000 | 4 years | 6 months SLIBOR + 1.75 | Secured |
Bank of Ceylon | 07.07.2016 | 3,000,000 | 4 years | 11.50 | Secured |
RAK Bank/Standard Chartered Bank | 27.04.2017 | 5,355,000 | 3 years | 13.50 | Secured |
MCB Bank | 26.09.2017 | 500,000 | 4 years | AWPLR+1.5 | Secured |
Name of the borrower | Granted date | Facility amount Rs. ’000 |
Period | Interest rate* % |
Security status |
Bank of Ceylon | 30.09.2016 | 2,146,200 | 4 years | 13.81 | Secured |
Deutsche Bank | 03.07.2015 | 3,000,000 | 4 years | 8.82 | Secured |
Deutsche Bank | 28.10.2016 | 1,769,900 | 4 years | 14.47 | Secured |
Deutsche Bank | 25.02.2016 | 4,250,700 | 4 years | 11.75 | Secured |
Hatton National Bank PLC | 29.06.2018 | 2,000,000 | 5 years | 12.27 | Secured |
Hatton National Bank PLC | 13.03.2019 | 2,000,000 | 5 years | 13.08 | Secured |
People's Bank | 18.08.2016 | 3,000,000 | 4 years | 13.32 | Secured |
People's Bank | 09.02.2018 | 1,000,000 | 2 years | 11.71 | Secured |
People's Bank | 10.09.2018 | 2,000,000 | 2 years | 13.15 | Secured |
People's Bank | 23.05.2019 | 1,000,000 | 3 years | 11.16 | Secured |
Details of the securities disclosed in Note 57 – “Asset pledged” on page 257 to the Financial Statements.
As at 31 March | 2020 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Overdrafts | 24,683 | – | – | 24,683 |
Short-term loans | 500,127 | – | – | 500,127 |
Long-term loans | 456,546 | – | – | 456,546 |
Asset backed securities | 2,588,636 | 4,368,193 | – | 6,956,829 |
Total | 3,569,992 | 4,368,193 | – | 7,938,185 |
As at 31 March | 2019 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Overdrafts | 353,074 | – | – | 353,074 |
Short-term loans | 11,344,182 | – | – | 11,344,182 |
Long-term loans | 5,137,102 | 1,263,937 | – | 6,401,039 |
Asset backed securities | 4,246,088 | 4,929,550 | – | 9,175,638 |
Total | 21,080,446 | 6,193,487 | – | 27,273,933 |
As at 31 March | 2020 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Overdrafts | 694,954 | – | – | 694,954 |
Short-term loans | 500,127 | – | – | 500,127 |
Long-term loans | 1,479,347 | 1,346,789 | – | 2,826,136 |
Asset backed securities | 2,588,636 | 4,368,193 | – | 6,956,829 |
Total | 5,263,064 | 5,714,982 | – | 10,978,046 |
As at 31 March | 2019 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Overdrafts | 1,274,127 | – | – | 1,274,127 |
Short-term loans | 11,687,811 | – | – | 11,687,811 |
Long-term loans | 4,211,827 | 4,125,923 | – | 8,337,750 |
Asset backed securities | 4,246,088 | 4,929,550 | – | 9,175,638 |
Total | 21,419,853 | 9,055,473 | – | 30,475,326 |
Due to customers include fixed deposits and savings deposits. Subsequent to initial recognition, these are measured at their amortised cost using the effective interest rate (EIR) method. Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on the issue and costs that are an integral part of the EIR. The EIR amortisation is included in “interest expenses” in the Statement of Profit or Loss. Gains and losses are recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss when the liabilities are derecognised.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Fixed deposits | 99,930,391 | 83,033,465 | 100,929,548 | 83,608,860 |
Savings deposits | 6,770,636 | 5,335,191 | 6,756,044 | 5,314,336 |
Total | 106,701,027 | 88,368,656 | 107,685,592 | 88,923,196 |
Fair value | 106,798,094 | 87,918,010 | 106,796,726 | 87,486,543 |
As at 31 March | 2020 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Fixed deposits | 74,874,182 | 25,056,209 | – | 99,930,391 |
Savings deposits | 6,573,515 | 53,391 | 143,730 | 6,770,636 |
Total | 81,447,697 | 25,109,600 | 143,730 | 106,701,027 |
As at 31 March | 2019 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Fixed deposits | 62,819,140 | 20,214,325 | – | 83,033,465 |
Savings deposits | 5,166,435 | 49,237 | 119,519 | 5,335,191 |
Total | 67,985,575 | 20,263,562 | 119,519 | 88,368,656 |
As at 31 March | 2020 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Fixed deposits | 75,873,339 | 25,056,209 | – | 100,929,548 |
Savings deposits | 6,558,923 | 53,391 | 143,730 | 6,756,044 |
Total | 82,432,262 | 25,109,600 | 143,730 | 107,685,592 |
As at 31 March | 2019 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Fixed deposits | 63,394,535 | 20,214,325 | – | 83,608,860 |
Savings deposits | 5,145,580 | 49,237 | 119,519 | 5,314,336 |
Total | 68,540,115 | 20,263,562 | 119,519 | 88,923,196 |
Debt securities issued represent the funds borrowed by the Company and Group for long-term and short-term liquidity fund requirements. Subsequent to initial recognition, these are measured at their amortised cost using the EIR method. Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on the issue and costs that are an integral part of the EIR. The EIR amortisation is included in “interest expenses” in the Statement of Profit or Loss. Gains and losses are recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss when the liabilities are derecognised.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Promissory notes | 17,087 | 14,928 | 17,087 | 14,928 | ||
Listed debentures | 38.2 | 233 | 18,462,173 | 21,260,103 | 18,320,952 | 21,119,112 |
Total | 18,479,260 | 21,275,031 | 18,338,039 | 21,134,040 | ||
Fair value | 18,759,201 | 20,824,768 | 18,616,227 | 20,683,777 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 21,275,031 | 15,783,502 | 21,134,040 | 15,783,502 |
Amount borrowed during the year | – | 6,000,000 | – | 5,874,220 |
Redemption of debt securities issued | (3,338,413) | (1,164,060) | (3,338,413) | (1,164,060) |
Interest expenses on debt securities issued | 2,281,180 | 2,394,127 | 2,264,940 | 2,378,916 |
Interest paid on debt securities issued | (1,738,538) | (1,738,538) | (1,722,528) | (1,738,538) |
Balance as at 31 March | 18,479,260 | 21,275,031 | 18,338,039 | 21,134,040 |
In 2015 the Company issued Rs. 6,000 million worth of senior, unsecured, redeemable, A’A(-) rated four-year (2015/2019) and five-year (2015/2020) debentures of Rs. 100.00 each. In 2016 the Company issued Rs. 8,000 million worth of senior, unsecured, redeemable, A’A(-) rated three-year (2016/2019), four-year (2016/2020) and five-year (2016/2021) debentures of Rs. 100.00 each.
In 2018 the Company issued Rs. 6,000 million worth of senior, unsecured, redeemable, A’A(-) rated four-year (2018/2022) and five-year (2018/2023) debentures of Rs. 100.00 each.
Company | Group | ||||||||
As at 31 March | Face value Rs. ’000 |
Interest rate % |
Repayment term |
Issued date | Maturity date | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Senior, unsecured, redeemable, AA(-) rated | |||||||||
Type A | 2,175,780 | 9.60 | Semi annually | 13-Nov-2015 | 12-Nov-2019 | – | 2,249,381 | – | 2,249,381 |
Type B | 3,824,220 | 9.95 | Annually | 13-Nov-2015 | 12-Nov-2020 | 3,961,709 | 3,958,778 | 3,961,709 | 3,958,778 |
Type A | 542,040 | 11.90 | Semi annually | 16-Nov-2016 | 16-Nov-2019 | – | 564,286 | – | 564,286 |
Type B | 659,350 | 12.25 | Semi annually | 16-Nov-2016 | 16-Nov-2020 | 686,167 | 686,985 | 686,167 | 686,985 |
Type C | 6,798,610 | 12.60 | Semi annually | 16-Nov-2016 | 16-Nov-2021 | 7,104,422 | 7,093,615 | 7,104,422 | 7,093,615 |
Type A | 704,600 | 12.40 | Annually | 18-Apr-2018 | 18-Apr-2022 | 783,316 | 783,895 | 783,316 | 783,895 |
Type B | 5,295,400 | 12.80 | Annually | 18-Apr-2018 | 18-Apr-2023 | 5,926,559 | 5,923,163 | 5,785,338 | 5,782,172 |
Total | 20,000,000 | 18,462,173 | 21,260,103 | 18,320,952 | 21,119,112 |
Objective as per prospectus | Amount allocated as per prospectus in Rs. ’000 | Proposed date of utilisation as per prospectus | Amount allocated from proceeds in Rs. ’000 (A) | Percentage of total proceeds | Amounts utilised in Rs. ’000 (B) | Percentage of utilisation against allocation (B/A) | Clarification if not fully-utilised including where the funds are invested |
Issue of listed, senior, unsecured, redeemable, rated debentures during the year 2015/16 | |||||||
The funds raised through this debenture issue will be utilised to finance working capital requirements to match the medium to long-term lending of PLC and to minimise the interest rate risk. | 6,000,000 | Within the next 12 months from the date of allotment | 6,000,000 | 100 | 6,000,000 | 100 | N/A |
Issue of listed, senior, unsecured, redeemable, rated debentures during the year 2016/17 | |||||||
The funds raised through this debenture issue will be utilised to finance the budgeted lending portfolio and working capital requirements | 8,000,000 | Within the next 12 months from the date of allotment | 8,000,000 | 100 | 8,000,000 | 100 | N/A |
Issue of listed, senior, unsecured, redeemable, rated debentures during the year 2018/19 | |||||||
The funds raised through this debenture issue utilised to repay the short-term facilities obtained to settle the debentures matured on the 26 March 2018 and for Company’s working capital requirements. | 6,000,000 | Within the next 12 months from the date of allotment | 6,000,000 | 100 | 6,000,000 | 100 | N/A |
As at 31 March | 2020 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Promissory notes | 17,087 | – | – | 17,087 |
Listed debentures | 5,696,827 | 12,765,346 | – | 18,462,173 |
Total | 5,713,914 | 12,765,346 | – | 18,479,260 |
As at 31 March | 2019 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Promissory notes | 14,928 | – | – | 14,928 |
Listed debentures | 4,031,808 | 17,228,295 | – | 21,260,103 |
Total | 4,046,736 | 17,228,295 | – | 21,275,031 |
As at 31 March | 2020 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Promissory notes | 17,087 | – | – | 17,087 |
Listed debentures | 5,696,828 | 12,624,124 | – | 18,320,952 |
Total | 5,713,915 | 12,624,124 | – | 18,338,039 |
As at 31 March | 2019 | |||
Within 1 year Rs. ’000 |
1-5 years Rs. ’000 |
Over 5 years Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Promissory notes | 14,928 | – | – | 14,928 |
Listed debentures | 4,031,808 | 17,087,304 | – | 21,119,112 |
Total | 4,046,736 | 17,087,304 | – | 21,134,040 |
Other financial liabilities include amounts payable to suppliers, insurance payable, dividend payable and other payables.
Dividends on ordinary shares are recognised as a liability and deducted from equity when they are recommended by and declared by the Board of Directors and approved by the shareholders. Interim dividends are deducted from equity when they are declared and no longer at the discretion of the Group.
Withholding tax that arises from the distribution of dividends by the Group is recognised at the time the liability to pay the related dividend is recognised. Withholding tax on dividends distributed by the subsidiaries and associates dividends received by the Group from its subsidiaries and associates, have attracted a 14% deduction at source in the year 2020 (14% – 2019). WHT has been abolished with effect from 1 January 2020.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Amount payable to suppliers | 2,079,540 | 1,650,408 | 2,378,782 | 1,804,026 |
Insurance payable | 645,306 | 605,843 | – | – |
Dividend payable | 23,272 | 21,788 | 23,272 | 21,788 |
Other payables | 265,999 | 202,338 | 427,654 | 639,122 |
Total | 3,014,117 | 2,480,377 | 2,829,708 | 2,464,936 |
Provision for unearned premiums represents premiums received for risks that have not yet expired. Generally, the reserve is released over the term of the contract and is recognised as premium income. At each reporting date, the Group reviews its unexpired risk and a liability adequacy test is performed to determine whether there is any overall excess of expected claims and deferred acquisition costs over unearned premiums. This calculation uses current estimates of future contractual cash flows after taking account of the investment return expected to arise on assets relating to the relevant non-life insurance technical provisions. If these estimates show that the carrying amount of the unearned premiums is inadequate, the deficiency is recognised in the Statement of Profit or Loss by setting
up a provision for liability adequacy.
As required by SLFRS 4 – “Insurance Contracts”, the Group performs a liability adequacy test (LAT) in respect of non-life contract liabilities with the assistance of an external actuary.
Non-life insurance contract liabilities are recognised when contracts are entered into and premiums are charged. These liabilities are known as the outstanding claims provision, which are based on the estimated ultimate cost of all claims incurred but not settled at the reporting date, whether reported or not, together with related claims handling costs and reduction for the expected value of salvage and other recoveries.
The liability is not discounted for the time value of money. No provision for equalisation or catastrophe reserves is recognised. The liabilities are derecognised when the contract expires, is discharged or is cancelled.
Delays can be experienced in the notification and settlement of certain types of claims, therefore the ultimate cost of these cannot be known with certainty at the reporting date. The liability is calculated at the reporting date using a range of standard actuarial claim projection techniques, based on empirical data and current assumptions that may include a margin for adverse deviation.
For non-life insurance contracts, estimates have to be made both for the expected ultimate cost of claims reported at the reporting date and for the expected ultimate cost of claims incurred but not yet reported (IBNR) at the reporting date. It can take a significant period of time before the ultimate claims cost can be established with certainty and for some type of policies, IBNR claims form the majority of the liability in the Statement of Financial Position.
The ultimate cost of outstanding claims is estimated by using a range of standard actuarial claims projection techniques, such as Chain Ladder Method, Bornheutter-Ferguson Method and Frequency/Severity Method.
The main assumption underlying these techniques is that a company’s past claims development experience can be used to project future claims development and hence ultimate claims costs. As such, these methods extrapolate the development of paid and incurred losses, average costs per claim and claim numbers based on the observed development of earlier years and expected loss ratios. Historical claims development is mainly analysed by accident years, but can also be further analysed by geographical area, as well as by significant business lines and claim types. Large claims are usually separately addressed, either by being reserved at the face value of loss adjuster estimates or separately projected in order to reflect their future development. In most cases, no explicit assumptions are made regarding future rates of claims inflation or loss ratios. Instead, the assumptions used are those implicit in the historical claims development data on which the projections are based.
Additional qualitative judgement is used to assess the extent to which past trends may not apply in future, (for example to reflect one-off occurrences, changes in external or market factors such as public attitudes to claiming, economic conditions, levels of claims inflation, judicial decisions and legislation, as well as internal factors such as portfolio mix, policy features and claims handling procedures) in order to arrive at the estimated ultimate cost of claims that present the likely outcome from the range of possible outcomes, taking account of all the uncertainties involved.
Similar judgements, estimates and assumptions are employed in the assessment of adequacy of provisions for unearned premium.
Non-life insurance contract liabilities are recognised when contracts are entered and premiums are charged. These liabilities are known as the outstanding claims provision, which are based on the estimated ultimate cost of all claims incurred but not settled at the reporting date, whether reported or not, together with related claims handling costs and reduction for the expected value of salvage and other recoveries. Delays can be experienced in the notification and settlement of certain types of claims, therefore the ultimate cost of these cannot be known with certainty at the reporting date. The liability is calculated at the reporting date using a range of standard actuarial claim projection techniques. The liability is not discounted for the time value of money. No provision for equalisation or catastrophe reserves is recognised. The liabilities are derecognised when the contract expires, is discharged or is cancelled.
The provision for unearned premiums represents premiums received for risks that have not yet expired. Generally, the reserve is released over the term of the contract and is recognised as premium income. At each reporting date, the Group reviews its unexpired risk and a liability adequacy test is performed to determine whether there is any overall excess of expected claims and deferred acquisition costs over unearned premiums. This calculation uses current estimates of future contractual cash flows after taking account of the investment return expected to arise on assets relating to the relevant non-life insurance technical provisions. If these estimates show that the carrying amount of the unearned premiums is inadequate, the deficiency is recognised in the Statement of Income by setting up a provision for liability adequacy.
Insurance payables are derecognised when the obligation under the liability is discharged, cancelled or expired.
The calculation of premium liability requires a comparison between the Company’s held unearned premium reserves less deferred acquisition cost with the expected amount decided based on the significant management judgment. In estimating the unexpired risk liability, assumptions are made on the expected net claim ratio for each of business and claim management expenses incurred whilst these policies remain exposed for claims.
For non-life insurance contracts, estimates have to be made both for the expected ultimate cost of claims reported at the reporting date and for the expected ultimate cost of claims incurred but not yet reported at the reporting date (IBNR). It can take a significant period of time before the ultimate claims cost can be established with certainty and for some type of policies.
The ultimate cost of outstanding claims is estimated by using a range of standard actuarial claims projection techniques, such as Chain Ladder and Bornheutter-Ferguson Methods and Frequency/Severity Method.
The main assumption underlying these techniques is that a company’s past claims development experience can be used to project future claims development and hence ultimate claims costs. As such, these methods extrapolate the development of paid and incurred losses, average costs per claim and claim numbers based on the observed development of earlier years and expected loss ratios. Historical claims development is mainly analysed by accident periods and significant business lines, but can also be further analysed by geographical area and claim types. Large claims may be separately addressed, either by being reserved at the face value of loss adjuster estimates or separately projected in order to reflect their future development. In most cases, no explicit assumptions are made regarding future rates of claims inflation or loss ratios. Instead, the assumptions used are those implicit in the historical claims development data on which the projections are based.
Additional qualitative judgement is used to assess the extent to which past trends may not apply in future, (for example to reflect one-off occurrences, changes in external or market factors such as public attitudes to claiming, economic conditions, levels of claims inflation, judicial decisions and legislation, as well as internal factors such as portfolio mix, policy features and claims handling procedures) in order to arrive at the estimated ultimate cost of claims that present the likely outcome from the range of possible outcomes, taking account of all the uncertainties involved.
Similar judgements, estimates and assumptions are employed in the assessment of adequacy of provisions for unearned premium. Judgement is also required in determining whether the pattern of insurance service provided by a contract requires amortisation of unearned premium on a basis other than time apportionment.
All general insurance contracts are subject to a liability adequacy test (LAT). The LAT was carried out by M/s NMG Financial Services Consulting Pte Limited, Singapore.
Reinsurance liabilities represent balances due to insurance companies. Reinsurance assets or liabilities are derecognised when the contractual rights are extinguished or expired or when the contract is transferred to another party.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Insurance liabilities | 40.1 | 238 | – | – | 5,026,503 | 4,799,808 |
Reinsurance payables | – | – | 38,717 | 81,065 | ||
Total | – | – | 5,065,220 | 4,880,873 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Outstanding claims provision | – | – | 1,462,009 | 1,353,366 |
Provision for unearned premiums (net) | – | – | 3,564,494 | 3,446,442 |
Total | – | – | 5,026,503 | 4,799,808 |
The Company recognises lease liabilities measured at present value of lease payments to be made over the lease term at the commencement date of the lease.
The present value of lease commitments as at 1 April 2019 has been calculated using weighted average incremental borrowing rate of 12.45%.
The Group applied modified retrospective approach in accordance with SLFRS 16 when accounting for right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | – | – | – | – | ||
Effect of adoption of SLFRS 16 as at 1 April 2019 | 2,080,315 | – | 1,547,546 | – | ||
2,080,315 | – | 1,547,546 | – | |||
Additions/renewal of lease agreements during the year | 206,943 | – | 206,943 | – | ||
Accretion of interest | 6.2 | 165 | 238,581 | – | 183,724 | – |
Payments to lease creditors | (616,741) | – | (343,968) | – | ||
Expiration of lease agreements during the year | – | – | – | – | ||
Balance as at 31 March | 1,909,098 | – | 1,594,245 | – |
The Group and the Company is subject to income taxes and other taxes including VAT and NBT on financial services. Significant judgement is required to determine the total provision for current, deferred and other taxes. Uncertainties exist, with respect to the interpretation of the applicability of tax laws, at the time of the preparation of these Financial Statements.
The Group and the Company recognised assets and liabilities for current, deferred and other taxes based on estimates of whether additional taxes will be due. Where the final tax outcome of these matters are different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the income tax, deferred tax amounts in the period in which the determination is made.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Current tax payable | 42.1 | 239 | 1,803,309 | 2,238,257 | 2,077,418 | 2,323,647 |
Total | 1,803,309 | 2,238,257 | 2,077,418 | 2,323,647 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 2,238,257 | (89,849) | 2,323,647 | 62,673 |
Provision for the year | 2,822,836 | 3,442,009 | 3,259,538 | 3,601,824 |
Under/(over) provision in respect of previous year | – | (90,583) | (781) | (90,046) |
Payment of income tax | (3,071,709) | (805,705) | (3,339,472) | (907,945) |
Tax credits | ||||
WHT/Other credit | (18,416) | (21,552) | (18,416) | (106,898) |
Economic service charge | (141,084) | (196,063) | (147,098) | (235,961) |
Balance as at 31 March | 1,803,309 | 2,238,257 | 2,077,418 | 2,323,647 |
As per the provisions of the economic service charge (ESC) Act No. 13 of 2006, and subsequent amendments thereto, the ESC is payable at 0.5% on “exempt turnover” and is deductible from the income tax payments. Unclaimed ESC, if any, can be carried forward and set-off against the income tax payable in the three subsequent years. ESC abolished with effect from 1 January 2020 amendment to the Act yet to be enacted as of reporting date.
As per Section 137 of the Inland Revenue Act No. 10 of 2006 and amendments thereto, a company made fixed deposit and savings accounts interest income on which WHT had been deducted at 10% per annum at the time of payment or credited to the account.
This tax deduction can be claimed as tax credit to the income tax payments. As per Section 84 of the Inland Revenue Act No. 24 of 2017, WHT on interest or discount paid to a person rate was reduced to 5% with effect from 1 April 2018.
Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences at the reporting date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences, except:
Deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, carry forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, and the carry forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilised except:
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred tax asset to be utilised. Unrecognised deferred tax assets are reassessed at each reporting date and are recognised to the extent that it has become probable that future taxable profit will allow the deferred tax asset to be recovered.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the year when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date.
Current tax and deferred tax relating to items recognised directly in equity are also recognised in equity and not in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset if a legally enforceable right exists to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and the deferred taxes relate to the same taxable entity and the same taxation authority.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Recognised under assets | 43.1 | 241 | (376,291) | – | (471,841) | (47,584) |
Recognised under liabilities | 43.1 | 241 | – | 837,179 | 418,132 | 1,141,973 |
Deferred tax liabilities/(Assets) | 43.1 | 241 | (376,291) | 837,179 | (53,709) | 1,094,389 |
Net deferred tax assets/liabilities of one entity cannot set-off against another entity’s assets/liabilities since there is no legally enforceable right to set-off. Therefore net deferred tax assets and liabilities of different entities are separately recognised in the Statement of Financial Position.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 837,179 | 2,275,868 | 1,094,389 | 2,310,652 |
Deferred tax on transitional adjustment | – | (250,729) | – | (266,494) |
Charge for the year | (1,213,519) | (1,182,290) | (1,148,189) | (935,741) |
Deferred tax charge relating to components of Statement of Comprehensive Income |
49 | (5,670) | 91 | (14,028) |
Balance as at 31 March | (376,291) | 837,179 | (53,709) | 1,094,389 |
Company | Group | |||||||||
As at 31 March 2020 | Deferred tax assets Rs. ’000 |
Deferred tax liabilities Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Profit or Loss Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Comprehensive Income Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Changes in Equity Rs. ’000 |
Deferred tax assets Rs. ’000 |
Deferred tax liabilities Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Profit or Loss Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Comprehensive Income Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Changes in Equity Rs. ’000 |
Retirement benefit obligation | 166,020 | – | (28,087) | (49) | – | 176,625 | – | (36,483) | (91) | – |
Carry forward tax losses |
– | – | – | – | – | 227 | – | 13,158 | – | – |
Impairment allowances for loans and receivables | 1,933,299 | 439,714 | (589,257) | – | – | 1,998,246 | 440,392 | (660,265) | – | – |
Deferred tax on transitional adjustment | 250,729 | – | – | – | 250,729 | 266,494 | – | – | – | 266,494 |
Accelerated depreciation allowance for tax purpose (Lease) |
– | 1,487,393 | (596,118) | – | – | – | 1,487,393 | (596,118) | – | – |
Accelerated depreciation allowance for tax purpose (PPE) |
– | 4,488 | (57) | – | – | – | 131,656 | 11,659 | – | – |
Deferred tax on SLFRS 16 |
– | 42,162 | – | – | – | 5,763 | 42,162 | 36,399 | – | – |
Fair value gains/losses – freehold buildings | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 42,155 | – | – |
Fair value gains/losses – investment property | – | – | – | – | – | 41,073 | 333,116 | 41,306 | – | – |
Total | 2,350,048 | 1,973,757 | (1,213,519) | (49) | 250,729 | 2,488,428 | 2,434,719 | (1,148,189) | (91) | 266,494 |
Deferred tax effect on profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year |
– | – | (1,213,519) | (49) | – | – | – | (1,148,189) | (91) | – |
Recognised under equity | – | – | – | – | 250,729 | – | – | – | – | 266,494 |
Recognised under assets | – | (376,291) | – | – | – | – | (471,841) | – | – | – |
Recognised under liabilities | – | – | – | – | – | – | 418,132 | – | – | – |
Net deferred tax liability as at 31 March | – | (376,291) | – | – | – | – | (53,709) | – | – | – |
Company | Group | |||||||||
As at 31 March 2019 | Deferred tax assets Rs. ’000 |
Deferred tax liabilities Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Profit or Loss Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Comprehensive Income Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Changes in Equity Rs. ’000 |
Deferred tax assets Rs. ’000 |
Deferred tax liabilities Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Profit or Loss Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Comprehensive Income Rs. ’000 |
Statement of Changes in Equity Rs. ’000 |
Retirement benefit obligation | 137,884 | – | (22,160) | (5,670) | – | 140,042 | – | (6,583) | 14,028 | – |
Carry forward tax losses | – | – | – | – | – | 13,385 | – | 13,238 | – | – |
Impairment allowances for loans and receivables | 868,209 | 5,945 | (430,436) | – | – | 903,724 | 5,945 | (444,376) | – | – |
Deferred tax on transitional adjustment | 250,729 | – | – | – | 250,729 | 266,494 | – | – | – | 266,494 |
Accelerated depreciation allowance for tax purpose (Lease) |
– | 2,083,511 | (635,299) | – | – | – | 2,083,511 | (635,299) | – | – |
Accelerated depreciation allowance for tax purpose (PPE) |
– | 4,545 | (76,684) | – | – | – | 119,997 | (53,591) | – | – |
Fair value gains/losses – freehold buildings |
– | – | – | – | – | – | – | (17,711) | – | – |
Fair value gains/losses – investment property |
– | – | (17,711) | – | – | 42,155 | 250,736 | 208,581 | – | – |
Total | 1,256,822 | 2,094,001 | (1,182,290) | (5,670) | 250,729 | 1,365,800 | 2,460,189 | (935,741) | 14,028 | 266,494 |
Deferred tax effect on profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year |
– | – | (1,182,290) | – | – | – | – | (935,741) | 14,028 | – |
Recognised under equity | – | – | – | – | 250,729 | – | – | – | – | 266,494 |
Recognised under assets | – | – | – | – | – | – | (47,584) | – | – | – |
Recognised under liabilities | – | 837,179 | – | – | – | – | 1,141,973 | – | – | – |
Net deferred tax liability as at 31 March | – | 837,179 | – | – | – | – | 1,094,389 | – | – | – |
Deferred tax assets/liabilities have been calculated at the rate specific to each company.
Other liabilities include VAT on financial services payable, retirement benefit obligation, value added tax (VAT) payable, debt repayment levy payable, other tax payables and other payables. These liabilities are recorded at amounts expected to be payable at the reporting date.
The Group/Company measures the present value of the promised retirement benefits for gratuity, which is a retirement benefit plan with the advice of an independent professional actuary using the “Projected Unit Credit method” (PUC) as required by the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 19 – “Employee Benefits”.
The Group/Company recognises the total actuarial gains and losses that arise in calculating the Company’s obligation in respect of the plan in Statement of Comprehensive Income during the period in which it occurs.
The gratuity liability is not externally funded.
A defined contribution plan is a post-employment benefit plan under which an entity pays fixed contributions into a separate entity (a fund) and will have no legal or constructive obligation to pay further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits relating to employee services in the current and prior periods as defined in the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 19 – “Employee Benefits”.
The contribution payable to a defined contribution plan is in proportion to the services rendered to the Company by the employees and is recorded as an expense when they become due. Unpaid contributions are recorded as a liability.
The Group/Company and employees contribute to the Employees’ Provident Fund managed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka at 12% and 8% respectively on the gross salary of each employee.
The Group/Company contributes to the Employees’ Trust Fund at 3% on the gross salary of each employee.
The cost of the retirement benefit obligation is determined using actuarial valuation. The actuarial valuation involves making assumptions about discount rates, expected rates of return on assets, future salary increases, mortality rates and future gratuity increases. Due to the long-term nature of such obligation, these estimates are subjected to significant uncertainty. All assumptions are reviewed at each reporting date.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Vat on financial services payable | – | 259,787 | – | 262,007 | ||
Debt repayment levy payable | – | 110,055 | – | 110,055 | ||
Value added tax (VAT) payable | 10,502 | 11,922 | 62,173 | 40,977 | ||
WHT payable | 123,135 | 32,349 | 123,355 | 52,857 | ||
NBT payable | – | 20,008 | – | 31,912 | ||
Crop insurance levy payable | – | 10,970 | – | 10,970 | ||
Retirement benefit obligation | 44.1 | 244 | 592,871 | 492,444 | 647,929 | 536,753 |
Amount payable to customers | 401,960 | 161,210 | 409,602 | 162,060 | ||
Stamp duty payable | 53,008 | 50,135 | 55,087 | 52,011 | ||
Other payable | 387,089 | 315,609 | 402,539 | 347,084 | ||
Total | 1,568,565 | 1,464,489 | 1,700,685 | 1,606,686 |
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 492,444 | 393,048 | 536,753 | 423,788 | ||
Amount recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss | 44.1.1 | 244 | 111,325 | 90,594 | 124,504 | 101,335 |
Actuarial gain/(Loss) recognise in Statement of Comprehensive Income | 44.1.2 | 244 | (172) | 17,909 | (1,225) | 20,872 |
Benefits paid during the year | (10,726) | (9,107) | (12,103) | (9,242) | ||
Balance as at 31 March | 592,871 | 492,444 | 647,929 | 536,753 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Current service cost | 57,157 | 50,109 | 70,335 | 65,570 |
Net interest on the net defined benefit liability | 54,168 | 40,485 | 54,169 | 35,765 |
Total amount recognised in Statement of Profit or Loss | 111,325 | 90,594 | 124,504 | 101,335 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Losses/(Gains) due to changes in assumptions | (2,410) | 14,034 | (1,716) | 15,268 |
Experience losses/(gains) arising during the year | 2,238 | 3,875 | 491 | 5,604 |
Total actuarial (losses)/gain recognised in Statement of Comprehensive Income |
(172) | 17,909 | (1,225) | 20,872 |
An actuarial valuation of the retirement benefit obligations was carried out as at 31 March 2020 by Messrs Smiles Global (Private) Limited, a firm of professional actuaries. The valuation method used by the actuaries to value the liability is the Projected Unit Credit (PUC), the method recommended by the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 19 – “Employee Benefits”.
Company/Group | ||
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 |
Actuarial assumptions | ||
Discount rate | 10.00% | 11.30% |
Future salary increment rate | 9.00% | 10.00% |
Mortality | A1967/70 ultimate mortality | A1967/70 ultimate mortality |
Disability | Standard RI rates | Standard RI rates |
Retirement age | 55 years | 55 years |
Expected average working life of the active participants is 8.87 years for the year ended 31 March 2020. (8.67 – 2019).
The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a reasonably possible change in the key assumptions employed with all other variables held constant in the employment benefit liability measures.
The sensitivity of the Statement of Comprehensive Income and the Statement of Financial Position is the effect of the assumed changes in discount rate and salary increment rate on the employment benefit obligation for the year.
2020 | 2019 | ||||
% | Effect on Statement of Comprehensive Income increase/(reduction) in results for the year Rs. ’000 |
Effect on employee benefit obligation increase/(reduction) in the liability Rs. ’000 |
Effect on Statement of Comprehensive Income increase/(reduction) in results for the year Rs. ’000 |
Effect on employee benefit obligation increase/(reduction) in the liability Rs. ’000 |
Increase/(decrease) in discount rate | 1 | 33,376 | (33,376) | 27,381 | (27,381) |
-1 | (37,348) | 37,348 | (30,587) | 30,587 | |
Increase/(decrease) in salary increment | 1 | (38,666) | 38,666 | (31,675) | 31,675 |
-1 | 35,140 | (35,140) | 28,831 | (28,831) |
Following note analysed the defined benefit obligation by expected future working life time of each individual employee. The expected future working life considers the probability of an exit due to withdrawal, death or disability prior to retirement date.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Within the next 12 months | 48,003 | 31,932 | 51,911 | 35,840 |
Between 1-5 years | 67,487 | 50,535 | 83,388 | 60,683 |
Over 5 years | 477,381 | 409,977 | 512,630 | 440,230 |
Total | 592,871 | 492,444 | 647,929 | 536,753 |
Company/Group | ||||
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | ||
Number | Rs. ’000 | Number | Rs. ’000 | |
Balance as at 1 April 2019 | 1,579,862,482 | 13,236,073 | 1,579,862,482 | 13,236,073 |
Scrip dividend | 47,840,906 | 679,341 | – | – |
Balance as at 31 March 2020 | 1,627,703,388 | 13,915,414 | 1,579,862,482 | 13,236,073 |
Issued for scrip dividend – Shares 47,840,906 of Rs. 14.20
The ordinary shares of the Company are quoted in the Colombo Stock Exchange. The holders of ordinary shares have the right to receive dividend as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at the Annual General Meeting of the Company.
The primary objectives of the Company’s capital management policy are to ensure that the Company complies with externally imposed capital requirements and maintains strong credit ratings and healthy capital ratios in order to support its business and to maximise shareholder value.
The Company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments according to changes in economic conditions and the risk characteristics of its activities. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may adjust the amount of dividend payment to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue capital securities.
2020 | 2019 | |||
As at 31 March | Actual | Required | Actual | Required |
Tier 1 capital/core capital (Rs. ’000) | 29,269,430 | 2,000,000 | 26,517,785 | 1,500,000 |
Tier 1 capital ratio (%) | 15.12 | 7.00 | 14.36 | 6.00 |
Total capital ratio (%) | 15.99 | 11.00 | 15.20 | 10.00 |
As per Finance Business Act Direction No. 3 of 2018, regulatory capital consists of Tier 1 capital, which comprises stated capital, statutory reserve fund, retained earnings including current year profit, general and other reserves less goodwill, other intangible assets, other comprehensive income/(loss), shortfall of the cumulative impairment to total provisions and interest in suspense and 50% of investment in banking and financial companies.
Even though Finance Business Act Direction No. 2 of 2017 required every Licensed Finance Company to maintain minimum core capital at not less than Rs. 2 billion by 1 January 2020, through the letter dated 31 March 2020 issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka with the subject of “Regulatory measures taken by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to provide flexibility to Licensed Finance Companies to support business and individual affected by the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)”, concessions were granted to defer the enhancement of minimum core capital requirement of Rs. 2 billion until 31 December 2020.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 2,058,219 | 1,837,413 | 2,070,667 | 1,837,413 |
Transfer during the year | 147,125 | 220,806 | 164,410 | 233,254 |
Balance as at 31 March | 2,205,344 | 2,058,219 | 2,235,077 | 2,070,667 |
According to the Paragraph 3 (a) of Finance Companies (Capital Funds) Direction No. 1 of 2003, every finance company shall maintain reserve fund and as per Paragraph 3 (b) (i) of the said direction, so long the capital funds are not less than twenty five (25) percent of total deposit liabilities, a sum equal to not less than five (5) percent of the net profits shall be transferred to reserve fund each year.
Since the capital funds are not less than twenty-five (25) percent of total deposit liabilities, company has transferred five (5) percent of the net profits to reserve fund.
As per Financial regulation 1994, every non-banking financial institution is required to transfer at least 20% of it’s current years profit to the fund until such reserve fund equal to its paid up share capital and share premium (if any). In conformity with the above requirement the Company transferred 20% of net profit to statutory reserve before declaration of dividend.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 13,361,805 | 11,502,165 | 15,198,424 | 13,167,172 |
Recognition of SLFRS 9 expected credit loss those measured at amortised cost | – | (1,006,640) | – | (1,066,686) |
Deferred tax on transitional adjustment | – | 250,729 | – | 266,494 |
Capital gain tax | – | – | 14 | (167,949) |
Profit for the year | 2,942,508 | 4,416,121 | 3,408,670 | 4,813,578 |
Comprehensive income | 123 | (4,937) | 4,449 | (6,104) |
Transfers to reserves | (147,125) | (220,806) | (164,410) | (233,254) |
Transfers from reserves | – | 400,000 | – | 400,000 |
Dividend paid | (1,929,323) | (1,974,827) | (1,929,323) | (1,974,827) |
Balance as at 31 March | 14,227,988 | 13,361,805 | 16,517,824 | 15,198,424 |
The reserves recorded in equity (Statement of Comprehensive Income) on the Statement of Financial Position include:
Company | Group | |||||||
Note | Page No. | Opening balance as at 1 April 2019 Rs. ’000 |
Movement/ transfers Rs. ’000 |
Closing balance as at 31 March 2020 Rs. ’000 |
Opening balance as at 1 April 2019 Rs. ’000 |
Movement/ transfers Rs. ’000 |
Closing balance as at 31 March 2020 Rs. ’000 |
Fair value reserve | 48.4 | 248 | (52,742) | (49,372) | (102,114) | (54,705) | (61,300) | (116,005) |
Foreign currency translation reserve | 48.5 | 249 | – | – | – | 261,979 | 139,129 | 401,108 |
Total | (52,742) | (49,372) | (102,114) | 207,274 | 77,829 | 285,103 |
Company | Group | |||||||
Note | Page No. | Opening balance as at 1 April 2018 Rs. ’000 |
Movement/ transfers Rs. ’000 |
Closing balance as at 31 March 2019 Rs. ’000 |
Opening balance as at 1 April 2018 Rs. ’000 |
Movement/ transfers Rs. ’000 |
Closing balance as at 31 March 2019 Rs. ’000 |
General reserve | 300,000 | (300,000) | – | 300,000 | (300,000) | – | ||
Tax equalisation reserve | 100,000 | (100,000) | – | 100,000 | (100,000) | – | ||
Available-for-sale reserve | 48.3 | 248 | 46,869 | (46,869) | – | 45,585 | (45,585) | – |
Fair value reserve | – | (52,742) | (52,742) | – | (54,705) | (54,705) | ||
Revaluation reserve | 7,302 | (7,302) | – | – | – | – | ||
Foreign currency translation reserve | 48.5 | 249 | – | – | – | 2,828 | 259,151 | 261,979 |
Total | 454,171 | (506,913) | (52,742) | 448,413 | (241,139) | 207,274 |
The available-for-sale reserve is comprised the cumulative net change in fair value of financial investments available for sale until such investments are derecognised or impaired.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | – | 46,869 | – | 45,585 |
Impact of adopting SLFRS 9 | – | (46,869) | – | (45,585) |
Balance as at 1 April – Adjusted | – | – | – | – |
Net fair value gains/(losses) on remeasuring financial investments available for sale | – | – | – | – |
Balance as at 31 March | – | – | – | – |
The fair value reserve comprises the cumulative net change in fair value of financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income until such investments are derecognised or impaired.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | (52,742) | – | (54,705) | – |
Impact of adopting SLFRS 9 | – | 46,869 | – | 45,585 |
Balance as at 1 April – Adjusted | (52,742) | 46,869 | (54,705) | 45,585 |
Net fair value gains/(losses) on remeasuring financial investments | (49,372) | (99,611) | (61,300) | (100,290) |
Balance as at 31 March | (102,114) | (52,742) | (116,005) | (54,705) |
The foreign currency translation reserve comprises all foreign currency differences arising from the translation of the Financial Statements of foreign subsidiary.
Group | ||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 261,979 | 2,828 |
Net gains/(losses) arising from translating the Financial Statements | 139,129 | 259,151 |
Balance as at 31 March | 401,108 | 261,979 |
Non-controlling interest are measured at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition. Changes in the Group’s interest in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions. Non-controlling interest represents 25% of net assets of the Subsidiary, People’s Insurance PLC and 49% of net assets of the subsidiary, Lankan Alliance Finance Limited.
Group | ||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Balance as at 1 April | 2,269,520 | 2,165,070 |
Profit for the year | 183,079 | 197,690 |
Other comprehensive income | (3,315) | (740) |
Dividend paid for the year | (92,500) | (92,500) |
Balance as at 31 March | 2,356,784 | 2,269,520 |
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment | 13 | 172 | 164,492 | 166,006 | 292,404 | 286,193 |
Amortisation of right-of-use assets | 13 | 172 | 538,230 | 3,066 | 332,830 | 3,066 |
Amortisation of intangible assets | 13 | 172 | 14,299 | 10,535 | 10,764 | 13,101 |
Impairment charges for right-of-use assets | 34 | 227 | 36,965 | – | 36,965 | – |
Impairment charges for goodwill | 33 | 225 | 68,145 | 19,580 | 68,145 | 19,580 |
Impairment losses of loans and receivables | 11 | 169 | 4,759,682 | 1,721,779 | 4,983,577 | 1,828,091 |
Impairment losses of investment in associate | 30 | 216 | – | 348,794 | – | 152,572 |
Charge for retirement benefit obligation | 12 | 172 | 111,325 | 90,594 | 124,504 | 101,335 |
Gain/(Loss) on sale of property, plant and equipment | 10 | 168 | (6,183) | (19,645) | (6,183) | (26,625) |
Net trading income from sale of vehicles | 10 | 168 | (301) | (2,704) | (301) | (3,575) |
Net gain/(Loss) on financial assets – FVTPL | 9 | 168 | (11,017) | 27,887 | (19,586) | 44,351 |
Gain/(Loss) on sale of investment properties | 10 | 168 | – | (6,980) | – | (6,980) |
Total | 5,675,637 | 2,358,912 | 5,823,119 | 2,411,109 |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Net (increase)/decrease in other balances with bank and financial institutions | 197,093 | 965,940 | 714,016 | 1,383,292 |
Net (increase)/decrease in financial assets – FVTPL | (997,512) | 123,659 | (1,106,620) | 198,748 |
Net (increase)/decrease in loans and receivables – Amortised cost | (798,990) | (14,268,180) | (2,162,373) | (17,931,962) |
Net (increase)/decrease in insurance and reinsurance receivables | – | – | (309,538) | (478,708) |
Net (increase)/decrease in financial assets – FVOCI | (248,102) | (6,130) | (1,391,351) | (6,809) |
Net (increase)/decrease in debt instruments – Amortised cost | 3,895,662 | (3,112,984) | 4,278,506 | (3,077,982) |
Net (increase)/decrease in other assets | 187,643 | (49,000) | (104,791) | 120,886 |
Total | 2,235,794 | (16,346,695) | (82,151) | (19,792,535) |
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Net increase/(decrease) in due to customers | 18,332,371 | 18,605,437 | 18,762,396 | 19,545,402 |
Net increase/(decrease) in other financial liabilities | 535,224 | (2,160,928) | 366,256 | (2,004,103) |
Net increase/(decrease) in insurance liabilities and reinsurance payables | – | – | 184,347 | 826,287 |
Net increase/(decrease) in other liabilities | 566,140 | 1,142,196 | 1,031,696 | 1,306,814 |
Total | 19,433,735 | 17,586,705 | 20,344,695 | 19,674,400 |
Contingent liabilities are possible obligations whose existence will be confirmed only by uncertain future events or present obligations where the transfer of economic benefit is not probable or cannot be readily measured as defined in the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – LKAS 37 – “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”. Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the Statement of Financial Position but are disclosed unless its occurrence is remote.
Litigation is a common occurrence in the finance industry due to the nature of the business undertaken. The Group and Company have formal controls and policies for managing legal claims. Once professional advice has been obtained and the amount of loss reasonably estimated, the Group and Company makes adjustments to account for any adverse effects which the claims may have on its financial standing. At the reporting date the Company and Group had several unresolved legal claims. The significant unresolved legal claims against the Group and Company for which legal advisor of the Company advised as the loss is possible, but not probable, that the action will succeed. Accordingly, no provision for any claims has been made in these Financial Statements.
The Group’s/Company’s share of any contingencies and capital commitments of a subsidiary and an associate for which the Company is also liable severally or otherwise is included with appropriate disclosures.
The Group/Company receives legal claims against it in the normal course of business. Management has made judgements as to the likelihood of any claim succeeding in making provisions. The time of concluding legal claims is uncertain, as is the amount of
possible outflow of economic benefits. Timing and cost ultimately depend on the due process in respective legal jurisdictions.
Information about significant areas of estimation uncertainty and critical judgements in applying accounting policies other than those stated above that have significant effects on the amounts recognised in the Financial Statements are described as follows:
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Contingent liabilities | 53.1 | 251 | 689,290 | 514,014 | 707,179 | 514,150 |
Commitments | 53.2 | 252 | 4,627,602 | 7,261,850 | 4,643,436 | 7,274,558 |
Total | 5,316,892 | 7,775,864 | 5,350,615 | 7,788,708 |
In the normal course of business, the Group and Company makes various irrecoverable commitments and incur certain contingent liabilities with legal recourse to its customers and would be a party to litigation due to its operations. Even though these obligations may not be recognised in the Statement of Financial Position, they do contain operational risk and therefore form a part of the overall risk profile of the Group and Company. However, no material losses are anticipated as a result of these transactions.
Company | Group | |||||
As at 31 March | Note | Page No. | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Litigation against the Company | 53.3 | 252 | 287,415 | 115,051 | 287,415 | 115,187 |
Guarantees – Related parties | 300,000 | 300,000 | 300,000 | 300,000 | ||
Guarantees – Others | 32,798 | 31,025 | 32,798 | 31,025 | ||
Assessment received from Inland Revenue Department | 53.1.1 | 251 | 67,938 | 67,938 | 85,827 | 67,938 |
Pending bill retirements | 1,139 | – | 1,139 | – | ||
Total | 689,290 | 514,014 | 707,179 | 514,150 |
Assessment (VATFS/BFSU/2014/579 and 580) received by the Company from the Inland Revenue Department for Year of Assessment 2010/11 is Rs. 67,937,854.00 heard and concluded in favour of Inland Revenue Department. This decision has been appealed by the Company at the Court of Appeal with reasonable grounds. The tax consultants appearing for and on behalf of the Company.
The Group/Company has commitments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and unutilised facilities incidental to the ordinary course of business as at 31 March as follows:
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Capital commitments | ||||
Approved and contracted for | – | – | 4,534 | 12,708 |
Approved but not contracted for | – | 1,125,000 | 11,300 | 1,125,000 |
Subtotal | – | 1,125,000 | 15,834 | 1,137,708 |
Unutilised facilities | ||||
Margin trading | 1,106,598 | 1,631,356 | 1,106,598 | 1,631,356 |
Fast track | 2,132,016 | 3,760,438 | 2,132,016 | 3,760,438 |
Factoring | 1,388,988 | 745,056 | 1,388,988 | 745,056 |
Subtotal | 4,627,602 | 6,136,850 | 4,627,602 | 6,136,850 |
Total | 4,627,602 | 7,261,850 | 4,643,436 | 7,274,558 |
Litigation is a common occurrence in the finance industry due to the nature of the business undertaken. The Company has formal controls and policies for managing legal claims. Pending legal claims where the Company had already made provisions for possible losses in its Financial Statements or has a reasonable security to cover the damages are not included below as the Company does not expect cash outflows from such claims.
As of the date of the Statement of Financial Position, forty-six (46) clients have filed cases against the Company. The Company’s legal counsel is of the opinion that litigation which is currently pending will not have a material impact on the reported financial results
or future operations of the Company.
Company | Group | |||
As at 31 March | 2020 | 2019 | 2020 | 2019 |
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company (Rs. ’000) | 30,246,632 | 28,603,355 | 32,953,418 | 30,712,438 |
Total number of shares | 1,627,703,388 | 1,579,862,482 | 1,627,703,388 | 1,579,862,482 |
Net assets value per share (Rs.) | 18.58 | 18.10 | 20.25 | 19.44 |
Company | ||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||
Within 12 months Rs. ’000 |
After 12 months Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Within 12 months Rs. ’000 |
After 12 months Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Assets | ||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 7,164,139 | – | 7,164,139 | 3,294,055 | – | 3,294,055 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | 3,207,440 | – | 3,207,440 | 3,404,533 | – | 3,404,533 |
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss |
1,031,719 | – | 1,031,719 | 23,190 | – | 23,190 |
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost | 65,360,573 | 82,386,938 | 147,747,511 | 65,875,884 | 85,832,018 | 151,707,902 |
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income | 324,371 | 10 | 324,381 | 125,641 | 10 | 125,651 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost | 4,106,963 | – | 4,106,963 | 8,002,625 | – | 8,002,625 |
Investments in subsidiaries | – | 3,213,788 | 3,213,788 | – | 3,213,788 | 3,213,788 |
Investment in associate | – | – | – | – | 237,633 | 237,633 |
Property, plant and equipment | – | 1,143,929 | 1,143,929 | – | 1,098,286 | 1,098,286 |
Goodwill and intangible assets | – | 257,581 | 257,581 | – | 324,905 | 324,905 |
Right-of-use assets | – | 1,939,450 | 1,939,450 | – | 84,065 | 84,065 |
Deferred tax assets | – | 376,291 | 376,291 | – | – | – |
Other assets | 981,430 | 165,571 | 1,147,001 | 769,174 | 255,470 | 1,024,644 |
Total assets | 82,176,635 | 89,483,558 | 171,660,193 | 81,495,102 | 91,046,175 | 172,541,277 |
Liabilities | ||||||
Due to banks | 3,569,992 | 4,368,193 | 7,938,185 | 21,080,446 | 6,193,487 | 27,273,933 |
Due to customers | 81,447,697 | 25,253,330 | 106,701,027 | 67,985,575 | 20,383,081 | 88,368,656 |
Debt securities issued | 5,713,914 | 12,765,346 | 18,479,260 | 4,046,736 | 17,228,295 | 21,275,031 |
Other financial liabilities | 3,014,117 | – | 3,014,117 | 2,480,377 | – | 2,480,377 |
Lease liabilities | 1,909,098 | – | 1,909,098 | – | – | – |
Current tax liabilities | 1,803,309 | – | 1,803,309 | 2,238,257 | – | 2,238,257 |
Deferred tax liabilities | – | – | – | – | 837,179 | 837,179 |
Other liabilities | 1,568,565 | – | 1,568,565 | 1,464,489 | – | 1,464,489 |
Total liabilities | 99,026,692 | 42,386,869 | 141,413,561 | 99,295,880 | 44,642,042 | 143,937,922 |
Net assets | (16,850,057) | 47,096,689 | 30,246,632 | (17,800,778) | 46,404,133 | 28,603,355 |
Group | ||||||
2020 | 2019 | |||||
Within 12 months Rs. ’000 |
After 12 months Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Within 12 months Rs. ’000 |
After 12 months Rs. ’000 |
Total Rs. ’000 |
Assets | ||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 7,693,032 | – | 7,693,032 | 4,310,595 | – | 4,310,595 |
Balances with banks and financial institutions | 6,661,407 | – | 6,661,407 | 7,375,423 | – | 7,375,423 |
Financial assets – Fair value through profit or loss |
1,198,592 | – | 1,198,592 | 72,386 | – | 72,386 |
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost | 66,973,007 | 87,161,927 | 154,134,934 | 67,042,635 | 89,913,202 | 156,955,837 |
Insurance and reinsurance receivables | 1,194,933 | – | 1,194,933 | 885,395 | – | 885,395 |
Financial assets – Fair value through other comprehensive income | 1,455,692 | 10 | 1,455,702 | 125,641 | 10 | 125,651 |
Debt instruments – Amortised cost | 4,157,713 | 655,726 | 4,813,439 | 9,091,945 | – | 9,091,945 |
Investment in associate | – | – | – | – | 237,633 | 237,633 |
Investment properties | – | 1,131,652 | 1,131,652 | – | 1,131,596 | 1,131,596 |
Property, plant and equipment | – | 3,998,370 | 3,998,370 | – | 4,017,301 | 4,017,301 |
Goodwill and intangible assets | – | 368,574 | 368,574 | – | 432,340 | 432,340 |
Right-of-use assets | – | 1,639,482 | 1,639,482 | – | 84,065 | 84,065 |
Deferred tax assets | – | 471,841 | 471,841 | – | 47,584 | 47,584 |
Other assets | 1,069,758 | 165,571 | 1,235,329 | 909,414 | 255,470 | 1,164,884 |
Total assets | 90,404,190 | 95,593,097 | 185,997,287 | 89,813,434 | 96,119,201 | 185,932,635 |
Liabilities | ||||||
Due to banks | 5,263,064 | 5,714,982 | 10,978,046 | 21,419,853 | 9,055,473 | 30,475,326 |
Due to customers | 82,432,262 | 25,253,330 | 107,685,592 | 68,540,115 | 20,383,081 | 88,923,196 |
Debt securities issued | 5,713,915 | 12,624,124 | 18,338,039 | 4,046,736 | 17,087,304 | 21,134,040 |
Other financial liabilities | 2,829,708 | – | 2,829,708 | 2,464,936 | – | 2,464,936 |
Insurance liabilities and reinsurance payable | – | 5,065,220 | 5,065,220 | – | 4,880,873 | 4,880,873 |
Lease liabilities | – | 1,594,245 | 1,594,245 | – | – | – |
Current tax liabilities | 2,077,418 | – | 2,077,418 | 2,323,647 | – | 2,323,647 |
Deferred tax liabilities | – | 418,132 | 418,132 | – | 1,141,973 | 1,141,973 |
Other liabilities | 1,700,685 | – | 1,700,685 | 1,606,686 | – | 1,606,686 |
Total liabilities | 100,017,052 | 50,670,033 | 150,687,085 | 100,401,973 | 52,548,704 | 152,950,677 |
Net assets | (9,612,862) | 44,923,064 | 35,310,202 | (10,588,539) | 43,570,497 | 32,981,958 |
Accounting policy
The Group’s segmental reporting is based on the following operating segments.
A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged in providing products and services. (Business segment, which is subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of other segment.)
Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis.
The accounting policies adopted for segment reporting are those accounting policies adopted for preparing the Financial Statements of the Group.
Inter-segment transfers are accounted for at competitive fair market prices charged to intercompany counterparts for similar services. Such services are eliminated on consolidation.
As per the provision of Sri Lanka Reporting Standard – SLFRS 8, the operating segment of the Group has been identify based on the product and services offered by the Group of which level of risk and rewards are significantly differ from one another.
Top management of the Group consider the operating results and condition of its business segments in their decision making process and performance evaluation. Types of products and services from which each operating segment derives its revenues described as follows:
This segment includes leasing and hire purchase products offered to the customers.
This segment includes loan products offered to the customers.
This segment includes Ijarah, Murabah, Musharakah and Trading Murabah products offered to the customers.
Insurance business segment includes general insurance.
This segment includes all other business activities that Group engaged other than above segments.
Lease and hire purchase | Loans | Islamic | Insurance | Other | Eliminations | Group | ||||||||
For the year ended 31 March |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Interest income | 17,074,973 | 17,157,233 | 12,902,498 | 12,120,975 | 1,477,951 | 1,487,121 | 782,716 | 670,357 | 1,308,340 | 1,073,124 | (263,599) | (274,470) | 33,282,879 | 32,234,340 |
Net earned premium | – | – | – | – | – | – | 5,357,949 | 4,877,621 | – | – | (155,919) | (149,048) | 5,202,030 | 4,728,573 |
Net fee and commission income | 1,082,308 | 985,849 | 817,833 | 696,467 | 93,681 | 85,449 | – | – | 191,201 | 184,108 | (1,019,391) | (947,576) | 1,165,632 | 1,004,297 |
Net trading income | – | – | – | – | – | – | 8,622 | (19,011) | 10,964 | (25,340) | – | – | 19,586 | (44,351) |
Other operating income | 237,426 | 232,293 | 179,408 | 164,107 | 20,551 | 20,134 | 78,649 | 80,036 | 352,332 | 395,944 | (483,663) | (459,168) | 384,703 | 433,346 |
Gross income | 18,394,707 | 18,375,375 | 13,899,739 | 12,981,549 | 1,592,183 | 1,592,704 | 6,227,936 | 5,609,003 | 1,862,837 | 1,627,836 | (1,922,572) | (1,830,262) | 40,054,830 | 38,356,205 |
Interest expenses | 8,425,432 | 8,590,915 | 6,366,577 | 6,069,175 | 729,277 | 744,626 | – | – | 853,246 | 761,051 | (263,597) | (274,469) | 16,110,935 | 15,891,298 |
Total operating income | 9,969,275 | 9,784,460 | 7,533,162 | 6,912,374 | 862,906 | 848,078 | 6,227,936 | 5,609,003 | 1,009,591 | 866,785 | (1,658,975) | (1,555,793) | 23,943,895 | 22,464,907 |
Credit loss expenses | 2,768,746 | 1,060,462 | 1,929,504 | 579,390 | 169,306 | 5,364 | – | – | 34,346 | 62,987 | – | – | 4,901,902 | 1,708,203 |
Net operating income | 7,200,529 | 8,723,998 | 5,603,658 | 6,332,984 | 693,600 | 842,714 | 6,227,936 | 5,609,003 | 975,245 | 803,798 | (1,658,975) | (1,555,793) | 19,041,993 | 20,756,704 |
Depreciation | 354,765 | 124,711 | 292,987 | 72,584 | 27,591 | 19,103 | 90,245 | 24,030 | 39,359 | 18,018 | (168,949) | 43,914 | 635,998 | 302,360 |
Segment result | 3,648,381 | 4,874,052 | 2,756,857 | 3,443,345 | 315,792 | 422,463 | 1,053,624 | 805,796 | 369,475 | 431,784 | (411,280) | (238,991) | 7,732,849 | 9,738,449 |
Less : Taxes on financial services | 2,030,532 | 2,117,910 | ||||||||||||
Share of (loss) of an associate (net of tax) |
– | (33,234) | ||||||||||||
Income tax expense | 2,110,568 | 2,576,037 | ||||||||||||
Profit attributable to equity holders |
3,591,749 | 5,011,268 | ||||||||||||
As at 31 March | ||||||||||||||
Segment assets | 90,379,077 | 89,272,030 | 74,640,489 | 65,974,886 | 7,029,126 | 13,674,721 | 10,099,370 | 9,625,118 | 10,026,879 | 12,898,087 | (6,177,654) | (5,512,207) | 185,997,287 | 185,932,635 |
Total assets | 90,379,077 | 89,272,030 | 74,640,489 | 65,974,886 | 7,029,126 | 13,674,721 | 10,099,370 | 9,625,118 | 10,026,879 | 12,898,087 | (6,177,654) | (5,512,207) | 185,997,287 | 185,932,635 |
Segment liabilities | 73,522,577 | 73,583,999 | 60,719,375 | 54,380,929 | 5,718,132 | 11,271,623 | 6,449,060 | 6,329,550 | 8,156,777 | 10,631,469 | (3,878,836) | (3,246,893) | 150,687,085 | 152,950,677 |
Total liabilities | 73,522,577 | 73,583,999 | 60,719,375 | 54,380,929 | 5,718,132 | 11,271,623 | 6,449,060 | 6,329,550 | 8,156,777 | 10,631,469 | (3,878,836) | (3,246,893) | 150,687,085 | 152,950,677 |
The following assets have been pledged as securities for liabilities:
Carrying amount pledged | ||||||
Company | Group | |||||
Nature of assets | Nature of liabilities | 31 March 2020 Rs. ’000 |
31 March 2019 Rs. ’000 |
31 March 2020 Rs. ’000 |
31 March 2019 Rs. ’000 |
Included under |
Rentals receivables on lease | Securitisation | 13,674,060 | 11,917,923 | 13,674,060 | 11,917,923 | Loans and receivables |
Term loan | – | 9,238,434 | – | 9,238,434 | Loans and receivables | |
Short-term loans | 14,644,573 | 15,850,462 | 14,644,573 | 15,850,462 | Loans and receivables | |
Rentals receivables on hire purchase |
Securitisation | – | 37,648 | – | 37,648 | Loans and receivables |
Term loan | – | 52,359 | 1,037,255 | 52,359 | Loans and receivables | |
Short-term loans | 12,362 | 17,012 | 59,067 | 17,012 | Loans and receivables | |
Rentals receivables on loans | Securitisation | 3,920,262 | 4,730,027 | 3,920,262 | 4,730,027 | Loans and receivables |
Short-term loans | 6,866,971 | 1,036,545 | 6,866,971 | 1,036,545 | Loans and receivables | |
Fixed deposits | Bank guarantee for assessment | – | 87,504 | – | 87,504 | Contingent liabilities and commitments |
Fixed deposits | Overdrafts | – | – | 75,000 | 12,000 | Balances with banks and financial institutions |
Freehold lands and buildings | Term loans | – | – | 3,818,007 | 3,812,272 | Property, plant and equipment |
The Company and the Group carried out transactions in the ordinary course of business with the parties who are defined as related parties in the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards – LKAS 24 – “Related Party Disclosure”, the details of which are reported below:
The immediate Parent of the Company is People’s Bank which is a Government-owned entity.
As per the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard – (LKAS 24) – “Related Party Disclosures”, the KMPs include those who are having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company. Accordingly, the Board of Directors of the Company, Immediate Parent Company and members of the Corporate Management of the Company have been classified as KMPs of the Company.
The Company carried out transactions with KMPs and their close family members in the ordinary course of its business on an arms length basis at commercial rates.
Close family members of KMPs are those family members who may be expected to influence, or be influenced by, those KMPs in their dealing with the entity.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
(a) Remuneration to Board of Directors | ||||
Short-term employees benefits | 6,269 | 9,315 | 13,143 | 16,564 |
Total | 6,269 | 9,315 | 13,143 | 16,564 |
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
(b) Remuneration to Corporate Management | ||||
Short-term employees benefits | 181,362 | 175,624 | 199,122 | 196,855 |
Post employment benefits | 8,051 | 14,770 | 8,051 | 14,770 |
Total | 189,413 | 190,394 | 207,173 | 211,625 |
In addition to the above, the Company has also provided non-cash benefits such as Company maintained vehicles to KMPs in line with the approved employment terms of the Company.
Company | Group | |||
For the year ended 31 March | 2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
Number of ordinary shares held | 945,947 | 500,798 | 1,285,009 | 563,798 |
Cash dividend paid (Rs. ’000) | 607 | 711 | 820 | 766 |
Scrip dividend (Number of shares) | 28,001 | – | 28,001 | – |
Board of Directors | Corporate Management | Total | ||||
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
(a) Items in Statement of Profit or Loss | ||||||
Interest income | – | 120 | 502 | 707 | 502 | 827 |
Interest expense | 9,492 | 2,963 | 32,295 | 27,257 | 41,787 | 30,220 |
(b) Items in Statement of Financial Position | ||||||
Assets | ||||||
Loans and receivables – Amortised cost | – | – | 7,497 | 2,272 | 7,497 | 2,272 |
Total | – | – | 7,497 | 2,272 | 7,497 | 2,272 |
Liabilities | ||||||
Due to customers | 89,788 | 16,613 | 267,780 | 238,722 | 357,568 | 255,335 |
Total | 89,788 | 16,613 | 267,780 | 238,722 | 357,568 | 255,335 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 % | 2019 % | |
People’s Bank | – | – | – | – |
People’s Leasing Property Development Limited | 614,680 | 553,289 | 2.03 | 1.93 |
People’s Leasing Fleet Management Limited | 24,630 | 15,473 | 0.08 | 0.05 |
People’s Leasing Havelock Properties Limited | 905,663 | 792,369 | 2.99 | 2.77 |
People’s Micro-commerce Ltd. | 152,095 | 249,288 | 1.00 | 0.87 |
People’s Insurance PLC | 35,868 | 25,347 | 0.12 | 0.09 |
Lankan Alliance Finance Limited | 39,152 | 36,907 | 0.13 | 0.13 |
Board of Directors | – | – | – | – |
Corporate Management | 7,497 | 2,272 | 0.02 | 0.01 |
Total net accommodation | 1,779,585 | 1,674,945 | 6.37 | 5.85 |
The immediate parent of the Company is People’s Bank which is Government-owned entity. The Company enters into transactions, arrangements and agreements with Government of Sri Lanka and its related entities. The significant financial dealings during the year and as at the Statement of Financial Position date are as follows:
Company | Group | |||
2020 Rs. ’000 |
2019 Rs. ’000 |
2020 Rs. ’000 |