For the year ended 31 December
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
LKR ’000
Gross income 10 106,883,450 74,959,516 107,441,538 75,471,383
Interest income 96,921,523 69,863,356 96,924,661 69,867,327
Interest expenses 65,697,026 43,342,290 65,584,019 43,268,327
Net interest income 11 31,224,497 26,521,066 31,340,642 26,599,000
Fee and commission income 5,239,924 3,643,039 5,238,670 3,641,487
Fee and commission expenses 1,335,294 766,002 1,335,294 766,002
Net fee and commission income 12 3,904,630 2,877,037 3,903,376 2,875,485
Net gains from trading 13 1,055,107 63,216 1,055,107 63,216
Net gains from derecognition of financial assets 14 2,838,626 99,112 2,838,626 99,112
Net other operating income 15 828,270 1,290,793 1,384,474 1,800,241
Total operating income 39,851,130 30,851,224 40,522,225 31,437,054
Impairment for loans and other losses 16 13,984,830 17,041,471 13,984,830 17,058,972
Net operating income 25,866,300 13,809,753 26,537,395 14,378,082
Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 17 4,777,944 4,444,212 5,037,299 4,678,123
Depreciation and amortisation 18 1,123,853 1,124,666 1,190,663 1,188,433
Other expenses 19 5,818,220 4,548,101 5,756,308 4,478,732
Operating profit before taxes on financial services 14,146,283 3,692,774 14,553,125 4,032,794
Taxes on financial services 20 3,185,957 1,253,301 3,185,957 1,253,301
Operating profit after taxes on financial services 10,960,326 2,439,473 11,367,168 2,779,493
Share of profits of associate and joint venture 1,140,981 332,719
Profit before income tax 10,960,326 2,439,473 12,508,149 3,112,212
Income tax expense 21 3,740,624 (73,879) 3,849,610 70,301
Profit for the year 7,219,702 2,513,352 8,658,539 3,041,911
Profit attributable to:
Equity holders of the Bank 7,219,702 2,513,352 8,485,146 2,932,475
Non-controlling interests 173,393 109,436
Profit for the year 7,219,702 2,513,352 8,658,539 3,041,911
Earnings per share
Basic/diluted earnings per ordinary share (LKR) 22 17.27 6.75 20.30 7.88

The notes to the financial statements form part of these financial statements.