Disclosures as per Schedule III of Banking Act No. 1 of 2016, Capital Requirements under Basel III

Key regulatory ratios – Capital and Liquidity

Item As at
31 December 2018
As at 31
December 2017
Regulatory capital (lkr ’000)
Common equity Tier I capital 7,419,999 7,293,936
Tier I capital 7,419,999 7,293,936
Total capital 8,462,226 8,564,260
Regulatory capital ratio (%)
Common equity Tier I capital ratio (minimum requirement – 2018: 6.375%, 2017: 5.75%) 11.00 12.42
Tier I capital ratio (minimum requirement – 2018: 7.875%, 2017: 7.25%) 11.00 12.42
Total capital ratio (minimum requirement – 2018: 11.875%, 2017: 11.25%) 12.54 14.59
Regulatory liquidity
Statutory liquid assets (lkr ’000) 14,811,217 11,829,936
Statutory liquid assets ratio (minimum requirement – 20%)
Domestic banking unit (%) 23.22 21.34
Off-shore banking unit (%)
Total stock of high quality liquid assets (lkr ’000) 3,460,374 1,736,506
Liquidity coverage ratio – (%) rupee (minimum requirement – 2018: 90%, 2017 – 80%) 142.15 94.09
Liquidity coverage ratio – (%) all currency (minimum requirement – 2018: 90%, 2017 – 80%) 142.15 94.09

Basel III computation of capital ratios

Amount LKR ’000
Item As at
31 December 2018
As at
31 December 2017
Common equity Tier I (CET I) capital after adjustments 7,419,999 7,293,936
Common equity Tier I (CET I) capital 7,448,727 7,331,160
Equity capital (stated capital)/assigned capital 5,921,538 5,758,689
Reserve fund 215,612 197,764
Published retained earnings/(accumulated retained losses) 1,280,762 1,340,504
Published accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
General and other disclosed reserves 30,815 34,203
Unpublished current year’s profit/(losses) and gains reflected in OCI
Ordinary shares issued by consolidated banking and financial subsidiaries of the Bank and held by third parties
Total adjustments to CET I capital 28,728 37,224
Goodwill (net)
Intangible assets (net) 3,728 8,148
Others (investments in the capital of banking and financial institutions) 25,000 29,076
Additional Tier I (AT I) capital after adjustments
Total Additional Tier I (AT I) capital
Qualifying additional Tier I capital instruments
Instruments issued by consolidated banking and financial subsidiaries of the Bank and held by third parties
Total adjustments to AT I capital
Investment in own shares
Others (specify)
Tier II capital after adjustments 1,042,227 1,270,324
Tier II capital 1,067,227 1,299,400
Qualifying Tier II capital instruments 711,628 992,970
Revaluation gains
Loan loss provisions 355,599 306,430
Instruments issued by consolidated banking and financial subsidiaries of the Bank and held by third parties
Total adjustments to Tier II 25,000 29,076
Investment in own shares
Others (investments in the capital of financial institutions) 25,000 29,076
CET I capital 7,419,999 7,293,936
Total Tier I capital 7,419,999 7,293,936
Total capital 8,462,226 8,564,260
Total Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) 67,474,294 58,717,587
RWAs for credit risk (Table 1) 62,660,450 53,619,752
RWAs for operational risk (Table 2) 4,813,844 5,081,280
RWAs for market risk (Table 3) 16,554
CET 1 capital ratio (including capital conservation buffer, countercyclical capital buffer and surcharge on D-SIBs) (%) 11.00 12.42
of which: capital conservation buffer (%)
of which: countercyclical buffer (%)
of which: capital surcharge on D-SIBs (%)
Total Tier I capital ratio (%) 11.00 12.42
Total capital ratio (including capital conservation buffer, countercyclical capital buffer and surcharge on D-SIBs) (%) 12.54 14.59
of which: capital conservation buffer (%)
of which: countercyclical buffer (%)
of which: capital surcharge on D-SIBs (%)

Table 1 (A): Credit risk under standardised approach – Credit risk exposures and Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM) effects

Asset Class Amount (LKR ’000) as at 31 December 2018
Exposures before Credit Conversion
Factor (CCF) and CRM
Exposures post CCF and CRM RWA and RWA density (%)
On-balance sheet amount Off-balance sheet amount On-balance sheet amount Off-balance sheet amount RWA RWA density (%)
Claims on Central Government and CBSL 3,225,200 3,225,200 0
Claims on foreign sovereigns and their Central Banks
Claims on public sector entities
Claims on official entities and multilateral development banks
Claims on banks exposures 13,280,750 13,280,750 2,690,254 20
Claims on financial institutions
Claims on corporates 209,639 209,639 92,757 44
Retail claims 71,824,374 66,469,118 52,840,130 79
Claims secured by residential property 4,723,711 4,723,711 3,040,257 64
Claims secured by commercial real estate
Non-performing assets (NPAs) 1,106,108 1,106,108 1,330,472 120
Higher-risk categories
Cash items and other assets 2,838,899 679,989 2,838,899 285,099 2,666,580 85
Total 97,208,682 679,989 91,853,426 285,099 62,660,450 68


(i) NPAs – As per Banking Act Directions on classification of loans and advances, income recognition, and provisioning.
(ii) RWA Density – Total RWA/Exposures post CCF and CRM.

Table 1 (B): Credit risk under standardised approach – Exposures by asset classes and risk weights

Description Amount (LKR ’000) as at 31 December 2018 (Post CCF and CRM)
Risk weight Asset classes 0% 20% 50% 75% 100% 150% >150% Total credit
Claims on Central Government and CBSL 3,225,200 3,225,200
Claims on foreign sovereigns and their Central Banks
Claims on public sector entities
Claims on official entities and multilateral development banks
Claims on banks exposures 13,167,070 113,680 13,280,750
Claims on financial institutions
Claims on corporates 146,103 63,536 209,639
Retail claims 82,576 1,077,164 50,738,720 14,570,657 66,469,118
Claims secured by residential property 3,366,908 1,356,802 4,723,711
Claims secured by commercial real estate
Non-performing assets (NPAs) 10,916 635,546 459,645 1,106,108
Higher-risk categories
Cash items and other assets 424,504 41,143 2,658,351 3,123,998
Total 3,732,281 14,431,480 3,491,505 50,738,720 19,284,893 459,645 92,138,525

Table 2: Operational risk under basic indicator approach

Gross income (LKR ’000) as at 31 December 2018
Business lines Capital charge
1st year 2nd year 3rd year Amount
The basic indicator approach 15% 4,209,531 3,587,217 3,636,133
Capital charges for operational risk (LKR ’000) the basic indicator approach 571,644
Risk-weighted amount for operational risk (LKR ’000) the basic indicator approach 4,813,844

Table 3: Market risk under standardised measurement method

Business lines RWA Amount as at
31 December 2018

(LKR ’000)
(a) RWA for interest rate risk
   General interest rate risk
      (i) Net long or short position
      (ii) Horizontal disallowance
      (iii) Vertical disallowance
      (iv) Options
   Specific interest rate risk
(b) RWA for equity
      (i) General equity risk
      (ii) Specific equity risk
(c) RWA for foreign exchange and gold
Capital charge for market risk {(a) +(b) + (c)} * car

Summary discussion on adequacy/meeting current and future capital requirements


A proper “Capital Management Process” is vital in ensuring the long-term stability of the business, SANASA Development Bank has continued to maintain Capital Adequacy Ratios at healthy levels by keeping a significant margin over and above the regulatory minimum requirements. The Basel III Capital Standards introduced by the CBSL with effect from 1 July 2017 provides stringent framework for banks to enhance the quality, consistency, and the transparency of their “capital” through the introduction of new capital buffers, new mandatory disclosure requirements and revised definitions for capital instruments. Under the new directive, minimum Regulatory Requirements for Tier I Capital Ratio (5%) and Total Capital Ratio (10%) have been increased significantly to 8.50% and 12.50% respectively, with banks required to comply with these requirements over a period of 18 months, to meet the 1 January 2019 international time line for the implementation of Basel III.

Capital management process

In order to comply with the new Basel III guidelines, SANASA Development Bank’s Capital Management Process is under supervision of Board Strategic Planning Committee. The three year (2018-2020) Capital Management Plan rolled out has been integrated with the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) as well as the Bank’s Strategic Plan, taking cognisance of the estimated negative impact to the Bank’s capital structure arising from changes in new regulations such as SLFRS 9, Inland Revenue Act, etc. Efforts taken to comply with the Basel III regulations saw the Bank increases its capital levels by issuing Basel III compliant debt instruments. Steps were also taken to optimise the capital ratios by rebalancing the Risk Weighted Assets (RWA).

Moving Forward

Moving forward with the Capital Management Plan, the Bank will execute specific medium-term and long-term strategies to raise both Tier I and Tier II capital in line with Basel III minimum regulatory requirements. In addition, timely actions have been identified and will be executed during the coming years to optimise the Risk Weighted Assets for the purpose of improving the capital allocation of the Bank.

Basel III computation of liquidity coverage ratio

Amount (LKR ’ 000)
Item As at 31 December 2018 As at 31 December 2017
Total un-weighted
Total weighted
Total un-weighted
Total weighted
Total stock of high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) 3,482,290 3,460,374 4,869,546 1,736,506
Total adjusted Level 1 assets 3,336,186 3,336,186 1,041,904 1,041,904
Level 1 assets 3,336,186 3,336,186 1,041,904 1,041,904
Total adjusted Level 2A assets 146,103 124,188 3,815,227 3,242,943
Level 2A assets 146,103 124,188 3,815,227 3,242,943
Total adjusted Level 2B assets 12,415 6,208
Level 2B assets 12,415 6,208
Total cash outflows 68,601,375 9,737,202 57,993,974 3,165,395
Deposits 50,445,248 5,044,525 54,580,495 1,513,777
Unsecured wholesale funding 17,085,209 4,271,302 2,659,335 1,063,734
Secured funding transactions 47,835 47,835 55,530 55,530
Undrawn portion of committed (irrevocable) facilities and other contingent funding obligations 1,023,083 373,539 698,614 532,354
Additional requirements
Total cash inflows 19,479,079 10,518,710 6,131,699 1,319,898
Maturing secured lending transactions backed by collateral 3,482,290 21,915 1,041,904
Committed facilities 1,250,000 2,450,000
Other inflows by counterparty which are maturing within 30 days 14,746,790 10,496,795 2,639,795 1,319,898
Operational deposits
Other cash inflows
Liquidity coverage ratio (%) (stock of high quality liquid assets/ total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar Days)* 100 142.15 94.09

Main features of regulatory capital instruments

Description of the capital instrument Stated capital Subordinated term debt (2016) Subordinated term debt (2016)
Issuer SANASA Development Bank PLC SBI FMO Emerging Asia Financial Sector Fund PTE. LTD Nederlandse Financierings –
Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO)
Unique identifier LK0412N00003 N/A N/A
Governing Law of the Instrument Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007, Colombo Stock Exchange Regulations Companies Act No. 07 of 2007, Colombo Stock Exchange Regulations Companies Act No. 07 of 2007, Colombo Stock Exchange Regulations
Original date of issuance May 2012 to May 2018 December 2016 December 2016
Par value of instrument (LKR) 100 N/A N/A
Perpetual or dated Perpetual Dated Dated
Original maturity date, if applicable N/A December 2021 December 2021
Amount recognised in regulatory capital
(in LKR ’000 as at reporting date)
5,758,689 491,798 219,830
Accounting classification (equity/liability) Equity Liability Liability
Issuer call subject to prior supervisory approval
Optional call date, contingent call dates and redemption amount (LKR ‘000) N/A N/A N/A
Subsequent call dates, if applicable N/A N/A N/A
Fixed or floating dividend/coupon Floating dividend Floating coupon Floating coupon
Coupon rate and any related index (%) N/A 6 Months T-Bill Rate+450bps 6 Months T-Bill Rate+550bps
Non-cumulative or cumulative Non-cumulative Cumulative Cumulative
Convertible or Non-convertible Non-convertible Convertible Convertible
If convertible, conversion trigger (s) N/A N/A N/A
If convertible, fully or partially N/A Fully or partially subject to a maximum of 15% of the issued share capital Fully or partially subject to a maximum of 15% of the issued share capital
If convertible, mandatory or optional N/A Optional Optional
If convertible, conversion rate N/A LKR 140 or 1.1x of book value per share which ever is lower in the event if Bank issues new
shares to any new investor
LKR 140 or 1.1x of book value per share which ever is lower in the event if Bank issues new shares to any new investor

Differences between accounting and regulatory scopes and mapping of Financial Statement categories with regulatory risk categories

Amount (LKR ‘000 as at 31 December 2018)
a b c d e
Item Carrying
values as
reported in



values under
scope of


Subject to
credit Risk

Subject to
market risk
Not subject
to capital

or subject to


from capital
Explanation for differences between accounting and regulatory reporting
Cash and cash equivalents 4,171,939 4,257,217 4,257,217 Impairment of financial assets under SLFRS 9
Placements with banks 9,528,426 9,375,500 9,375,500 Interest receivable on placements with banks is classified as other assets in regulatory reporting. Impairment of financial assets under SLFRS 9
Financial assets fair value through profit or loss 146,103 146,103 146,103 In regulatory reporting these investments are classified as investments –
trading account
Financial assets at
amortised cost
– Loans and receivables to other customers 77,507,021 78,219,982 78,575,582 (355,599) In regulatory reporting loans and receivables to customers arrived after netting off CBSL time based provisions. However, in published Financial Statements loans and receivables to customers arrived after netting off impairment allowances as per SLFRS 9
– Debt and other instruments 3,405,600 3,388,880 3,338,880 50,000 Interest receivable on debt and other instruments is classified as other assets in regulatory reporting. Impairment of financial assets under SLFRS 9
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 60,148 63,536 63,536 Impairment of financial assets under SLFRS 9
Property, plant and equipment 704,738 705,516 705,516
Investment properties 22,335 22,335 22,335
Intangible assets 3,728 3,728 3,728
Defferred tax assets 69,415
Other assets 1,198,314 724,013 724,013 The difference is due to audit adjustments and interest receivable on investments recognition
Total assets 96,817,767 96,906,810 97,208,682 (301,871)
Due to banks
Due to other customers 67,474,822 64,337,626 Interest payable on deposits are stated under other liabilities in regulatory reporting
Other borrowings 15,420,968 15,075,069 Interest payable on borrowings are stated under other liabilities in regulatory reporting
Debt securities issued 4,198,548 4,000,000 Interest payable on borrowings are stated under other liabilities in regulatory reporting
Subordinated term debts 1,008,028 992,970 Interest payable on borrowings are stated under other liabilities in regulatory reporting
Current tax liabilities 143,988 141,270 Taxes are computed based on different profits under each reporting method
Deferred tax liabilities 58,000 Due to deferred tax adjustments defined benefit obligation and audit adjustments
Other liabilities 1,122,688 5,087,239 Interest payable on borrowing and deposits added to the other liabilities in regulatory reporting
Total liabilities 89,369,040 89,692,174
Off–balance sheet liabilities
Guarantees 182,986 182,986 182,986
Undrawn loan commitments 497,003 497,003
Shareholders’ equity
Equity capital (stated capital)/ assigned capital 5,921,538 5,921,538
of which amount eligible for CET I 5,921,538 5,921,538
of which amount eligible for AT I
Retained earnings 1,280,762 1,260,402 Due to differences which arise in profits computed in previous GAAP and SLFRSs
Accumulated other comprehensive income (15,842)
Other reserves 262,268 231,967
Total shareholders’ equity 7,448,727 7,413,907