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Financial Reports

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

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For the year ended 31 March 2024
Rs. ’000
2023 Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax for the year 8,071,886 5,660,640 1,974,740 1,251,075
Adjustments for:
Interest Income (525,313) (477,806) (159,616) (91,626)
Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment 2,221 (25,722)
Biological assets – (gain)/loss from produce crop valuation (10,558) (14,455)
Impairment of intercompany loan 14,000
Impairment of investment in subsidiary 1,034
Impairment of goodwill 354,295
Gain on fair valuation of livestock (29,431) 157,440
Interest expense 980,115 1,463,801 1,218 28,973
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 771,098 787,998 28,113 25,050
Amortisation of intangible assets 92,214 87,055 5,269
Depreciation of mature plantations 179,312 196,741
Provision/(reversal) and write off for bad and doubtful debts 318,629 175,819
Provision/(reversal) and write-off for inventories 103,939 154,756
Write-off of intangible asset (458)
Amortisation of capital grants (2,358) (2,358)
Amortisation of leasehold right to land 17,536 100,932
Fair value gain/(loss) 6,352 39,989 13,462 355
Provision for retirement benefit obligations 235,618 162,859 40,993 29,603
Rent concession (4,605)
Timber fair valuation gain (10,486)
Operating profit before working capital changes 10,211,260 8,806,433 1,913,944 1,248,698
Changes in:
Decrease/(increase) in inventories (2,306,107) (2,262,768) 1,587 (1,883)
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables (2,208,854) (1,053,650) (15,883) 108,596
Decrease/(increase) in amounts due from related parties 117,693 (106,254) (38,122) 8,463
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables 1,179,565 6,143 63,187 (64,506)
Increase/(decrease) in amounts due to related parties (55,000) (10,728) 269 4
Cash generated from operating activities 6,938,557 5,379,176 1,924,982 1,299,372
Interest paid (494,687) (1,362,250) (270) (24,914)
Income tax paid (2,226,550) (1,944,113) (103,702)
Employee benefits paid (133,626) (66,454)
Net cash from operating activities 4,083,694 2,006,359 1,924,712 1,170,756
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest received 525,313 477,806 143,359 67,152
(Investments)/disposal in other investments 882,237 72,714
(Investments)/disposal in short term investments (1,540,386) (366,293) (574,364) (25,000)
(Investment)/disposal of subsidiary (500,000) (1,440,000)
Investments in debentures 100,000
Investment in gratuity fund 9,000 19,030
Additions to bearer plants (36,021) (64,052)
Investment in live stock (306,209) (165,176)
Additions to property, plant and equipment (709,789) (1,502,498) (5,973) (1,332)
Acquisition of Intangible assets (21,006) (40,135)
Proceeds from sales of livestock 63,122 57,870
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 30,121 472,160
Acquisition of non-controlling interest in subsidiaries (461,781)
Acquisition of subsidiaries (net of cash) (1,563,684)
Disposal of shares held in subsidiary 93,000
Acquisition of investment property (3,685) (13,293)
Net cash used in from investing activities (1,014,303) (3,077,332) (936,978) (1,299,180)
Cash flows from financing activities
Receipts of interest bearing borrowings 4,195,897 13,702,041 771,000
Proceeds from share issued by subsidiary to NCI 196,000
Repayments of interest bearing borrowings (2,958,226) (12,467,823) (771,000)
Payment of lease liabilities (167,853) (88,865) (20,724) (19,860)
Dividend paid (2,422,963) (1,616,668) (1,057,744) (245,987)
Net cash from financing activities (1,353,145) (275,315) (1,078,468) (265,846)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,716,246 (1,346,288) (90,734) (394,270)
Cash & cash equivalents at 1 April 1,001,633 2,347,210 814,025 1,208,295
Effect of movement in exchange rates (3,335) 711
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March 2,714,544 1,001,633 723,291 814,025

Figures in brackets indicate deductions.

The Accounting Policies and Notes 1 to 47 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.
