Quantitative Disclosures as per Schedule III of Banking Act Direction No. 01 of 2016, Capital Requirements under Basel III

Basel III Computation of Liquidity Coverage Ratio – All Currencies

Amount (LKR 000)
As at 31.12.2017 31.12.2016
un-weighted value
weighted value
un-weighted value
weighted value
Total Stock of High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) 57,330,169 56,380,414 33,793,942 32,777,711
Total Adjusted Level 1A Assets 55,311,905 55,311,905 31,627,816 31,627,816
Level 1 Assets 55,311,905 55,311,905 31,627,816 31,627,816
Total Adjusted Level 2A Assets 169,650 144,203 190,950 162,308
Level 2A Assets 169,650 144,203 190,950 162,308
Total Adjusted Level 2 B Assets 1,848,614 924,307 1,975,175 987,588
Level 2B Assets 1,848,614 924,307 1,975,175 987,588
Total Cash Outflows 297,199,823 72,429,675 234,880,834 27,389,642
Deposits 110,539,102 11,053,910 139,634,635 13,963,463
Unsecured wholesale funding 85,471,888 50,626,218 5,524,273 5,524,273
Secured funding transactions 3,193,156 15,314,274
Undrawn portion of committed (irrevocable) facilities and other contingent funding obligations 95,512,713 8,266,582 72,266,783 5,761,037
Additional Requirements 2,482,964 2,482,964 2,140,870 2,140,870
Total cash inflows 35,261,499 20,470,813 16,480,735 7,967,339
Maturing secured lending transactions backed by collateral 178,770 89,385 70,203 35,102
Committed facilities 1,000,000 1,000,000
Other inflows by counterparty which are maturing
within 30 days
33,543,891 20,314,000 14,251,905 7,808,813
Operational deposits 470,422 1,034,756
Other cash inflows 68,417 67,428 123,871 123,424
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (%) (Stock of High Quality Liquid Assets/Total Net Cash Outflows over the Next 30 Calendar Days)* 100 108.51 168.76


Basel III Computation of Liquidity Coverage Ratio – LKR Only

Amount (LKR 000)
As at 31.12.2017 31.12.2016
un-weighted value
weighted value
un-weighted value
weighted value
Total Stock of High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) 57,252,785 56,303,031 33,769,998 32,753,768
Total Adjusted Level 1A Assets 55,234,521 55,234,521 31,603,873 31,603,873
Level 1 Assets 55,234,521 55,234,521 31,603,873 31,603,873
Total Adjusted Level 2A Assets 169,650 144,203 190,950 162,308
Level 2A Assets 169,650 144,203 190,950 162,308
Total Adjusted Level 2B Assets 1,848,614 924,307 1,975,175 987,588
Level 2B Assets 1,848,614 924,307 1,975,175 987,588
Total Cash Outflows 223,260,953 57,527,010 181,344,999 21,827,013
Deposits 90,452,711 9,045,271 111,289,090 11,128,909
Unsecured wholesale funding 63,718,277 41,175,092 4,740,000 4,740,000
Secured funding transactions 3,193,156 15,314,274
Undrawn portion of committed (irrevocable) facilities
and other contingent funding obligations
63,775,251 5,185,089 47,964,329 3,920,798
Additional requirements 2,121,558 2,121,558 2,037,306 2,037,306
Total cash inflows 25,759,051 13,486,662 11,439,661 5,222,282
Maturing secured lending transactions
backed by collateral
178,770 89,385 70,203 35,102
Committed facilities 1,000,000 1,000,000
Other inflows by counterparty which are maturing
within 30 days
24,578,304 13,396,288 10,368,565 5,186,734
Operational deposits
Other cash inflows 1,977 988 894 447
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (%) (Stock of High Quality Liquid Assets/Total Net Cash Outflows over the Next 30 Calendar Days)* 100 127.84 197.26


As at 31.12.2017 31.12.2016
Bank Group Bank Group
Regulatory liquidity
Statutory liquid assets (lkr 000) 71,672,283 N/A 59,259,909 N/A
Statutory liquid assets ratio (20%)
Domestic banking unit (%) 24.34% N/A 24.56% N/A
Off-shore banking unit (%) 67.70% N/A 73.20% N/A


Maturity of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities

Bank as at 31 December 2017

Up to 1
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
Over 5
LKR 000

LKR 000
Financial Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 4,106,225 4,106,225
Balances with Central
Bank of Sri Lanka
10,557,688 10,557,688
Placement with banks 6,691,381 6,691,381
Reverse repurchase agreements
Derivative financial instruments 66,440 66,440
Financial assets –
held for trading
7,172 549 271,374 279,095
Loans to receivables from banks 786,286 1,364,645 952,263 9,808 6,339,072 1,536,000 10,988,074
Loans to receivables from
other customers
20,727,415 19,308,936 13,822,894 12,881,088 34,375,820 50,212,104 59,345,388 210,673,645
Financial assets –
available for sale
1,938,150 836,695 10,133,632 10,756,311 3,261,869 4,202,149 12,940,625 44,069,431
Financial assets –
held to maturity
204,111 973,548 817,554 2,542,722 6,104,030 11,420,684 1,451,159 23,513,808
Other assets 2,042,795 254,972 164,728 790,507 279,972 433,590 1,736,059 5,702,623
Total financial assets 47,120,491 22,745,968 25,891,620 26,980,436 50,360,763 67,804,527 75,744,605 316,648,410
Financial Liabilities
Due to banks 68,965 45,501 2,871,692 4,659,044 2,001,746 9,646,948
Derivative financial instruments 367,435 367,435
Securities sold under
repurchase agreements
3,193,156 1,322,489 27,022 3,397 4,546,064
Due to other customers 30,289,983 47,714,707 43,909,341 15,226,199 10,401,732 9,459,778 29,690,589 186,692,329
Debt issued and other
borrowed funds
1,103,460 487,564 1,472,028 17,489,427 20,456,228 11,678,491 16,251,765 68,938,963
Dividend payable 47,318 47,318
Other liabilities 3,892,393 3,163,947 3,115,282 3,313,094 233,646 139,804 776,021 14,634,187
Total financial liabilities 38,915,392 52,734,208 51,395,365 40,691,161 33,093,352 21,278,073 46,765,693 284,873,244
Total net financial
8,205,099 (29,988,240) (25,503,745) (13,710,725) 17,267,411 46,526,454 28,978,912 31,775,166
Guarantees 16,571,273 16,571,273
Acceptance 1,545,458 2,559,024 1,829,954 8,233 11,520 5,954,189
Forward contracts 9,984,303 5,044,794 22,760,617 328,300 38,118,014
Documentary credit 2,333,711 5,788,172 662,801 359,235 9,143,919
Bills for collection 2,305,466 2,305,466
Total Contingencies 22,755,908 18,331,499 7,537,549 23,128,085 339,820 72,092,861
Undrawn overdrafts 12,350,333 12,350,333
Undrawn loans 38,883,858 38,883,858
Undrawn credit card limits 585,502 585,502
Undrawn indirect credit facilities 10,510,442 10,510,442
Capital commitments 751,422 751,422
Undrawn leases 522,440 522,440
Total Commitments 63,603,997 63,603,997
Total Commitments and
86,359,905 18,331,499 7,537,549 23,128,085 339,820 135,696,858

* Represents the aggregate of the contractual maturities based on undiscounted cash flows.

Bank as at 31 December 2016

Up to 1
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
1-3 Years LKR 000 3-5
LKR 000
Over 5
LKR 000

LKR 000
Financial Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 4,335,934 4,335,934
Balances with Central
Bank of Sri Lanka
8,062,567 8,062,567
Placement with banks 1,351,117 1,351,117
Reverse repurchase agreements 1,000,000 1,000,000
Derivative financial instruments 122,977 122,977
Financial assets – held for trading
Loans to receivables from banks 705,780 4,708,313 3,984,302 33,621 2,882,671 12,314,687
Loans to receivables
from other customers
14,587,474 12,985,037 6,909,033 10,439,270 26,675,967 40,788,377 57,202,195 169,587,353
Financial assets –
available for sale
9,615,871 546,067 10,890,126 3,324,310 1,478,485 1,377,885 6,158,418 33,391,162
Financial assets –
held to maturity
3,007,813 5,430,960 9,914,312 2,817,591 8,793,961 3,743,940 3,210,292 36,918,869
Other assets 2,727,570 633,976 301,237 1,030,046 214,747 340,437 780,580 6,028,593
Total financial assets 45,517,103 24,304,353 31,999,010 17,644,838 40,045,831 46,250,639 67,351,485 273,113,259
Financial Liabilities
Due to banks 5,600,272 750,500 500,333 6,500,667 13,351,772
Derivative financial instruments 105,741 105,741
Securities sold under
repurchase agreements
15,314,274 922,518 69,942 5,225 16,311,959
Due to other customers 24,607,724 31,100,991 33,172,443 12,753,679 7,327,950 6,011,841 21,238,712 136,213,340
Debt issued and other
borrowed funds
998,300 5,852,654 1,473,877 6,904,141 22,472,482 11,058,121 17,219,846 65,979,421
Dividend payable 57,538 57,538
Other liabilities 3,349,477 2,265,617 2,397,989 2,958,117 192,806 118,168 792,152 12,074,326
Total financial liabilities 49,975,788 40,892,280 37,114,251 23,121,495 36,493,905 17,188,130 39,308,250 244,094,097
Total net financial assets/(liabilities) (4,458,685) (16,587,927) (5,115,241) (5,476,657) 3,551,926 29,062,509 28,043,235 29,019,162
Guarantees 9,444,116 9,444,116
Acceptance 1,176,614 1,610,244 1,399,312 46,381 17,337 4,249,888
Forward contracts 1,320,734 17,877,698 7,505,700 26,704,132
Documentary credit 779,344 4,065,867 486,638 181,738 5,513,587
Bills for collection 3,148,059 3,148,059
Total Contingencies 14,548,133 6,996,845 19,763,648 7,733,819 17,337 49,059,782
Undrawn overdrafts 11,978,026 11,978,026
Undrawn loans 26,594,981 26,594,981
Undrawn credit card limits 565,740 565,740
Undrawn indirect credit facilities 12,400,027 12,400,027
Capital commitments 329,437 329,437
Undrawn leases 520,419 520,419
Total Commitments 52,388,630 52,388,630
Total Commitments and Comtingencies 66,936,763 6,996,845 19,763,648 7,733,819 17,337 101,448,412

* Represents the aggregate of the contractual maturities based on undiscounted cash flows.

Maturity Gap Analysis of Foreign Currency Denominated Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities – USD

As at 31 December 2017 Up to 1
USD 000
USD 000
USD 000
USD 000
USD 000
USD 000
Over 5
USD 000

USD 000
Total assets 64,483 29,634 15,313 1,980 48,855 39,970 259,724 459,959
Total liabilities 74,061 50,965 35,354 133,232 66,329 59,174 34,340 453,455
Total net financial
(9,578) (21,331) (20,041) (131,252) (17,474) (19,204) 225,384 6,504


As at 31 December 2016 Up to 1
USD 000
USD 000
USD 000
USD 000
USD 000
USD 000
Over 5
USD 000

USD 000
Total assets 42,554 52,162 40,073 1,033 29,611 24,158 167,622 357,213
Total liabilities 82,832 29,500 45,093 23,624 135,679 20,858 14,522 352,108
Total net financial Assets/(liabilities) (40,278) 22,662 (5,020) (22,591) (106,068) 3,300 153,100 5,105


Sensitivity of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities

Bank as at 31 December 2017

Up to 1
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
Over 5
LKR 000
LKR 000

LKR 000
Financial Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 655,327 3,450,898 4,106,225
Balances with Central Bank of Sri Lanka 10,557,688 10,557,688
Placements with banks 6,691,381 6,691,381
Derivative financial instruments 66,440 66,440
Financial assets –
held for trading
7,172 549 707,039 714,760
Loans to & receivables
from banks
786,285 1,364,645 952,263 9,808 6,339,072 1,536,000 10,988,073
Loans to and receivables
from other customers
118,551,359 7,678,804 8,163,974 17,702,281 22,549,741 14,456,335 19,917,642 4,007,064 213,027,200
Financial assets –
available for sale
1,324,866 152,193 9,939,379 10,756,311 3,261,869 4,202,149 7,514,493 6,330,180 43,481,440
Financial assets – held to maturity 94,591 751,618 789,281 2,504,267 5,305,704 11,305,164 1,451,159 1,312,022 23,513,806
Other assets 6,098,846 6,098,846
Total financial assets 128,103,809 9,954,432 19,845,446 30,972,667 37,456,386 31,499,648 29,590,333 31,823,136 319,245,859
Financial Liabilities
Due to banks 1,500,000 2,850,000 4,000,000 74,967 8,424,967
Derivative financial instruments 367,435 367,435
Securities sold under
repurchase agreements
4,399,347 1,370,312 34,132 3,434 5,807,225
Due to other customers 64,009,635 44,884,132 41,302,210 10,666,994 1,238,153 296,199 19,409,793 4,885,212 186,692,327
Debt issued and other
borrowed funds
4,880,057 5,711,305 9,472,820 15,789,650 13,037,474 5,249,052 14,719,928 68,860,286
Dividend payable 47,338 47,338
Other liabilities 49,046,280 49,046,280
Total financial liabilities 73,289,039 53,465,749 53,659,162 30,460,078 14,275,627 5,545,251 34,129,721 54,421,231 319,245,858
Interest rate sensitivity gap 54,814,772 (43,511,317) (33,813,716) 512,589 23,180,759 25,954,397 (4,539,388) (22,598,095)


Bank as at 31 December 2016

Up to 1
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
Over 5
LKR 000
LKR 000

LKR 000
Financial Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 889,413 3,434,847 4,344,260
Balances with Central Bank of Sri Lanka 8,062,567 8,062,567
Placements with banks 1,351,117 64,868 1,415,985
Derivative financial instruments 122,977 122,977
Financial assets –
held for trading
Loans to and receivables
from banks
675,450 4,617,076 3,940,090 53,350 2,604,973 11,890,939
Loans to and receivables
from other customers
116,050,716 6,283,736 5,116,762 8,833,491 21,648,751 9,080,556 13,422,936 3,269,092 183,706,040
Financial assets –
available for sale
10,651,169 510,240 10,887,124 3,270,995 1,515,170 1,464,296 1,979,807 30,278,801
Financial assets –
held to maturity
2,332,364 751,384 5,930,925 2,216,966 5,209,929 3,091,440 1,469,005 8,138,283 29,140,296
Other assets 5,251,057 5,251,057
Total financial assets 131,950,229 12,162,436 25,874,901 14,374,802 30,978,823 13,636,292 16,871,748 28,363,691 274,212,922
Financial Liabilities
Due to banks 10,093,225 750,500 7,215,936 43,926 18,103,587
Derivative financial instruments 103,564 103,564
Securities sold under
repurchase agreements
12,464,980 922,518 69,942 5,225 13,462,665
Due to other customers 46,146,229 28,912,802 31,216,723 20,710,644 3,058,727 1,197,377 47,258 4,923,581 136,213,340
Debt issued and other
borrowed funds
1,260,748 6,265,601 6,066,018 5,233,941 23,301,026 8,441,121 13,507,079 1,400 64,076,934
Dividend payable 60,828 60,828
Other liabilities 42,192,004 42,192,004
Total financial liabilities 69,965,182 36,851,421 37,352,683 25,949,810 33,575,689 9,638,498 13,554,337 47,325,303 274,212,922
Interest Rate Sensitivity Gap 61,985,047 (24,688,985) (11,477,782) (11,575,008) (2,596,866) 3,997,794 3,317,411 (18,961,612)

Key Regulatory Ratios – Capital

As at 31.12.2017
Bank Group
Regulatory capital (LKR 000)
Common equity Tier 1 33,017,170 34,211,431
Tier 1 capital 33,017,170 34,211,431
Total capital 41,993,352 43,187,613
Regulatory capital ratios (%)
Common equity Tier 1 capital ratio
(minimum requirement – 5.75%)
12.68% 13.09%
Tier 1 capital ratio (minimum requirement – 7.25%) 12.68% 13.09%
Total capital ratio (minimum requirement – 11.25%) 16.13% 16.53%


Basel III Computation of Capital Ratios

As at 31.12.2017
LKR 000
LKR 000
Common equity Tier 1 (cet 1) capital after adjustments 33,017,170 34,211,431
Common equity Tier 1 (cet 1) capital 38,035,888 41,884,674
Equity capital (stated capital)/assigned capital 4,715,814 4,715,814
Reserve fund 2,224,275 2,224,275
Published retained earnings/ (accumulated retained losses) 13,858,152 17,357,048
Published accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (oci) 3,457,808 3,807,698
General and other disclosed reserves 13,779,839 13,779,839
Unpublished current year’s profit/loss and gains reflected in oci
Ordinary shares issued by consolidated banking and financial subsidiaries of
the Bank and held by third parties
Total adjustments to cet 1 capital 5,018,718 7,673,243
Goodwill (net) 156,226
Intangible assets (net) 498,084 502,411
Others (investment in capital of banks and financial institutions) 4,520,634 7,014,606
Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital after adjustments
Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital
Qualifying Additional Tier 1 capital instruments
Instruments issued by consolidated banking and financial subsidiaries of
the Bank and held by third parties
Total Adjustments to AT1 capital
Investment in own shares
Others (specify)
Tier 2 capital after adjustments 8,976,182 8,976,182
Tier 2 capital 8,976,182 8,976,182
Qualifying Tier 2 capital instruments 8,008,628 8,008,628
Revaluation gains
Loan Loss Provisions 967,554 967,554
Instruments issued by consolidated banking and financial subsidiaries of
the Bank and held by third parties
Total Adjustments to Tier 2
Investment in own shares
Others (specify)
CET1 capital 33,017,170 34,211,431
Total Tier 1 capital 33,017,170 34,211,431
Total capital 41,993,352 43,187,613
Total Risk Weighted Assets (RWA)
RWAs for Credit Risk 237,481,831 237,671,154
RWAs for Market Risk 8,109,913 8,109,913
RWAs for Operational Risk 14,783,335 15,508,584
CET1 Capital Ratio (including Capital Conservation Buffer,
Countercyclical Capital Buffer and Surcharge on D-SIBs) (%)
12.68% 13.09%
of which: Capital Conservation Buffer (%) 1.25% 1.25%
of which: Countercyclical Buffer (%) N/A N/A
of which: Capital Surcharge on D-SIBs (%) N/A N/A
Total Tier 1 Capital Ratio (%) 12.68% 13.09%
Total Capital Ratio (including Capital Conservation Buffer,
Countercyclical Capital Buffer and Surcharge on D-SIBs) (%)
16.13% 16.53%
of which: Capital Conservation Buffer (%) 1.25% 1.25%
of which: Countercyclical Buffer (%) N/A N/A
of which: Capital Surcharge on D-SIBs (%) N/A N/A
Credit Risk under Standardised Approach – Credit Risk Exposures and Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM) Effects
As at 31 December 2017 – Bank
Asset Class Exposures before Credit Conversion
Factor (CCF) and CRM
Exposures post CCF and CRM RWA and RWA Density (%)
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000

LKR 000
Claims on Central Government
and CBSL
76,773,069 16,035,593 76,773,069 1,420,281 2,158,694 3%
Claims on Foreign Sovereigns and
their Central Banks
Claims on Public Sector Entities 6,280,534 364,969 364,969 100%
Claims on Official Entities and
Multilateral Development Banks
Claims on Banks Exposures 7,406,789 33,860,192 7,406,789 725,070 4,554,548 56%
Claims on Financial Institutions 9,079,267 562,500 9,079,267 375,000 5,382,553 57%
Claims on Corporates 95,723,730 55,980,424 90,556,225 25,793,187 113,273,818 97%
Retail Claims 45,068,598 36,436,649 32,730,202 90%
Claims Secured by Residential
9,171,660 9,147,320 7,547,539 83%
Claims Secured by Commercial
Real Estate
43,913,872 585,219 43,913,872 585,219 44,499,092 100%
Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) (i) 2,804,072 2,804,072 3,689,728 132%
Higher-risk Categories 375,378 375,378 938,445 250%
Cash Items and Other Assets 21,303,137 4,826,702 21,160,735 4,826,702 22,358,057 86%
Total 317,900,106 111,850,630 298,018,345 33,725,459 237,481,831

(i) NPAs – As per Banking Act Directions on Classification of loans and advances, income recognition and provisioning.
(ii) RWA Density – Total RWA/Exposures post CCF and CRM.


Credit Risk under Standardised Approach – Credit Risk Exposures and Credit Risk Mitigation (CRM) Effects
As at 31 December 2017 – Group
Asset Class Exposures before Credit Conversion
Factor (CCF) and CRM
Exposures post CCF and CRM RWA and RWA Density (%)
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000

LKR 000
Claims on Central Government and CBSL 76,773,069 16,035,593 76,773,069 1,420,281 2,158,694 3%
Claims on Foreign Sovereigns and their Central Banks
Claims on Public Sector Entities 6,280,534 364,969 364,969 100%
Claims on Official Entities and Multilateral Development Banks
Claims on Banks Exposures 7,408,512 33,860,192 7,485,860 725,070 4,554,548 55%
Claims on Financial Institutions 9,079,267 562,500 9,079,267 375,000 5,382,553 57%
Claims on Corporates 95,723,730 55,980,424 90,556,225 25,793,187 113,273,818 97%
Retail Claims 45,068,598 36,436,649 32,411,557 89%
Claims Secured by Residential Property 9,171,660 9,147,320 7,547,539 83%
Claims Secured by Commercial Real Estate 43,913,872 585,219 43,913,872 585,219 44,499,092 100%
Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)(i) 2,804,072 2,804,072 3,689,728 132%
Higher-risk Categories 413,823 413,823 1,034,557 250%
Cash Items and Other Assets 21,719,944 4,826,702 21,577,542 4,826,702 22,754,099 86%
Total 318,357,081 111,850,630 298,552,668 33,655,685 237,671,154

(i) NPAs – As per Banking Act Directions on Classification of loans and advances, income recognition and provisioning.
(ii) RWA Density – Total RWA/Exposures post CCF and CRM.


Credit Risk under Standardised Approach: Exposures by Asset Classes and Risk Weights
Description Amount (LKR 000) as at 31 December 2017 (Post CCF and CRM) – Bank
Risk Weight Asset Classes 0% 20% 50% 75% 100% 150% >150% Total Credit
Exposures Amount
Claims on Central
Government and
Central Bank of Sri Lanka
67,399,879 10,793,472 78,193,351
Claims on Foreign
Sovereigns and their
Central Banks
Claims on Public
Sector Entities
364,969 364,969
Claims on Official
Entities and Multilateral
Development Banks
Claims on Banks
1,239,330 5,203,321 1,689,207 8,131,859
Claims on Financial
1,406,530 5,892,980 2,154,757 9,454,267
Claims on Corporates 2,245,892 2,557,762 111,545,759 116,349,412
Retail Claims 546,846 1,849,901 6,718,725 27,321,178 36,436,649
Claims Secured by
Residential Property
3,199,563 5,947,757 9,147,320
Claims Secured by
Commercial Real Estate
44,499,092 44,499,092
Non-Performing Assets
9,486 1,013,791 1,780,796 2,804,072
Higher-risk Categories 375,378 375,378
Cash Items and
Other Assets
3,603,883 31,871 22,351,683 25,987,437
Total 71,550,607 17,566,996 16,863,112 6,718,725 216,888,193 1,780,796 375,378 331,743,806


Description Amount (LKR’ 000) as at 31 December 2017 (Post CCF and CRM) – Group
Risk Weight Asset Classes 0% 20% 50% 75% 100% 150% >150% Total Credit
Exposures Amount
Claims on Central
Government and
Central Bank of Sri Lanka
67,399,879 10,793,472 78,193,351
Claims on Foreign
Sovereigns and their
Central Banks
Claims on Public
Sector Entities
364,969 364,969
Claims on Official
Entities and Multilateral
Development Banks
Claims on Banks
79,071 1,239,330 5,203,321 1,689,207 8,210,930
Claims on Financial
1,406,530 5,892,980 2,154,757 9,454,267
Claims on Corporates 2,245,892 2,557,762 111,545,759 116,349,412
Retail Claims 546,846 1,849,901 6,718,725 27,321,178 36,436,649
Claims Secured by
Residential Property
3,199,563 5,947,757 9,147,320
Claims Secured by
Commercial Real Estate
44,499,092 44,499,092
Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) 9,486 1,013,791 1,780,796 2,804,072
Higher-risk Categories 413,823 413,823
Cash Items and Other Assets 3,624,648 31,871 22,747,725 26,404,244
Total 71,650,443 17,566,996 16,863,112 6,718,725 217,284,235 1,780,796 365,177 332,278,130


Market Risk under Standardised Measurement Method
31 December 2017
Item Bank
LKR 000
LKR 000
(a) RWA for Interest Rate Risk 912,365 912,365
General Interest Rate Risk 885,626 885,626
  (i) Net Long or Short Position 885,626 885,626
  (ii) Horizontal Disallowance
  (iii) Vertical Disallowance
  (iv) Options
Specific Interest Rate Risk
(b) RWA for Equity 12,567 12,567
  (i) General Equity Risk 7,570 7,570
  (ii) Specific Equity Risk 4,998 4,998
(c) RWA for Foreign Exchange & Gold 14,172 14,172
Capital Charge for Market Risk [(a) + (b) + (c)] * CAR 8,109,913 8,109,913


Operational Risk under Basic Indicator Approach – Bank
Business Lines Capital
charge factor
Gross Income
Year ended 31 December
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
The basic indicator approach 15 13,147,262 11,308,687 8,806,555
Capital charges for operational risk (LKR 000)
The basic indicator approach 1,663,125
Risk weighted amount for operational risk (LKR 000)
The basic indicator approach 14,783,335
Operational Risk under Basic Indicator Approach – Group
Business Lines Capital
charge factor
Gross Income
Year ended 31 December
LKR 000
LKR 000
LKR 000
The Basic Indicator Approach 15 13,239,349 11,564,991 10,089,973
Capital charges for operational risk (LKR 000)
The basic indicator approach 1,744,716
Risk weighted amount for operational risk (LKR 000)
The basic indicator approach 15,508,584


Differences between Accounting and Regulatory Scopes and Mapping of Financial Statement Categories with Regulatory Risk Categories – Bank only
Amount (LKR 000) as at 31 December 2017
Item Carrying values
as reported in
Carrying values
under scope of
Subject to
credit risk
Subject to
market risk
Not subject to
or subject to
from capital
Explanation for differences between
accounting and regulatory reporting
Cash and cash equivalents 4,106,225 4,108,401 4,108,401
Balances with central banks 10,557,688 10,557,688 10,557,688
Placements with banks 6,691,381 6,691,381 6,691,381
Derivative financial instruments 66,440 Included under other asset in regulatory reporting
Other financial assets –
310,922 36,974,546 36,907,117 67,429 held for trading which are classified as AFS in published Financial Statements.
Loans and receivables to banks 10,984,266 Stated under held to maturity in regulatory reporting
Loans and receivables to
other customers
213,675,866 213,027,200 196,846,026 19,953,307 The impairment allowance for loans and advances on a collective and individual basis in accordance with LKAS 39 – Financial Instrument – Recognition and Measurement. The general and specific provisions are made in a accordance with Central Bank of Sri Lanka. The difference between the balance under SLFRS and previous GAAP.
Financial investments –
available-for-sale (AFS)*
56,866,054 Classified into held to maturity and held for trading regulatory reporting
Financial investments –
23,507,632 41,521,228 36,944,571 4,576,657 are classified as AFS in published financial statements.
Investments in subsidiaries 167,036 202,305 202,305 Investments in associates are included in regulatory reporting in addition to those in subsidiaries
Investments in associates
and joint ventures
790,270 In regulatory reporting, the investments in joint ventures are stated under held to maturity
Property, plant and equipment 1,273,250 1,273,250
Goodwill and intangible assets 498,084 498,084 498,084
Other assets 3,612,228 4,391,724 4,518,513
Total assets 333,107,342 319,245,807 298,018,347 67,429 24,932,164
Due to banks 9,640,735 Included under Other Borrowings in regulatory reporting
Derivative financial instruments 367,435 Included under Other Liabilities in regulatory reporting
Due to other customers* 193,307,534 186,692,330 186,692,330 Interest payable on deposits are stated under Other Liabilities in regulatory reporting
Other borrowings* 41,319,591 74,092,476 74,092,476 Due to banks and Debt Securities Issued are included under this heading in regulatory reporting
Debt securities issued* 24,443,767 Included under Other Borrowings in regulatory reporting
Current tax liabilities 633,636 503,367 503,367 Taxes are computed based on different profits under each reporting method.
Deferred tax liabilities 1,194,027 1,016,856 1,016,856 Due to deferred tax adjustments on government securities classified as available for sale financial assets.
Other liabilities 5,120,981 13,486,355 13,486,355 Interest payable on Borrowing and deposits added to the Other Liabilities in regulatory reporting
Due to subsidiaries*
Subordinated term debts 9,202,870 9,000,000 991,372 Regulatory reporting reports only the principal amount
Total liabilities 285,230,576 284,791,384 276,782,756
Off–balance sheet liabilities
Guarantees 12,480,687 12,480,687 12,480,687
Performance bonds 4,090,585 4,090,585 4,090,585
Letters of credit and acceptances 15,098,107 15,098,107 15,098,107
Other contingent items (bills on collection and
capital expenditure
approved by the board)
2,305,466 2,305,466 2,305,466
Undrawn loan commitments 62,852,575 62,852,575 62,852,575
Other commitments
(FX commitments)
38,743,903 38,743,903 38,743,903
sheet liabilities 135,571,324 135,571,324 133,265,858 2,305,466
Shareholders' equity
Equity capital (stated capital)/
assigned capital of which
amount eligible for CET1 of
which amount eligible for AT1
4,715,814 4,715,814
Retained earnings 13,858,152 13,847,980 Due to differences which arise in profits computed in previous GAAP and SLFRSs
Accumulated other
comprehensive income
13,298,686 Accumulated other comprehensive income is only applicable in published Financial Statements
Other reserves 16,004,114 15,890,629 15,784,114 Due to differences which arise in profits computed in previous GAAP and SLFRSs
Total shareholders' equity 47,876,766 34,454,475 15,784,114

* Regulatory reporting to Central Bank of Sri Lanka is based on previous GAAP where as published financial statements are based on Sri Lanka Financial Reporting Standards (SLFRSs).
* The effective interest rate (EIR) adjustments required by LKAS 39 on these financial instruments are adjusted in published financial statements.
