With the environment within which we operate constantly changing, often in unanticipated ways, maintaining a sound dialogue with all our stakeholders is central to formulating a strategy that is future fit. Global, local, and industry trends impact how we deliver value to our stakeholders and in turn derive value from them. At all times we strive to achieve such value creation both sustainably and in the short, medium, and long term.
We define stakeholders as an individual or a group that can be significantly impacted by our actions, products, or services. We remain acutely conscious that our stakeholders’ perceptions and behaviour can significantly impact our licence to operate and meet strategic goals.
We use both formal and informal forms of engagement with stakeholders to formulate the Bank’s strategy. Their concerns are
key considerations in delivering the core purpose of SDB bank.
Stakeholders we engage with are the individuals and entities who can reasonably be expected to be impacted by the Bank’s activities, products, services, and financial performance. We also take into consideration the level of impact a stakeholder might reasonably
be expected to have on the Bank’s ability to successfully implement
its strategies.
Mechanisms we use to engage with stakeholders include: