DFCC Bank operates within a multifaceted ecosystem involving a broad spectrum of stakeholders; namely, its customers, shareholders, employees, regulators, the Government, communities, and the environment. The Bank’s actions wield a substantial and far-reaching impact on these stakeholders, determined by the Bank’s approach to managing its operations.

With a view to maximising the range of benefits accruing to its stakeholders, DFCC Bank utilises and enhances various forms of resources encompassing financial, customer, employee, intellectual, social, and natural capitals. These resources undergo continuous refinement and augmentation through the Bank’s operations, producing results and impacts that yield considerable value for all stakeholders.

The Bank’s activities recorded on its balance sheet, such as loans and investments, create financial value for both its shareholders and customers. Additionally, these activities play a pivotal role in fostering economic expansion and advancement across a broad range of segments in the country, thereby contributing towards the overall welfare of society.

Several activities carried out by the Bank contribute significant value to itself, as well as its stakeholders, though these are not reflected on the balance sheet. Such activities mainly comprise a wide range of sustainability initiatives and projects, which are carefully planned to align with the Bank’s Sustainability Strategy and cross cutting 6E Themes, and implementation is closely and consistently monitored to ensure maximum impact. The Bank’s investment in such endeavours elevates its reputation and brand resonance across a multitude of stakeholders, consequently fostering a heightened level of customer loyalty and trust.

Taking a broader viewpoint, DFCC Bank’s actions have a wide-ranging and manifold impact across its stakeholders and operational environment. Through the sustainable and responsible management of its operations, the Bank is in a position to amass and enrich its array of tangible and intangible resources, thereby generating enduring value for all stakeholders in the long-term.

A diverse range of factors having a significant impact on these elements encompass: trends within the operational landscape (Operating Environment), robust governance (Corporate Governance), adept risk management protocols (Integrated Risk Management), timely and meaningful engagement with stakeholders and their expectations (Stakeholders), significance (Stakeholders), strategic objectives (Strategic Direction and Outlook), and the ongoing evaluation and appraisal of the Bank’s performance.