Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 31 December Stated capital Reserves
voting shares

reserve fund


Available for sale
reserve/Fair value
through OCI


Balance as at 31 December 2017 5,758,689,211 197,763,963 1,340,503,863 (12,453,979) 46,656,973 7,331,160,031
Impact of adoption of SLFRS 9 as at 1 January 2018 (37,054,387) (37,054,387)
Restated balance under SLFRS 9 as at 1 January 2018 5,758,689,211 197,763,963 1,303,449,476 (12,453,979) 46,656,973 7,294,105,644
Profit for the year 356,950,119 356,950,119
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) (33,116,620) (3,388,111) (36,504,731)
Total comprehensive income for the year 323,833,499 (3,388,111) 320,445,388
Transactions with equity holders, recognised directly in equity
Scrip dividend 162,848,915 (191,726,035) (28,877,120)
Dividends to equity holders (136,947,168) (136,947,168)
Transfer to statutory reserve fund 17,847,506 (17,847,506)
Total transaction with equity holders 162,848,915 17,847,506 (346,520,708) (165,824,287)
Closing balance as at 31 December 2018 5,921,538,126 215,611,469 1,280,762,267 (15,842,090) 46,656,973 7,448,726,745
Opening balance as at 1 January 2019 5,921,538,126 215,611,469 1,280,762,267 (15,842,090) 46,656,973 7,448,726,745
Profit for the year 253,405,096 253,405,096
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) (29,943,202) (3,209,534) (33,152,736)
Total comprehensive income for the year 223,461,894 (3,209,534) 220,252,360
Transfer to statutory reserve fund 12,670,255 (12,670,255)
Closing balance as at 31 December 2019 5,921,538,126 228,281,724 1,491,553,906 (19,051,624) 46,656,973 7,668,979,105

Statutory reserve fund

Every licensed specialised bank has to make a provision not less than 5% out of profit after tax to the statutory reserve fund. Such provision should be made annually as stipulated by the Banking Act No. 30 of 1988 as amended by Banking (Amendment) Act No. 33 of 1995 until the said reserve fund is equal to 50% of the equity capital of the Bank. Thereafter, the Bank has to make a provision not less than 2% out of profit after tax to the statutory reserve fund until the said fund is equal to the Equity Capital of the Bank.

General reserve

The general reserve is created after provisioning for a statutory reserve fund and interim dividend payments for the respective shareholders, this reserve will be used by the Bank for the future capitalisation purposes of the Bank.

Available for sale/Fair value through OCI reserve

The available for sale/Fair value through OCI reserve is consist of fair value adjustment made to unquoted equity investment.

The Accounting Policies and Notes on pages 140 through 190 form an integral part of the Financial Statements.
