We depend on our investors for future growth and expansion. Therefore, we work to maintain their trust and confidence. The Bank strives to consistently provide high returns to its stakeholders through sustainably earning optimum profits.

The Bank maintains regular communication with its investors, providing timely information on financial performance and progress. We value the trust placed on us by our investors, as this will assure us of being able to raise additional capital as and when required. Thus, we will be able to realise our targets for sustainable growth and expansion.

Shareholder Profile

The bank had 10,103 shareholders as at 31 December 2023, compared with 10,459 as at 31 December 2022, with a total of 421,948,655 shares in issue. Institutions account for 83.17 % of the Bank’s total share capital. 86.13% is held by local shareholders, both individual and institutional.

Share Information

DFCC Bank share price information, for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.

2023 2022
Price indices
ASPI 10,654 8,489.66
S&P SL20 3,068 2,635.63
Share price
Lowest price (LKR) 28.6 31.00
Highest price (LKR) 95.5 63.70
Closing price (LKR) 79.6 32.00
Market capitalisation
Value (LKR Mn) 33,587 12,885
Percentage of total market cap 0.79 0.34
Rank 30 58
Value of shares traded
Value (LKR Mn) 5,299 599
Percentage of total market turnover 1.29 0.09
Rank 20 121
Days traded
Number of days traded 242 231
Total number of market days 242 231

Distribution of Shareholding

Categories of Shareholders

As at 31 December 2023 2022
Shareholding (%) Foreign Local Total Foreign Local Total
Individual 8.54 8.29 16.83 6.49 13.61 20.10
Institutional 5.33 77.84 83.17 5.03 74.87 79.90
Total 13.87 86.13 100.00 11.52 88.48 100.00

Distribution of Shareholding by Size

As at 31 December 2023 2022
Share range Number of shareholders Total holding % Number of shareholders Total holding %
1 – 1,000 5,920 1,437,085 0.35 6,343 1,807,299 0.45
1,001 – 10,000 3,462 9,397,310 2.23 3,458 9,557,980 2.38
10,001 – 100,000 608 17,319,332 4.10 558 14,372,961 3.58
100,001 – 1,000,000 84 21,457,390 5.08 74 19,317, 520 4.80
Over 1,000,000 29 372,337,538 88.24 26 357,590,296 88.79
10,103 421,948,655 100.00 10,459 402,666,056 100.00

Public Holding

As at 31 December 2023 2022
Public holding % 67.0 67.0
Number of public shareholders 10,086 10,443
Float adjusted market capitalisation (LKR Mn) 22,509 8,636
Applicable option as per CSE listing 7.13.1 (i) (a) Option 1 Option 2

Twenty Major Shareholders of the Bank

As at 31 December 2023 2022*
Name of Shareholder/Company Number of shares % Number of shares %
1. Hatton National Bank PLC A/C No. 1 52,629,168 12.47 50,224,072 12.47
2. Bank of Ceylon – No. 2 A/C (BOC PTF) 44,141,353 10.46 42,124,141 10.46
3. Lolc Investment Holding Three (Private) Limited 42,194,864 9.99 40,266,605 9.99
4. Mr M A Yaseen 35,524,244 8.41 25,684,181 6.37
5. Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Ltd. – Life Fund 32,000,355 7.58 30,537,974 7.58
6. Employee’s Provident Fund 28,277,617 6.70 26,985,361 6.70
7. Lolc Finance Plc/Don & Don Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. 27,454,780 6.51
8. Melstacorp PLC 25,973,794 6.15 24,786,820 6.15
9. Seafeld International Limited 20,558,446 4.87 19,618,948 4.87
10. People’s Leasing & Finance Plc/
Don and Don Holdings (Private) Limited
9,891,470 2.34 9,439,441 2.34
11. Renuka City Hotels PLC 8,037,892 1.90 7,670,569 1.90
12. Renuka Hotels PLC 4,726,698 1.12 4,510,693 1.12
13. Employees Trust Fund Board 4,627,590 1.09 4,416,115 1.09
14. Seylan Bank PLC/ARRC Capital (Pvt) Ltd. 4,316,969 1.02
15. Akbar Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. A/C NO 1 3,149,088 0.74 3,005,179 0.74
16. Anverally International (Pvt) Limited 3,089,081 0.73 2,947,914 0.73
17. Cargo Boat Development Company PLC 2,898,893 0.68 2,766,417 0.68
18. Don and Don Holdings Private Limited 2,801,730 0.66 28,873,821 7.17
19. Mr G b d Tilakarathne 2,750,000 0.65
20. Peoples Leasing & Finance Plc/Mrs M E Amarasinghe 2,678,062 0.63
Total of the 20 major shareholders 357,722,094 84.69
Other shareholders 64,226,561 15.31
Total 421,948,655 100.00

* Shareholding as at 31 December 2022 of the twenty largest shareholders as at 31 December 2023

Return to Shareholders – Bank

Description 2023 2022
Profit for the year (LKR Mn) 7,220 2,513
Return on total assets (%) 1.82 0.46
Net assets per share (LKR) 160.54 125.96
Earnings per share (LKR) 17.27 6.75
Dividend per share (LKR) 5.00 2.00

Financial Returns

DFCC Bank tries to consistently provide high returns to its shareholders through earning optimum profits in a sustainable manner. The Directors approved a first and final dividend of LKR 5.00. per share by way of LKR 3.00 per share in cash and LKR 2.00 per share in the form of a Scrip Dividend for the year ended 31 December 2023.

Bank's Dividend per share LKR
12 months ended December 2019 3.00
12 months ended December 2020 3.00
12 months ended December 2021 3.00
12 months ended December 2022 2.00
12 months ended December 2023 5.00

Dividends are based on growth in profits, while taking into consideration future cash requirements and the maintenance of prudent rations.