The Bank’s business model revolves around financial intermediation and maturity transformation. It is designed to ensure that we are geared to make the most of future opportunities while mitigating risks. Financial intermediation necessitates and allows the Bank to operate with higher business volumes in comparison with the available capital. The underlying gearing and maturity transformation expose the Bank to various risks such as credit, market, and operational in addition to global, local, and industry trends. We have deployed a robust risk management framework to manage all such risks underlying our business model.
Our strategic direction provides focus and structure for internal responsibilities. It also gives employees a common purpose towards which to drive their activities.
As a responsible corporate citizen with a strong rural presence in Sri Lanka we are able to leverage our strategic direction and core operations towards the socio-economic progress of the communities within which we operate. By aligning them in this manner, we also contribute towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (For more information on activities conducted during the year under review refer The Commitment to Society and Environment on pages 69 and 70.)
By steering the business in alignment with our transformation agenda and the SDGs, we are better able to meet our development mission sustainably while lessening our impact on the environment.