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Financial Reports

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

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As at 31 March

Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000
Property, plant and equipment 19 6,641,907 6,735,559 8,652 25,523
Intangible assets 20 277,903 349,109 14,490 19,759
Leasehold land 21 359,851 243,876
Biological assets 22 3,658,653 3,503,610
Investment property 23 631,212 627,529
Investments in subsidiaries 24 7,747,698 7,248,733
Other investments 26 833,617 519,017 782,224 465,734
Deferred tax assets 27 420,127 320,099 31,602 121,249
Goodwill on acquisition 24.4 1,387,106 1,387,106
Non-current assets 14,210,376 13,685,904 8,584,666 7,880,998
Biological assets 22 70,867 86,126
Other investments 26 1,770,256 1,084,020 846,226 225,000
Inventories 28 12,063,288 9,861,121 296 1,883
Current tax assets 29 139,136 139,070 75,566 74,195
Trade & other receivables 30 9,782,520 7,892,295 44,017 28,133
Amounts due from related parties 31 31,747 149,443 257,990 233,869
Cash and cash equivalents 32 5,403,789 3,110,102 723,291 814,025
Current assets 29,261,603 22,322,177 1,947,386 1,377,105
Total assets 43,471,979 36,008,081 10,532,052 9,258,103
Stated capital 33 4,240,394 4,240,394 4,240,394 4,240,394
Reserves 430,473 191,803 430,590 184,270
Retained earnings 14,233,958 11,356,303 5,572,519 4,638,236
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 18,904,825 15,788,500 10,243,503 9,062,901
Non-controlling interests 33.3 3,767,868 3,448,610
Total equity 22,672,693 19,237,110 10,243,503 9,062,901
Loans and borrowings 34 1,676,016 1,911,006 3,470
Employee benefits 35 1,009,377 883,412 190,922 141,256
Refundable deposit received 2,518
Deferred income and capital grants 36 36,726 39,084
Deferred tax liabilities 27 1,686,737 1,404,406
Non-current liabilities 4,408,856 4,240,426 190,922 144,726
Loans and borrowings 34 5,311,993 3,387,971 16,306
Trade and other payables 37 7,603,511 6,423,945 97,345 34,158
Amounts due to related parties 38 55,000 282 12
Current tax liabilities 29 785,681 555,159
Bank overdraft 32 2,689,245 2,108,469
Current liabilities 16,390,430 12,530,545 97,627 50,476
Total liabilities 20,799,286 16,770,971 288,549 195,202
Total equity and liabilities 43,471,979 36,008,081 10,532,052 9,258,103
Net assets per share 38.43 32.08 22.83 18.42

Figures in brackets indicate deductions.

The Accounting Policies and Notes 1 to 47 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

It is certified that the Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007.

Aruna Deepthikumara
Group Chief Financial Officer

The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these Financial Statements.

Approved and signed for and on behalf of the Board,

Amal Cabraal

S Sathasivam
Group Chief Executive Officer

30 May 2024

