
As DFCC Bank assumes the roles of an investor, an employer, and a business partner, the activities it engages in can have an influence on the individuals and organisations it interacts with on a continuous basis. Similarly, their activities can also influence the business and they constitute the Bank’s stakeholders, with whom it establishes healthy and sustainable relationships based on the foundation of its seven core values.

Stakeholder engagement

The success of DFCC Bank is defined by the relationships the Bank establishes with its stakeholders. Meaningful engagement with stakeholders is fundamental to decision-making processes and fulfilling the Bank’s commitment towards responsible and sustainable value creation. The Bank engages with its stakeholders via various means and at frequencies that are most relevant to each stakeholder group.

External interactions

DFCC Bank is a member of several associations and organisations, and staff actively participate in activities coordinated by these institutions. A list of industry associations and organisations that we have obtained membership in or establish affiliations.


Our Board-approved Corporate Communications Policy ensures that investors can make well-informed decisions about investments in the Bank. Information about financial performance and progress is made public through the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) and is also communicated through the Annual Report, media releases and the website. We make every effort to convey context and insight on the Bank’s value creation process.

We communicate with investors through the Annual General Meeting, stock exchange announcements, the investor relations hotline, meetings, and teleconferences. Key issues tackled through these channels include Board governance, sustainable performance, and initiatives to enhance shareholder returns.


Understanding the interests and concerns of customers helps us to create and refine products and services, terms and conditions, tariffs, service standards, and financial advice. We engage with customers through our front-line staff, relationship managers, advertising and promotions, media releases, branch personnel, the Bank's website and social media platforms, alternate channels, the call centre, surveys, and other automated services.


DFCC Bank’s internal Code of Conduct is accessible to its employees via the internal web portal. The Code of Conduct expresses our business ethics in relation to avoidance of conflicts of interest, insider dealings, unfair business practices, and the confidentiality of sensitive information. A Whistleblowing Policy encourages employees to report any observations of illegal or unethical practices. A Board-approved Grievance Handling Policy and Procedure ensures that employees are provided with a fair, successful, and productive workplace environment.

We engage with employees through meetings, performance reviews, the intranet, the human resources portal, email bulletins, the weekly newsletter, training workshops and seminars, special events, employee surveys, the suggestion box, and grievance procedures.


The Bank’s international financiers are interested in the sourcing of funds, the progress of programmes financed, social and environmental management practices, compliance, the overall health of the Bank, and the latest developments and opportunities. We engage with business partners through electronic exchanges of information, teleconferences, and participation in review missions.

For the Bank’s suppliers, a Board-approved Procurement Policy has been established. Communications with suppliers primarily revolve around quality, reliability, and pricing, while building mutually rewarding long-term relationships.


Communications with regulators often cover compliance with regulations, business operations, financial information pertaining to the Bank, voluntary guidelines and best practices, new legal and regulatory developments, financial inclusion, and matters affecting the financial sector. The Bank also engages with regulators through industry bodies through the timely submission of prescribed reports and returns, participation in meetings, forums, task forces, and conferences, as well as media releases and the corporate website.


The Bank interacts with local communities through our branch network and public events. We support them through volunteer efforts and CSR activities that cover entrepreneurial development, education, environment conservation, emergency relief, and sponsor deserving causes. We also engage with them via the media through meetings, press conferences, press releases, and our corporate website.
