Investor Relations

Investor relations consists of a dialogue between the Bank and the financial markets, of information that helps the investment community, make judgements on the Bank’s market value vis-a-vis the potential and sustainability of the Organisation. The feedback received from investors and the market also provides valuable insight to the Bank in strategic decision-making.

The Bank’s active investor engagement enables the market make sound decisions on their current and probable future shareholdings and investments in other securities.

At SDB Bank, the Annual General Meeting is the primary platform for communicating the Bank’s performance while the Annual Report gives detailed, yet succinct information on its activities, use of its different forms of capital and its responsible social capital involvement. In addition, the Bank has one-on-one interactions with significant investors and other publications through the Colombo Stock Exchange.

Through these avenues of contact, the Bank helps investors gain a balanced view of its operating results, financial position (Balance sheet) and its liquidity, through the Cash Flow Statement. Furthermore, these disclosures help investors get a reasonable understanding of the Bank’s strategic direction, governance, risk management, and the future business prospects.

It is expected that through sharing these many facets of information, current and potential investors will appreciate the value of the Bank and build and strengthen their relationship with the Bank.

Accountability, transparency, and good governance are at the forefront of the Bank’s operations and the emphasis placed on these aspects in our communications with our investors give them the confidence that the operations are being conducted in line with best practices from around the world.

Our investor relations programme is designed to achieve the following:

  • A competitive price for the Bank’s shares;
  • A healthy level of transactions of the Bank’s shares on the stock exchange;
  • Easier and cheaper access to capital in the future; and
  • Reduced volatility in the share price through maintaining a loyal group of investors.

At SDB Bank, we believe that successful investor relations are achieved through regular exchange of information with the market and is therefore integral to our communication strategy.
