The Consolidated Financial Statements of Sunshine Holdings PLC are prepared in compliance with Sri Lanka Financial Reporting Standards/SLFRS issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, Companies Act No. 07 of 2007, Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Act No. 15 of 1995, and the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange. The Accounting Policies used in the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements are appropriate and are consistently applied by the Company (material departures, if any, have been disclosed and explained in the notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements). There are no departures from the prescribed Accounting Standards in their adoption. Comparative information has been re-classified wherever necessary to comply with the current presentation.
The significant accounting policies and estimates that involve a high degree of judgement and complexity were discussed with our External Auditors and the Audit Committee. The Board of Directors, the Audit Committee and the Group Chief Financial Officer of the Company accept responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of these Consolidated Financial Statements. The estimates and judgements relating to the Consolidated Financial Statements were made on a prudent and reasonable basis, in order that the Consolidated Financial Statements reflect in a true and fair manner, the forms and substance of transactions and that the Company’s state of affairs is reasonably presented. To ensure this, the Company has taken proper and sufficient care in installing a system of internal control and accounting records, for safeguarding assets and for preventing and detecting frauds as well as other irregularities, which is reviewed, evaluated and updated on an ongoing basis. Our Subsidiaries Internal Auditors have conducted periodic audits to provide reasonable assurance that the established policies and procedures of the Company were consistently followed. However, there are inherent limitations that should be recognised in weighing the assurance provided by any system of internal controls and accounting.
The Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company were audited by Messrs KPMG, Chartered Accountants and their report is given on page 49 of the Annual Report. The Audit Committee of the Company meets periodically with the internal audit team and the External Auditors to review their audit plans, assess the manner in which these Auditors are performing their responsibilities and to discuss their reports on, internal controls and financial reporting issues. To ensure complete independence, the External Auditors and the Internal Auditors have full and free access to the members of the Audit Committee to discuss any matters of substance.
The Audit Committee pre-approves the audit and non-audit services provided by our External Auditors KPMG in order to ensure that the provision of such services does not impair the External Auditor’s independence. We confirm that the Company has complied with all applicable laws and regulations and guidelines and that there are no material litigations that are pending against the Company other than those disclosed in the Financial Statements in the Annual Report.
V Govindasamy
Group Managing Director
Aruna Deepthikumara
Group Chief Financial Officer
27 May 2022