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Risk Management
Serial Number | Headline Risk | Related Risk | Risk | Risk Control Measure/Mitigation Action |
1. | Political/Regulatory | Changes in Government policies | The government regulates the prices of pharmaceutical and medical device products to ensure they remain affordable and accessible The government’s policy supporting local manufacturing may impact procurement practices, potentially prioritising domestically produced goods |
2. | Political/Regulatory | Government policy on oil palm expansion/cultivation | Challenges to expanding palm oil production include new regulations banning replanting and increasing social pressure. These regulations restrict the ability to renew plantations, limiting growth opportunities |
3. | External | Exchange rate movements and limited foreign currency reserves | Potential loss due to adverse exchange rate fluctuations Limited availability of US dollars in the banking system, disrupting the supply chain |
4. | Business | Debtors – Government | Potential debtor write-offs occur when debts cannot be recovered, impacting the company’s profitability and cash flow |
5. | Business | Increase in raw material prices | Potential impacts on cost structure and availability may affect quality tea, fertilizers, and confectionery raw materials |
6. | Business | Volume degrowth in Private Sector | Consumption may drop as people prioritize essential purchases over non-essentials |
7. | Technology | Cyber Security Information Security | Businesses face continuity challenges due to potential data breaches, cyber-attacks on internal IT systems and infrastructure, and associated reputational risks |