A |
AC | Air Conditioner |
ACA | Associate Chartered Accountant |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
AFS | Available for Sale |
AGM | Assistant General Manager/Annual General Meeting (as appropriate) |
ALCO | Assets and Liability Management Committee |
AML | Anti-Money Laundering |
AT I | Additional Tier I |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
AWPLR | Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate |
B |
BAC | Board Audit Committee |
BCP | Business Continuity Plan |
BIA | Business Impact Analysis |
BIRMC | Board Integrated Risk Management Committee |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
BIO | Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries NV/SA |
Bn. | Billions |
BNO | Bank Notes Operation |
BOD | Board of Directors BRPTRC Board Related Party Transaction Review Committee |
BRC | Business Registration Certificate |
BSS | Baseline Standard |
C |
CAR | Capital Adequacy Ratio |
CASL | Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICASL) |
CBSL | Central Bank of Sri Lanka |
CCB | Capital Conservation Buffer |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CET 1 | Common Equity Tier I |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CO2e | Carbon Dioxide Equivalent, is a standard unit for measuring carbon footprints |
CRIB | Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka |
CRMU | Credit Risk Management Unit |
CRRF | Credit Risk Review Function |
CSE | Colombo Stock Exchange |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility |
D |
DFI | Development Financial Institutions |
DGM | Deputy General Manager |
DMS | Document Management System/ Delinquency Monitoring System |
DPS | Dividend per Share |
DRP | Disaster Recovery Plan |
DGGF | Dutch Good Growth Fund (Stichting foundsbeheer DGGF lokaal MKB) |
E |
EAR | Earnings at Risk |
EIR | Effective Interest Rate |
EPF | Employees’ Provident Fund |
EPS | Earnings per Share |
ERM | Enterprise Risk Management |
ESC | Economic Service Charges |
ESOP | Employee Share Option Plan |
ETF | Employees’ Trust Fund |
EUR | Euro |
EVA | Economic Value Addition |
EWS | Early Warning Signals |
F |
FSVAT | Financial Services Value Added Tax |
G |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GHG | Green House Gas |
GL | General Ledger |
GRI | Global Reporting Initiative |
GRO | Group Risk Officer |
H |
HO | Head Office |
HQLA | High Quality Liquid Assets |
HR | Human Resources |
HRD | Human Resources Development |
HTM | Held to Maturity |
I |
IBSL | Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka |
ICAAP | Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process |
ICASL | Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce |
ICOFR | Internal Control Over Financial Reporting |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
IFA | Investment Fund Account |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards |
IIRC | International Integrated Reporting Council |
IND | Independent Director |
IRMC | Integrated Risk Management Committee |
IRMU | Integrated Risk Management Unit |
ISMS | Information Security Management System |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
IT | Information Technology |
K |
kg | Kilograms |
km | Kilometre |
KMP | Key Management Personnel |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KRI | Key Risk Indicators |
kWh | Kilowatt-hour |
KYC | Know Your Customer |
L |
LCB | Local Commercial Bank |
LCR | Liquidity Coverage Ratio |
LGD | Loss Given Default |
LKAS | Sri Lanka Accounting Standards |
LTV | Ratio Loan to Value Ratio |
M |
m3 | Cubic meter |
MIS | Management Information Systems |
MoM | Month on Month |
Mn. | Millions |
MSME | Micro, Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneur |
MW | Megawatt |
N |
N/A | Not Applicable |
NBT | Nation Building Tax |
NED | Non-Executive Director |
NIC | National Identity Card |
NID | Non-Independent Director |
NII | Net Interest Income |
NIM | Net Interest Margin |
NPA | Non-Performing Assets |
NPL | Non-Performing Loans |
O |
OBS | Off-Balance Sheet |
OCI | Other Comprehensive Income |
ORMU | Operational Risk Management Unit |
OTC | Over-the-Counter |
P |
p.a. | Per Annum |
P/E | Price Earnings Ratio |
PAT | Profit After Tax |
PBT | Profit Before Tax |
PD | Probability of Default |
PoS | Point of Sale |
Q |
Q&A | Question and Answer |
R |
RCSA | Risk and Control Self Assessments |
RMU | Risk Management Unit |
ROA | Return on Assets |
ROCE | Return on Capital Employed |
ROE | Return on Equity |
RPT | Related Party Transaction |
RPTRC | Related Party Transactions Review Committee |
RSA | Rate Sensitive Assets |
RSL | Rate Sensitive Liabilities |
RWA | Risk Weighted Assets |
S |
SAFA | South Asian Federation of Accountants |
SBU | Strategic Business Unit |
SDF | Standing Deposit Facility |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka |
SLA | Statutory Liquid Assets |
SLAR | Statutory Liquid Asset Ratio |
SLAS | Sri Lanka Accounting Standards |
SLDB | Sri Lanka Development Bonds |
SLF | Standing Lending Facility |
SLFRS | Sri Lanka Financial Reporting Standards |
SLIBOR | Sri Lanka Inter Bank Offered Rate |
SLIPS | Sri Lanka Interbank Payments System |
SME | Small and Medium Enterprises |
SMS | Short Message Service |
SREP | Supervisory Review Process |
SWIFT | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication |
T |
Tn. | Trillion |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
TRWCR | Total Risk Weighted Capital Ratio |
TT | Telegraphic Transfer |
V |
VAR | Value at Risk |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
W |
WHT | Withholding Tax |
Y |
YoY | Year on Year |