Investor Engagement

Listening to and maintaining a dialogue with the investors, both existing and potential, helps DFCC Bank to understand their expectations and concerns. Through this dialogue, the Bank fine-tunes engagement and structure reporting to be more relevant to them. This way, mutual trust and a loyal following of investors is built where they take a long-term view of the value of their investments in the Bank. Details about the frameworks that govern the Bank’s engagement process and communication with investors can be found under Stakeholders in the chapter on Business Model.

The CEO maintains a dialogue with key institutional investors and raises any matters of concern to the Board. The Board approved Communication Policy of the Bank ensures that information is made available to shareholders and other stakeholders through timely disclosures made to the CSE, publicity through press and electronic media, and posts on the Bank’s website. The Annual General Meeting held on 30 March 2017 provided an opportunity for shareholders to interact with the Board and the Management.

Performance of the Share

The market value of the DFCC Bank PLC ordinary share on 31 December 2017 was LKR 122.80 compared to LKR 122.50 on 31 December 2016. During the 12 month period, the highest price of LKR 138.20 was recorded on 13 October 2017. The lowest price for the period was recorded on 28 March 2017 as LKR 110.00.

Share Information

DFCC Bank Share Price Information for the Period 1 January 2017 - 31 December 2017.

01 January to
31 Decmber2017
01 January to
31 Decmber 2016
Price Indices
ASPI 6,369.26 6,228.26
S&P SL20 3,671.72 3,496.44
Share Price
Lowest Price (LKR) 110.00 116.8
Highest Price (LKR) 138.20 168.1
Closing Price (LKR) 122.80 122.5
Market Capitalisation
Value (LKR million) 32,554 32,474
% of total market cap 1.12 1.18
Rank 18 18
Value of Shares Traded
Value (LKR million) 1,575.59 1,308.91
% of total market turnover 0.71 0.73
Rank 24 29
Days Traded
No. of days traded 237 240
Total no. of market days 240 240
% of market days traded 98.75 100
Frequency of Shares Traded
No. of transactions 5,350 5,350
% of total frequency 0.54 0.51
Rank 51 60

Distribution of Shareholding

Categories of Shareholders

As at 31 December 2017 31 December 2016
Foreign Local Total Foreign Local Total
Individual 8.02 7.60 15.62 5.76 8.35 14.11
Institutional 15.89 68.49 84.38 17.79 68.10 85.89
23.91 76.09 100.00 23.55 76.45 100.00

Size-wise Distribution of Shareholding

Share range 31 December 2017 31 December 2016
Number of
% Number of
01 – 1,000 5,641 1,794,816 0.68 5,630 1,817,586 0.69
1001 – 5,000 2,362 4,865,268 1.84 2,405 4,955,001 1.87
5,001 – 10,000 322 2,328,317 0.88 329 2,350,001 0.88
10,001 – 50,000 293 6,448,247 2.43 299 6,622,534 2.50
50,001 – 100,000 41 2,963,550 1.12 42 2,997,452 1.13
100,001 – 500,000 44 9,155,740 3.45 44 8,633,347 3.26
500,001 – 1,000,000 3 1,987,718 0.75 4 2,489,278 0.93
1,000,000 and above 22 235,554,032 88.85 23 235,232,489 88.74
8,728 265,097,688 100.00 8,776 265,097,688 100.00

Public Holding as at 31 December 2017

Public holding percentage 63.4%
Number of public shareholders 8,715
Float adjusted market capitalisation LKR 20,639 million
Applicable option as per CSE Listing Rule 7.13.1 (a) Option 1

Twenty Major Shareholders of the Bank as at 31 December 2017

Name of Shareholder/Company 31 December 2017 31 December 2016*
No. of shares % No. of shares %
Bank of Ceylon No. 2 A/c 38,039,994 14.35 38,039,994 14.35
Hatton National Bank PLC A/c No. 1 32,396,140 12.22 32,396,140 12.22
Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Limited – LifeFund 26,509,832 10.00 26,509,832 10.00
Mr M A Yaseen 26,296,700 9.92 20,296,700 7.66
Employees’ Provident Fund 24,368,995 9.19 24,368,995 9.19
Melstacorp PLC 22,175,280 8.36 22,175,280 8.36
Seafeld International Limited 15,286,794 5.77 15,286,794 5.77
HSBC Intl. Nom. Ltd. – BPSS Lux-Aberdeen Global Asia Pacific Equity Fund 9,901,281 3.73 12,216,146 4.61
Renuka City Hotels PLC 6,926,870 2.61 6,926,870 2.61
HSBC Intl. Nom. Ltd. – BP2S LDN-Aberdeen Asia Pacific Equity Fund 5,470,928 2.06 6,750,000 2.55
HSBC Intl. Nominees Ltd. – BP2S London-Edinburg Dragon Trust PLC 4,555,187 1.72 5,620,164 2.12
Renuka Hotels PLC 4,073,360 1.54 4,073,360 1.54
Employees’ Trust Fund Board 3,987,952 1.50 3,987,952 1.50
HSBC Intl. Nominees Ltd. – BP2S London-Aberdeen Asia Smaller Companies Investment Trust 3,889,870 1.47 3,889,870 1.47
Akbar Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. A/c No. 1 2,552,270 0.96 1,255,747 0.47
Cargo Boat Development Company PLC 2,498,200 0.94 2,498,200 0.94
Anverally & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. A/c No. 1 1,553,415 0.59 1,528,395 0.58
Crescent Launderers & Dry Cleaners (Pvt) Ltd. 1,482,548 0.56 1,482,548 0.56
HSBC Intl. Nominees Ltd. – BP2S London-Aberdeen New Dawn Investment Trust XCC6 1,458,914 0.55 1,800,000 0.68
Renuka Consultants & Services Ltd 1,097,992 0.55 1,097,992 0.41
Total of the 20 major shareholders 234,522,522 88.45
Other shareholders 30,575,166 11.55
Total 265,097,688 100.00

* Shareholding as at 31 December 2016 of the twenty largest shareholders as at 31 December 2017.
