Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 December Note 2019
Cash and cash equivalents 13 2,429,790,570 4,171,938,630
Placements with banks 14 5,628,094,545 9,528,425,565
Financial assets fair value through profit or loss 15 3,527,310,141 146,103,330
Financial assets at amortised cost
– loans and receivables to other customers 16 85,823,334,862 77,507,021,162
– debt and other instruments 17 6,998,924,881 3,405,600,286
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 18 56,938,514 60,148,048
Property, plant and equipment 13 645,231,444 704,738,493
Right of use assets 20 651,270,748
Investment properties 21 21,278,600 22,334,630
Intangible assets 22 308,444,541 3,727,725
Deferred tax assets 11.2 232,481,661 69,414,926
Other assets 23 1,460,523,822 1,198,314,390
Total assets 107,783,624,329 96,817,767,185
Due to other customers 24 72,431,923,465 67,474,821,535
Other borrowings 25 20,299,717,968 15,420,967,962
Debt securities issued 26 1,014,034,248 4,198,547,716
Subordinated term debts 27 4,210,565,525 1,008,027,823
Retirement benefit obligation 28 479,575,300 354,854,450
Current tax liabilities 187,069,978 143,987,552
Other liabilities 29 1,491,758,740 767,833,402
Total liabilities 100,114,645,224 89,369,040,440
Stated capital 30 5,921,538,126 5,921,538,126
Statutory reserve fund 31 228,281,724 215,611,469
Retained earnings 32 1,491,553,906 1,280,762,267
Other reserves 33 27,605,349 30,814,883
Total equity 7,668,979,105 7,448,726,745
Total equity and liabilities 107,783,624,329 96,817,767,185
Contingent liabilities and commitments 34 177,752,357 182,986,032


I certify these Financial Statements are in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007.

Terrance Kumara
Chief Financial Officer

The Board of Directors is responsible for these Financial Statements.
Signed for and on behalf of the Board by;


M S Kiriwandeniya

Lakshman Abeysekera
Senior Director

Thilak Piyadigama
Chief Executive Officer

Tamarika Rodrigo
Company Secretary

The Accounting Policies and Notes on pages 140 through 190 form an integral part of the Financial Statements.

26 February 2020
