Ten Years at a Glance

Statement of Comprehensive Income

LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
in 2013)
LKR ’000
(Restated in
2012 – Bank)
LKR ’000
Interest income 15,079,324 13,146,787 10,829,333 8,177,187 6,609,248 4,850,170 4,389,385 3,782,126 3,017,607 2,940,692
Interest expenses (9,382,529) (8,423,758) (6,941,841) (4,846,840) (3,240,875) (2,400,763) (2,525,580) (1,879,248) (1,200,514) (1,222,848)
Net interest income 5,696,795 4,723,029 3,887,493 3,330,347 3,368,374 2,449,406 1,863,805 1,902,878 1,817,094 1,717,844
Fee and commission income 237,656 196,762 278,770 212,540 217,475 164,626 122,423 71,767 73,908 16,548
Fee and commission expenses (6,507) (4,397) (3,511) (9,596) (2,966) (2,283) (2,272) (496) (258) (173)
Net fee and commission income 231,150 192,365 275,258 202,944 214,510 162,343 120,151 71,271 73,650 16,375
Net gains/(losses) from trading 1,265
Net gains/(losses) from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 114,889 280,172 211,759 17,351 5,095 53,942 102,444 (10,661) (48,790) 4,325
Net other operating income/Other operating income 90,969 20,811 50,845 40,046 52,027 168,428 63,289 52,012 22,145 62,368
Total operating income 6,135,068 5,216,378 4,425,356 3,590,687 3,640,005 2,834,119 2,149,689 2,015,500 1,864,099 1,800,913
Impairment for loans and other losses (917,434) (525,844) (293,537) (125,044) (49,594) (204,390) (324,621) (60,866) (27,231) (64,615)
Net operating income 5,217,634 4,690,534 4,131,819 3,465,643 3,590,410 2,629,730 1,825,068 1,954,634 1,836,868 1,736,298
Personnel expenses (2,116,348) (1,827,073) (1,474,146) (1,266,115) (1,114,754) (767,848) (540,777) (447,637) (399,026) (268,760)
Depreciation and amortisation expenses (431,193) (224,260) (191,577) (176,032) (148,829) (147,918) (164,925) (212,210) (176,091) (176,091)
Other expenses (1,420,073) (1,526,132) (1,364,051) (1,113,816) (942,628) (772,510) (703,625) (681,625) (570,170) (443,163.89)
Operating profit before value added tax (VAT), nation building tax (NBT) and debt repayment levy (DRL) on financial services 1,250,021 1,113,068 1,102,045 909,680 1,384,199 941,454 415,741 613,162 691,581 848,283
Value added tax (VAT) on financial services* (386,522) (362,941) (300,962) (292,254) (273,641) (190,275) (82,382) (96,665) (110,086) (201,679)
Nation building tax (NBT) on financial services (51,106) (52,703) (48,482)
Debt repayment levy (DRL) (226,565) (53,282)
Operating profit after VAT, NBT and DRL on financial services 585,827 644,142 752,601 617,425 1,110,559 751,179 333,359 516,497 581,495 646,603
Profit before tax 585,827 644,142 752,601 617,425 1,110,559 751,179 333,359 516,497 581,495 646,603
Tax expenses (332,422) (287,192) (244,778) (213,704) (389,984) (246,732) (85,175) (175,781) (199,453) (323,123)
Profit for the year 253,405 356,950 507,824 403,722 720,575 504,447 248,184 340,716 382,042 323,480
Other comprehensive income
Gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans (41,588) (45,995) 2,885 (49,639) (2,688) (27,091) (5,464) 12,733 (1,865)
Deferred tax relating to defined benefit plans 11,645 12,879 (808) 13,899 753 7,586 1,530 (4,188)
Gains/(losses) on remeasuring financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (3,210) (3,388) (12,454) 1,973 (27,621)
Other gains/(losses) for the year net of tax (33,153) (36,505) 2,077 (48,194) (1,935) (19,506) (1,961) (19,077) (1,865)
Total comprehensive income for the year 220,252 320,445 509,901 355,528 718,639 484,941 246,222 321,639 380,177 323,480
Basic earnings per share on profit (LKR) 4.50 6.34 9.87 9.60 17.90 13.36 9.39 13.73 15.78 19.95

* NBT on financial service expense is included in VAT on financial services expense up to the year 2016 and it is seperately recorded after the year 2017 onwards.

Statement of Financial Position

LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
(Restated in
LKR ’000
(Restated in
2013 – Bank)
LKR ’000
(Restated in
2012 – Bank)
Cash and cash equivalents 2,429,791 4,171,939 1,190,390 1,044,725 5,057,791 661,651 399,385 503,541 419,998 262,966
Placements with banks 5,628,095 9,528,426 6,014,704 6,919,027 4,757,401 2,223,162 2,530,598 2,070,307 1,603,884 613,754
Financial assets fair value through profit or loss 3,527,310 146,103 4,473,806 244,911 1,210,673 184,419 245,981 68,775
Other financial asset classified under loans and receivables 1,479,950 1,503,539 1,926,055 4,164,273 1,701,091 470,099 349,575 1,713,590
Financial assets at amortised cost – loans and receivables to other customers 85,823,335 77,507,021 66,687,416 53,632,539 45,830,499 32,060,498 22,116,645 19,712,033 16,602,735 12,513,906
Financial assets at amortised cost – debt and other instruments 6,998,925 3,405,600
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 56,939 60,148
Financial investments – available for sale 63,536 566,935 79,679 29,734 165,699 171,696 29,980 26,085
Financial investments – held to maturity 599,551 492,268 1,192,440 298,545 443,408 709,365 960,263 1,558,580
Investments in subsidiaries 200 250
Asset classified as held for sale 37,175 37,175 37,175
Property, plant and equipment 645,231 704,738 726,473 637,263 549,172 513,592 506,771 603,233 629,070 453,978
Right-of-use assets 651,271
Investment properties 21,279 22,335 23,391 24,447 25,503 26,559 27,615 28,671 29,727 30,783
Intangible assets 308,445 3,728 8,148 16,938 47,141 77,344 107,744 127,677 151,692 156,440
Deferred tax assets 232,482 69,415 40,081
Other assets 1,460,524 1,198,314 1,070,175 913,030 787,138 517,187 482,895 318,516 336,617 286,445
Total assets 107,783,624 96,817,767 82,374,713 66,032,799 60,289,994 40,572,547 29,732,605 24,899,556 21,359,722 17,685,551
Due to other customers 72,431,923 67,474,822 59,904,734 45,691,758 43,023,393 30,249,434 23,594,768 18,947,514 15,756,918 13,083,414
Other borrowings 20,299,718 15,420,968 8,827,610 9,482,950 6,600,339 4,602,233 1,878,643 1,557,329 1,538,767 1,342,040
Debt securities issued 1,014,034 4,198,548 4,189,812 4,182,653 3,979,111
Subordinated term debts 4,210,566 1,008,028 1,004,355
Retirement benefit obligation 479,575 354,854 257,476 212,494 127,307 108,056 67,706 52,571 55,306 17,311
Current tax liabilities 187,070 143,988 32,153 23,110 260,733 113,192 70,561 44,014 191,215
Deferred tax liabilities 58,000 46,629 66,411 53,513 46,005 24,122 18,433 22,752
Other liabilities 1,491,759 767,833 769,413 873,924 935,350 750,144 765,237 987,558 756,891 729,566
Total liabilities 100,114,645 89,369,040 75,043,553 60,513,519 54,992,643 35,876,573 26,352,358 21,639,655 18,170,328 15,386,299
Stated capital 5,921,538 5,921,538 5,758,689 4,062,962 3,794,095 3,533,545 2,526,532 2,526,532 2,427,532 1,820,268
Statutory reserve fund 228,282 215,611 197,764 172,373 154,596 118,664 94,417 82,106 65,070 47,803
Retained earnings 1,491,554 1,280,762 1,340,504 1,249,742 1,302,003 997,107 489,355 433,926 575,288 384,523
Other reserves 27,605 30,815 34,203 34,203 46,657 46,657 269,943 217,337 121,504 46,657
Total equity 7,668,979 7,448,727 7,331,160 5,519,280 5,297,351 4,695,974 3,380,247 3,259,901 3,189,394 2,299,252
Total equity and liabilities 107,783,624 96,817,767 82,374,713 66,032,799 60,289,994 40,572,547 29,732,605 24,899,556 21,359,722 17,685,551
Contingent liabilities and commitments 177,752 182,986 166,260 148,030 136,574 129,507 144,378 143,214 141,262 100,815
Other information
Number of accounts (CIF numbers) 1,384,175 1,310,198 1,230,406 1,131,355 1,068,345 992,782 903,476 858,454 697,227 585,508
Number of customer centres 94 94 91 88 87 82 82 81 79 72
Number of employees 1,475 1,504 1,363 1,248 1,198 1,004 856 823 884 735