Statement of Changes in Equity

Stated Capital
Rs. ’000
Revaluation Reserve Rs. ’000 Fair Value Reserve
Rs. ’000
Statutory Reserve Fund
Rs. ’000
Retained Earnings
Rs. ’000
Total Equity
Rs. ’000
Balance as at 1 April 2019, as previously reported 1,185,062 577,574 1,662,912 5,239,855 8,665,403
Changes in capital structure due to amalgamation* (15) 204,881 204,866
Restated balance as at 1 April 2019 1,185,062 577,574 1,662,897 5,444,736 8,870,269
Rights issue 1,019,356 1,019,356
Total comprehensive income for the year 2019/20*
Profit for the year 1,837,050 1,837,050
Other comprehensive income for the year
Equity investments at FVOCI – net change in fair value (38,915) (38,915)
Net actuarial gain on defined benefit plan (Refer Note 38) 62,061 62,061
Total comprehensive income for the year 2019/20 (38,915) 1,899,111 1,860,196
Transactions with equity holders of the Company
Dividends to equity holders for the year – 2018/19 – Cash (169,703) (169,703)
Dividends to equity holders for the year – 2018/19 – Scrip 145,945 (169,703) (23,758)
Transfers during the year (Refer Note 41.2) 8,510 91,251 (99,761)
Total transactions with equity holders 145,945 8,510 91,251 (439,167) (193,461)
Balance as at 31 March 2020 2,350,363 577,574 (30,405) 1,754,148 6,904,680 11,556,360
Balance as at 1 April 2020 2,350,363 577,574 (30,405) 1,754,148 6,904,680 11,556,360
Impact of amalgamation ** (86,491) (86,491)
Total comprehensive income for the year 2020/21
Profit for the year 2,556,954 2,556,954
Other comprehensive income for the year
Adjustment in Deferred tax on revaluation 32,087 32,087
Equity investments at FVOCI – net change in fair value 68,116 68,116
Net actuarial loss on defined benefit plan (Refer Note 38) (74,806) (74,806)
Total comprehensive income for the year 2020/21 32,087 68,116 2,482,148 2,582,351
Transactions with equity holders of the Company
Transfers during the year (Refer Note 41.2) (33,787) 127,848 (94,061)
Total transactions with equity holders (33,787) 127,848 (94,061)
Balance as at 31 March 2021 2,350,363 609,661 3,924 1,881,996 9,206,276 14,052,220

The Notes to the Financial Statements on pages144 to 248 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Figures in brackets indicate deductions.

*Comparative information for the year ended 31 March 2020 have been restated to reflect the effect of amalgamation. (Refer Note 3)

**Unisons Capital Leasing Limited (with effect from 18 May 2020) and Fortune Properties Limited (with effect from 31 December 2020) have been amalgamated with Citizens Development Business Finance PLC. (Refer Note 3)
